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Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers of Synaptic Dysfunction Are Altered in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders

Background: Synaptic dysfunction and degeneration are central contributors to the pathogenesis and progression of parkinsonian disorders. Therefore, identification and validation of biomarkers reflecting pathological synaptic alterations are greatly needed and could be used in prognostic assessment and to monitor treatment effects. Objective: To explore candidate biomarkers of synaptic dysfunction

Old Norse into English into American English into Korean : some remarkable connections between modern Danish and Korean

A first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, receivedA first glance Korean and Danish seem to be seemingly far apart each other in every linguistic aspect, from the grammar over pronunciation to the written language, not to mention the elaborated polite-conjugations we find in Korean compared to the Danes’ habit of saying ‘you’ (‘du’) to just about everyone. However, both languages have, from the latter half of the 20th century to nowadays, received

Queer refugees in Sweden: responding to vulnerabilities

Academic research on a global level and somewhat in Sweden has addressed the risks queer refugees face, uncovering vulnerabilities, their responses, and views on the agency. Though they left open questions about how much queer refugees can or can not respond to their vulnerabilities, how is this correlated to their agency, and what is the intersectionality of their experiences. This research aims

Det välvda planet: Etnografisk teckning som insamlingsmetod för medeltida valvmålningar

Using a theoretical framework based upon the queer phenomenology of Sarah Ahmed as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, this study explores the process of translating medieval church murals to drawings. The study is based on my own drawings of two late-medieval church murals in Skåne, as well as 19th century ethnographer Nils Månsson Mandelgren’s drawings. In making drawing

Operation performance of an ultralow-temperature cascade refrigeration freezer with environmentally friendly refrigerants R290-R170

In the present study, the operation performance of an ultralow-temperature cascade refrigeration freezer is experimentally researched. The natural refrigerants R290-R170 are adopted as high-temperature and low-temperature fluids. The experimental test is conducted in a type laboratory with a dry bulb temperature of 32.0 °C and a wet bulb temperature of 26.5 °C. Different state monitors are set to

Detection of Pb2+traces in dispersion of Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals by in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy

The Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals are often used as a starting material for the preparation of green-emitting CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals by means of chemical and physical transformations. Herein, we probe the Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals dispersed in a solvent by liquid cell transmission electron microscopy (LCTEM). The nanocrystal dispersion in toluene is placed between two electron-transparent membranes s

Effects of Water Absorption on Mercury Contamination in Fiberbank Sediments using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

A large amount of contaminated cellulose and wood fibers were emitted directly onto the seabed by the pulp and paper industry before the year of 1970. This fiber-rich sediment contains concentrations of hazardous substances that cause environmental problems. Mercury (Hg) in the fiber sediment is a worldwide threat because it can bioaccumulate in the aquatic ecosystem and eventually affect human he

Effects of phosphorylation on the ADP-ribosylation activity of PARP16

PARP16/ARTD15 is an intracellular mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase that catalyzes auto- and heteromodification by transfer of a single ADP-ribose moiety. It belongs to the ADP-ribosyltransferase (ART) superfamily. ADP-ribosylation of amino acids on protein targets is critical in the regulation of cellular pathways in eukaryotes, especially involved in physiological functions, cell stress responses and

Strategies and planning to mitigate the effects of climate change in children’s outdoor playing environments

Background: Children’s need for play is intertwined with health and development. For many children public playgrounds represent environments that are playful and important in developing good health. Without efforts to facilitate climate adaptation of outdoor playgrounds there may be a loss of health and well-being during childhood and their future lives. Purpose: To explore the reasoning and descr

A proteomics dataset capturing myeloid cell responses upon cellular exposure to fungicides, adjuvants and fungicide formulations

Dendritic cells are the sentinels of the immune system, linking the innate and adaptive immune response. Myeloid and dendritic cell models have been successfully used in in vitro approaches to predict adverse outcomes such as skin sensitization. We here exposed a well-characterized human dendritic cell-like cell line to agricultural chemicals, including fungicide formulations, active ingredients,

X-Ray Tomography on Intestine Samples

Enteric neuropathy describes a disease of the bowel caused by anomalies in the enteric nervous system. Patients suffering from this disease have symptoms including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain. As enteric neuropathy is not well understood yet, its diagnosis is a non-trivial task. Research on the enteric nervous system is needed in order to gain a better understanding of this disease, makin

"Det som är mest påtagligt är att man aldrig fått frågan om man är våldsutsatt, man ses primärt som ett missbruksproblem" - en kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares resonemang kring att arbeta med kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relation där det också finns en missbruksproblematik

“What is most tangible is that you have never been asked if you are exposed to violence, you are primarily just seen as an addiction problem” - A qualitative study on social workers' reasoning about working with women who have been subjected to intimate partner violence where there is also a substance abuse problem. The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers in women's she