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Att välja en hållbar informationshantering : en studie av implementeringen av verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning vid tre svenska kommunarkiv

This thesis seeks to examine the transition of three Swedish municipal archives from the old general archive classification system (allmänna arkivschemat) to a new process based classification system (verksamhetsbaserad arkivredovisning). Regulations issued by the Swedish National Archives are not binding for local government archives, and it is therefore free for the municipal archives to decide

Lunds domkyrka : Nya tiden: Byggnaden och arkitekterna

Lunds domkyrka är det främsta romanska byggnadsverket i Norden, med en byggnadshistoria som går tillbaka till 1000-talet. Domkyrkan har varit plats för avgörande händelser i politiska, teologiska och kulturella processer. Den nuvarande domkyrkan har här sin bakgrund; fortfarande är den ett centrum i Lunds stad och ett kyrkligt centrum i Sydsverige och Nordeuropa.Den 30 juni 1123 invigde ärkebiskop

Using Video Feedback in Collaborative Lesson Research with SEND Teachers of Students with Autism : a Case Report

This study used video feedback in a collaborative development study to help improve teachers’ perceptions of the learning needs of students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) and enhance their active participation in the classroom. Crucially, teachers need the necessary skills to discern students’ subtle communications, as students with ASD and co-occurring ID

Phenotypic Plasticity in Green Algae

Understanding how organisms respond to their environment is essential in an increasingly fast changing world. For many organisms, phenotypic plasticity is the first response to environmental change. I investigated 1) if there are consistent differences in plastic response in three environmental gradients (Nitrogen/Phosphorus ratio, salinity and temperature) and 2) quantified the variation in react

EzSkiROS: A Case Study on Embedded Robotics DSLs to Catch Bugs Early

When we develop general-purpose robot software components, we rarely know the full context that they will execute in. This limits our ability to make predictions, including our ability to detect program bugs early. Since running a robot is an expensive task, finding errors at runtime can prolong the debugging loop or even cause safety hazards. In this paper, we propose an approach to help develope

Förändring pågår! Förslag på förändringsarbete kring kön och könsidentitet i skolan - Bilaga 2

Att vara trans på olika sätt är ingen nödsituation och behöver inte vara dramatiskt. I stället för att enbart reagera i stunden kan politiker, rektorer, lärare, kuratorer, skolsköterskor och andra vuxna skapa en skola där färre spontana lösningar krävs eftersom det finns ett genomtänkt pedagogiskt och administrativt arbete, det som kallas ”whole-of-school approach” (Bartholomaeus & Riggs, 2017Being trans in different ways is not an emergency and does not have to be dramatic. Instead of reacting only in the moment, politicians, principals, teachers, counselors, nurses and other adults can create a school where fewer spontaneous solutions are needed because there is well thought-out pedagogical and administrative work, what is called the 'whole-of-school approach' (Bartholomaeus & Ri

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En åpen og opplyst offentlig samtale er en forutsetning for et velfungerende demokrati. Dette idealet fordrer at borgere i stor grad tolererer meningsmotstandere fremfor å utvikle fiendtlige holdninger til dem man er uenig med. En rekke studier fra USA har imidlertid vist at borgere i økende grad er fiendtlig innstilt til velgere de er politisk uenig med (Iyengar et al., 2019). Dette fenomenet er

Circulating triglycerides are associated with human adipose tissue DNA methylation of genes linked to metabolic disease

Dysregulation of circulating lipids is a central element for the metabolic syndrome. However, it is not well established whether human subcutaneous adipose tissue is affected by or affect circulating lipids through epigenetic mechanisms. Hence, our aim was to investigate the association between circulating lipids and DNA methylation levels in human adipose tissue. DNA methylation and gene expressi

Investigation of the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment

Hard candy is hygroscopic, implying that hard candy readily absorbs moisture from the environment, resulting in adverse changes in the texture and appearance of the candy. This thesis investigates the impact of different sugar compositions on the moisture absorption of hard candy when exposed to a humid environment. Five different hard candy formulations were exposed to an 8-day storage experiment

Abdominal aortic aneurysm growth rates are not correlated to body surface area in screened men

BACKGROUND: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in 65-year-old males reduces aneurysm related mortality. Infrarenal aortic diameter (IAD) has been shown to correlate to body surface area (BSA) which could influence diagnostic criteria for AAA. This study investigates whether AAA growth rates are also dependent on BSA, as that might have potential effects on surveillance of small AAAs.MET

Sambandet mellan CSR och varumäkeslegitimitet

Research question: How does the communication of CSR strategies impact the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective? Purpose: The purpose of the report is to examine whether the communication of CSR strategies influences the legitimacy of fashion brands from a consumer perspective. Methodology: The study utilizes a qualitative research approach based on three conducted focus grou

Försonande dialog: Främjande av samförståndslösningar mellan föräldrar genom informationssamtal

Uppsatsen behandlar samförståndslösningar mellan föräldrar i vårdnadsmål med huvudfokus på de nyligen införda kravet på att föräldrar som överväger att ta en tvist om vårdnad, boende eller umgänge till domstol innan dess ska ha deltagit i ett gemensamt informationssamtal. Genom 2021 års lagreform på familjerättens område trädde Lag (2021:530) om informationssamtal i kraft den 1 januari 2022 vilketThis essay deals with consensual solutions between parents in custody cases with focus on what can be described as obligatory information meetings (in Swedish called informationssamtal). The purpose of these meetings is in the sake of the child and their best interests, to try and increase the chances of finding the least taxing way forward for the whole family. The act (2021:530) on information

Chloride-Based Additive Engineering for Efficient and Stable Wide-Bandgap Perovskite Solar Cells

Metal halide perovskite based tandem solar cells are promising to achieve power conversion efficiency beyond the theoretical limit of their single-junction counterparts. However, overcoming the significant open-circuit voltage deficit present in wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells remains a major hurdle for realizing efficient and stable perovskite tandem cells. Here, a holistic approach to overco

Tjänster av allmänt intresse : Ett svenskt perspektiv

Ansvaret för att tillhandahålla välfärdstjänster i Sverige ligger i huvudsak på kommuner, landsting och regioner. Det gäller bland annat tillgång till bostäder, hälso- och sjukvård, avfallshantering och utbildning.Utförandet är dock ofta en uppgift för privata aktörer, vilket innebär att det EU-rättsliga regelverket aktualiseras. I den här rapporten diskuterar professor Tom Madell vilken betydelse