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Konsekvenser för energiåtervinning när materialåtervinning av avfall ökar

När samhället går från att vara linjärt till cirkulärt behöver de som behandlar avfall med energiåtervinning vara förberedda. Det cirkulära handlandet innebär att istället för att produkter slits och slängs så får materialet, eller ännu hellre produkten, ett nytt liv. Det är toppen för miljön att vi tar vara på resurser på ett mer effektivt sätt, och därför bör energiåtervinning ses som ett kompleThis thesis examines how the composition and properties of the waste that is treated with energy recovery may change based on today's decided legislation and actors' goals and activities. Specifically, municipal waste and operational waste from all kinds of businesses that is treated with energy recovery in the region of Stockholm has been investigated. The study, carried out in collaborat

Promoting responsible practices in international research collaboration in a multipolar landscape

Over the last few years, just as the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the growing need for open international collaboration, increasing geopolitical tensions and politicization of research are leading to higher barriers for transnational scientific cooperation. These deteriorating conditions for inclusive cooperation may hamper both the general advancement of knowledge and, more pointedly, our ab

Visualisation of sulphur on single fibre level for pulping industry

In the pulp and paper industry, about 5 Mt/y chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) are produced globally from softwood chips for production of carton board grades. For tailor making CTMP for this purpose, wood chips are impregnated with aqueous sodium sulphite for sulphonation of the wood lignin. When lignin is sulphonated, the defibration of wood into pulp becomes more selective, resulting in enhance

Åren när skörden inte mognade - En studie av förändrade bebyggelsemönster i södra Malmöområdet under 500-talet e.v.t.

This study aims to highlight some of the impacts following the climatic event of 536 C.E. This is achieved by analyzing and comparing excavated settlement patterns throughout the southern Malmö area in two phases that precede and succeed the year 550 C.E. Furthermore, the study evaluates a possible shift in social order and agency within the local community, as well as how this shift could potenti

Wide-angle x-ray diffraction evidence of structural coherence in CsPbBr3 nanocrystal superlattices

Films made of colloidal CsPbBr3 nanocrystals packed in isolated or densely-packed superlattices display a remarkably high degree of structural coherence. The structural coherence is revealed by the presence of satellite peaks accompanying Bragg reflections in wide-angle X-ray diffraction experiments in parallel-beam reflection geometry. The satellite peaks, also called “superlattice reflections”,

Vägen till kunskap. En intervjustudie om professionella som vågat ta steget att ge psykosocialt stöd till personer som utforskar sin könsidentitet

Through previous research, several factors concerning the lack of knowledge among professionals regarding their work with transgender clients have been identified. A need for more counseling support for transgender clients has also been identified. The following study aims to respond to these shortcomings by studying professionals in Sweden who have experience working with clients who are explorin

Do ectomycorrhizal exploration types reflect mycelial foraging strategies?

Ectomycorrhizal exploration types are commonly assumed to denote spatial foraging patterns and resource-related niches of extraradical mycelia. However, empirical evidence of the consistency of foraging strategies within exploration types is lacking. Here, we analysed ectomycorrhizal foraging patterns by incubating root-excluding ingrowth mesh bags filled with six different substrates in mature Pi

Symbolisk lagstiftning i svensk kriminalpolitik - En analys av den kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen

I förevarande uppsats analyseras den svenska kriminalpolitiska utvecklingen utifrån begreppet symbolisk lagstiftning. Symbolisk lagstiftning är lagstiftning som syftar till att minska kriminalitetsnivån, men som egentligen är ineffektiv och endast har en lugnande effekt på medborgarna. I den rättsvetenskapliga litteraturen anklagas statsmakten för att införa symboliska lagstiftningar, vilket är anThis thesis has aimed to analyze Swedish criminal policy based on the concept symbolisk lagstiftning. In English, it is referred to as symbolic legislation. Symbolic legislation is legislation that is ineffective to prevent crime, but make the government appear energetic and convincing in the eyes of the citizens. In the jurisprudence literature, the government is accused of imposing symbolic legi

Köparens möjligheter att utkräva ansvar av säljaren och mäklaren vid brister i förvärvad fastighet

Denna uppsats handlar om i vilken utsträckning en fastighetsköpare kan ut-kräva ansvar av antingen säljaren eller mäklaren alternativt bägge två i de fall fastighetens beskaffenhet avviker från vad köparen förväntade sig vid köptill-fället. Av undersökningen framgår att säljarens och mäklarens ansvar ser olika ut men att de delvis överlappar varandra. Vad gäller frågan huruvida en köpare kan göraThis essay examines to which extent a buyer of property can hold either the seller or the realtor, or both, accountable in cases where the real estate deviates from what the buyer expected at the time of the purchase. The investigation shows that a seller’s and a realtor’s responsibility differ, but in some cases overlap. As regards to the question whether a buyer can hold a seller liable due to a

Where access and benefit-sharing comes from: A historical overview

The international legal system of access and benefit-sharing of genetic resources (or ABS) under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is an ever-evolving field as its material, temporal and activity scope is still under discussion to meet the needs of the advancement of research and development activities as well as the questions of fairness and equity that evolve with them. Activities, su

Pillar 2 - Konsekvenser för svenska fastighetsbolag

Handel med kommersiella fastigheter sker i regel genom fastighetspaketering. Detta innebär att fastigheten säljs i form av ett enskilt aktiebolag, vars enda tillgång är den berörda fastigheten. Paketeringsförfarandet är möjligt på grund av reglerna kring näringsbetingade andelar och möjliggör en skattefri transaktion för avyttrande part. Detta är en avsevärd skattelättnad gentemot direktförsäljninTrade in commercial properties is usually made through "real estate packaging" which means that properties are sold in the form of a separate limited liability company whose only asset is the property in question. The packaging procedure is possible due to the rules regarding commercial shares. It makes a tax-free transaction possible for the divesting part, which is a considerable tax r

Revisorns ekonomiska brottsbekämpning - En rättsanalytisk studie av revisorns anmälningsskyldighet enligt ABL

Ekonomisk brottslighet (ekobrott) i aktiebolag är ett stort samhällsproblem i Sverige där revisorn fyller en viktig funktion vid misstanke om brott för ett fungerande näringsliv. Regeringen har sedan 1999 verkat för att effektivisera revisorernas brottsbekämpning för att förebygga och upptäcka ekobrott. Revisorn blev skyldig att anmäla misstanke om brott som kan upptäckas inom revisionsverksaEconomic crime (white-collar crime) in limited companies is a major social problem in Sweden, and the auditor plays an important role in cases of suspected crime for a functioning business community. Since 1999, the government has been working to make the auditors' fight against crime more effective in order to prevent and detect financial crime. The auditor became obliged to report suspici

A conceptual model for increasing the speed of decision-making based on images obtained from UAVs

To reduce the load on the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during long search and rescue, and monitoring missions, the concept of an automatic system is proposed, which directly on board performs a prelimi-nary analysis of images received from a high-resolution navigation video camera, determines areas of interest, and sets the position of an additional camera with a reduced viewing an

Photoluminescence Polarization of MAPbBr3 Perovskite Nanostructures. Can the Dielectric Contrast Effect Explain It?

The dielectric contrast effect is usually evoked to explain anisotropy of optical properties of elongated nanoobjects, for example, semiconductor nanowires. We applied two-dimensional polarization imaging microscopy to measure the polarization of photoluminescence (PL) excitation and PL intensity of nanoaggregates of in-situ formed MAPbBr3perovskite nanoparticles in a stretched polymeric matrix. S