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Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

This dissertation examines the role of modernism and modernity in Chinese spoken drama and film during the years between the May Fourth Movement and the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War. This influence is traced through close readings of a selection of works in different categories, underlining relevant themes and structures that are recurring in both drama and film.

Efficient Java™ monitors

In most real world systems, objects vastly out- numbers threads. This paper shows how this characteristic can be used to implement eficient JavaTMmonitors in a way that reduces the num- ber of needed monitors to be equal to the number of threads, while fulfilling the Java™synchronized semantics. Some additional benefits related to prior- ity inheritance and hierarchical resource locking will also

Offerkast and Roadside Memorials

The erection of roadside memorials in Sweden is commonly considered a novel practice, appearing during the last 10-15 years. Nevertheless similar precedent practices can be found in the history of Sweden. Stories about marking the site of an unexpected death with a cross could be said to date back to the eleventh century legend of Saint Sigfrid, telling of the first English missionary to spread C

Är EUs konkurrensprocess rättsäker?

Allt sedan kommissionens gryningsräd mot AstraZeneca år 2000 har jag följt behandlingen av bolagets numera fastslagna marknadsmissbruk. Det genomgående temat har varit om myndigheterna gett AstraZenecas invändningar en rimlig behandling. Har den relevanta marknaden avgränsats på ett korrekt sätt när AZ:s dominerande ställning fastställts? Är undanhållandet av information i ett patentmål och återka

Correlation between clinical characteristics and cerebrospinal fluid neuropeptide Y levels in dementia of the Alzheimer type and frontotemporal dementia

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has been shown to be involved in the control of several neuroendocrine functions. Moreover, in animal models, NPY produces behavioral effects that are similar to those induced by anxiolytics. We studied NPY-like immunoreactivity (NPY-LI) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in two primary degenerative dementias, Alzheimer disease (AD, n = 34) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD, n = 22)

A 1.8V transmitter for 10/100 Mbps Ethernet physical layer

A 0.18 mum 1.8 V CMOS transmitter for 10/100Mbps Ethernet physical layer standards is described in this paper. The circuit is substantively a current-steering digital-to-analog converter with 5-bit resolution, 125MHz sample rate and 4ns transition time. A novel latch circuit is designed, as well as a structure is provided to realize the accurate rise/fall time control of waveform

Manual annotation of evaluative language expressions : bridging discourse and corpus approaches

The analysis of evaluation in text poses significant methodological challenges, which mainly arise from the fact that: a) evaluative meanings can be expressed through an open-ended range of lexico-grammatical resources; b) they can span multiple words; c) context and co-text play a key role in determining the evaluative meaning of words or phrases; d) the interpretation of evaluation in text depen

‘The red seedlings’ of the Central Highlands: The social relatedness and political integration of selected ethnic minority groups in post-war Vietnam”

Based on an ethnographic study among selected ethnic minority groups in Kon Tum province of the Central Highlands of Vietnam, this paper discusses how popular discourses about social-cultural differences between the ‘civilized’ lowland majority Kinh people and ‘backward’ upland minority groups impact on political participation of the local people. Popular assumptions contend that ethnic minorities