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Innovation Policy – A Systemic Approach
Many innovations arise spontaneously as a result of the market mechanism and the actions of capitalist firms, but some, especially the more radical ones, require public intervention. The first part of this chapter discusses when such policy interventions might be necessary and why. The next section discusses selectivity in innovation policy. The last (main) section of the chapter discusses the gen
Public Technology Procurement in Sweden. The X2000 High Speed Trains
This chapter describes and analyses the development of Sweden’s high-speed train (HST), the X2000, as a case of public technology procurement. The case study is based mainly on primary data collected in recent (1997) interviews with some of the main actors involved in the procurement process, but it also draws upon relevant secondary sources. The analysis employs evaluative criteria defined from t
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Has It Come to This? : The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering On the Brink
Geoengineering is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system in an attempt to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming. Now that climate emergency is upon us, claims that geoengineering is inevitable are rapidly proliferating. How did we get into this situation where the most extreme path now seems a plausible development? Is it an accurate representation of wh
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European Court of Human Rights and the Right not to be Subjected to Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
Against the backdrop of the rich judicial output of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the case law under Article 4 (slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is scarce. To be more precise, the existing judgments in which the Court has dealt with abuses inflicted by non-state actors (i.e. employers) reaching the level of sev
Human Trafficking and Slavery
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, dimethyl adipate, CAS Registry Number 627-93-0
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Vernonia lipase : A plant lipase with strong fatty acid selectivity
Restraint effects in portal frame bridges : Practical design methodologies and background information
This report presents methodology, results and conclusions from the PhD-project “Evaluation, modeling and handling of restraint stresses in concrete bridges”, which can be relevant for bridge designers. The project investigated thermal actions in portal frame bridges, and the widths of cracks resulting from restraint effects. The main results and conclusions are given in the summary in Swedish, whi
Gränslösa rörelser för fred 1889–1914 : Aktörskap, strategi och begreppsvärld hos socialistisk och liberal fredsaktivism
Avhandlingen behandlar den socialistiska respektive den liberala internationella fredsrörelse som agerade under kvartsseklet före första världskrigets utbrott 1914.During the 25 years before the First World War in 1914 two different kinds of peace movements, one bourgeois-liberal and one socialist, were organised to fight militarism and war. The two movements – represented by the International Peace Bureau and the Second International, respectively – grew in size between 1889 and 1914. At the beginning of 1914, IPB organized over 200 peace associations, repr
Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) after mult-professional follow-up ín women affected by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). : Report from a single center in Southern Sweden.
Adipose tissue concentrations of dioxins and dibenzofurans in patients with malignant lymphoproliferative diseases and in patients without a malignant disease
Concentrations of dioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF) were analysed in adipose tissue from seven patients with malignant lymphoproliferative diseases and 12 surgical patients without a malignant disease. All cases in the first group had reported potential exposure to PCDD and PCDF. Of the analysed congeners significantly higher concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 7, 8-pentachlorodioxin, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7,