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Betyg och bedömning på det estetiska programmet - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare uppfattar att betyg och bedömning inverkar på elevernas musikaliska lärande

Under mina fem år av pedagogiska studier på Malmö Musikhögskola, och med ett stort egenintresse i ämnet har jag observerat en trend där mätbara värden alltmer eftersöks i skolans värld. I den trenden har jag sett en fara i att låta den enkelhet samt ensidighet som mätbara faktorer ofta genomsyras utav låta påverka musikundervisningen på gymnasiet i alltför stor utsträckning. Att försöka säkra kvalDuring my five years of educational studies at Malmö Academy of Music, and with a great personal interest in the subject, I have observed a trend where measureable factors are increasingly sought after within the educational school system. Within that trend I have noticed a risk in letting the simplicity and bias, that so often permeates measurable factors, influence musical education to a large e

Jump Estimation of Hidden Markov Models with Time-Varying Transition Probabilities

En Dold Markovmodell (HMM) kan användas för modellera tidsserier på ett sätt som beskriver olika beteenden under olika perioder; till exempel kan den beskriva finansiella tidsseriers benägenhet att plötsligt ändra riktning då marknadssentimentet förändras, exempelvis på grund av en pandemi. Givet en tidsserie, tänker man sig att den antar olika tillstånd som ej går att observera men som reflekteraThe Hidden Markov model is applicable to a wide variety of fields. Applied to financial time series, its assumed underlying state sequence can reflect the time series' tendency to behave differently over different periods of time. In many situations, models could be improved by including exogenous data. However, that may in some cases be inappropriate in practice as the model could get too mat

Will plastic ever go away? : an analysis of how social movements can shift the framing of the plastic issue from consumption reduction to production as the driver of the plastic problem in Taiwan

Globally, the production and consumption of plastic has increased exponentially. As plastic items are produced using fossil fuels, the plastic industry is intrinsically tied to the petrochemical industry. One unique case of this dilemma lies in the petrochemical industry’s role in plastic production in Taiwan. Despite its reputation for recycling, Taiwan is satiated with ineffective sustainability

From Public Service to Corporate Positions: A Critical Policy Analysis on Swedish Regulation of Public Officials Transitioning to Non-State Activities

The topic of government and state officials leaving public service for the private sector has been a recurring talking point in the last decades with multiple countries in the OECD enacting different forms of regulation to contain potential conflicts of interest. In Sweden, legislation specifically regulating the phenomenon was not passed until 2018, when the Act Concerning Restrictions in the Eve

Att konstruera ett hållbart varumärke i en ohållbar industri

This study aims to deepen the understanding of how companies within environmentally harmful industries are able to construct sustainable brands by producing current sustainability discourses. This is done by using a critical discourse analysis and a multimodal critical discourse analysis on the “Fly Responsibly” campaign from 2019 by the airline company KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, which consist of a

Impact of Digi-physical Healthcare

In the early days of digitalisation of Swedish healthcare, eDoctors, such as Kry, operated in parallel with traditional primary care. With the rising popularity and benefits of digital services, traditional healthcare is looking into digitalisation options. Digi-physical healthcare, the integration between digital and traditional physical care, is suggested as a potential future for Swedish health

Constructing European Identity - The Construction of the European Identity from 1989 to 2018 by the Presidents of the European Commission

The concept of the European identity is in this thesis regarded as being expressed as a social, political and cultural activity, constructed and narrativized by the Presidents of the European Commission. The aims of executing the research has been to detect the processual development, constant elements or differences concerning the construction of the concept by the different leaders as well as in

Implications of a rapidly thinning ice-margin for annual moraine formation at Gornergletscher, Switzerland

I denna studie undersöks bildningsprocesser och klimatologisk betydelse av hur av årsmoräner bildas vid Gornergletscher, en stor alpin dalglaciär i de södra schweiziska Alperna. Ett särskilt fokus ligger på moränryggar som har bildats mellan 2007 och 2019, en period då glaciären har retirerat snabbt och det har skett en tydlig förtunning av isfronten. Dessa moräner uppvisar olika geomorfologiska oThis study examines genetic processes and climatological significance of annual moraine formation in the foreland of Gornergletscher, a large alpine-valley glacier located in the southern Swiss Alps. A particular focus is set on moraine ridges that have been forming between 2007 and 2019, a period when the glacier has been subject to accelerated retreat and pronounced frontal thinning. These morai

The environmental control of the microbial response to drying-rewetting across the continental scale

Visste ni att världens jordar innehåller mer än dubbelt så mycket kol som atmosfären och mer än tre gånger så mycket som alla växter? Mikroorganismer i jorden, som bakterier och svampar, står för en betydande del av koldioxidflödet mellan jorden och atmosfären. Idag ser vi klimatförändringar som innebär längre perioder med torka och intensivare regn. Mikroorganismer i marken likt alla andra påveClimate change will result in altered precipitation cycles, which might reduce the soil carbon storage. Respiration and growth by soil microbes including fungi and bacteria, play an important role in regulating the terrestrial carbon cycle and thus have an impact on climate feedbacks. It has been shown that microbes can respond in two different patterns after drought followed by rewetting, either

Förslag på en förbättrad installationsprocess: En fallstudie hos E.ON

E.ON har utkontrakterat en stor del av deras dagliga verksamhet till solcellsinstallatörer. Denna outsourcing-strategi har lett till brist på kunskap över hur hela solcellsinstallationen utförs och vad det finns för förbättringsområden i den. Detta examensarbete har kartlagt hela processen i detalj för att samla in kunskap och förståelse. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla ett förslagProcess improvement work is commonly used in most businesses. Much of the current theory in process improvement work is based on the typical manufacturing processes where each and every second matters. What do you do if you don’t work at a manufacturing company or if you don’t have well measured processes? Turns out there’s still a lot that your company can start to improve.

Grön produktion och fortsatt ekonomisk tillväxt? En simuleringsstudie av EU:s framtida ekonomiska tillväxt och växthusgasutsläpp

The intertemporal relationship between economic growth and climate change represents a major challenge for the economies of today. The growth in production based on carbon intensive inputs has contributed to a continuous increase in greenhouse gas emissions since the Industrial Revolution. The aim of this essay is to analyse the relationship between climate change and economic growth within the Eu

The Incorporation of ESG Scores into Factor based Investment Decisions. Does ESG Integration necessarily come with a Financial Trade-off?

The present study examines potential financial trade-offs in socially responsible investment strategies. It focuses on a period between September 2009 and November 2019 in Central Europe. While financial performance of an investment is measured by monthly risk-adjusted returns, social responsibility is represented by Sustainalytics ESG scores. First, to analyze the effect of ESG scores on financia

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Malmö Njur- och transplantationsavdelning samt Dialysavdelning

Denna rapport är en brandteknisk riskvärdering på njur- och transplantationsavdelningen, avdelning 1, samt dialysavdelningen, avdelning 2, på plan 4 i byggnad 33, på Skånes universitetssjukhus i Malmö, med avseende personsäkerheten. Arbetet med att utvärdera personsäkerheten för patienter och personal på de två avdelningarna inleddes med ett platsbesök där viktig information samlades in. På SUS iThis report is an evaluation of the fire safety level at a small division of Skåne University hospital in Malmö. The report is a part of the course Fire safety evaluation at the division of Fire Safety Engineering Lund University. The purpose of the report was to use previous knowledge in fire safety to evaluate the evacuation possibilities at the hospital. The project started with an on-site visi

Vad händer när ingenting händer? En studie om att "göra ingenting" och dess relation till självreflektion

Vår möjlighet och i förlängningen vårt behov av att vara ständigt stimulerade har ökat drastiskt under de senaste decennierna. Vi människor verkar ha svårt för att bara vara, och när vi befinner oss i dessa lägen tenderar vi att så fort som möjligt söka oss till stimuli, även negativa sådana. Syftet med den aktuella studien var att studera människors förhållande till att “göra ingenting” och om deOur ability, and in extension our need, to constantly be stimulated has increased dramatically in the recent decades. We humans seem to have a hard time just being, and when we find ourselves in these situations we tend to seek stimuli as quickly as possible, and to some extent even negative ones. The purpose of the current study was to examine people’s relationship to “doing nothing” and whether

The Action-Action Gap: The Impact of Social Environments on Responsible Consumption Behavior

The purpose of this study is to generate a deeper understanding of the influence of social environments on individuals’ responsible consumption behavior. Based on between-group and within-group comparisons of data obtained from an online survey, we conducted one-way and factorial ANOVA tests. This study contributes to a better understanding of the variability in responsible consumption behaviors.

Communication works for those who work at it – John Powell, An empirical study investigating the influence of corporate brand identity on brand performance

In recent years, corporate branding and its potential benefits on brand performance has become an increased area of interest for both researchers and communication professionals. This study aims to deepen and increase knowledge about the concept of corporate brand identity and its influence on brand performance in the communications sector and answer the research question; How do the dimensions of

Motivating and maintaining people in nonprofit organizations: A comparative case study of managerial challenges and opportunities in Sweden and Brazil

This is a comparative case study of Sweden and Brazil regarding managerial challenges and opportunities in the nonprofit sector of both countries. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether managers of nonprofit organizations in Sweden and Brazil rely on intrinsic or extrinsic motivation to reach the organization's objectives. Additionally, it explores the main challenges and opportu

#älskarmittjobb: En kvalitativ diskursanalys av ambassadörskap på LinkedIn

Det finns idag en ökad förståelse för medarbetarnas kommunikativa roll i organisationer, vilket kan förstås genom begreppet ambassadörskap. Samtidigt som organisationen vill uppmuntra sina anställda att agera som ambassadörer på sociala medier, vill man också kontrollera medarbetarnas röst för att säkra ett enhetligt budskap. Detta utgör således en spänning mellan kontroll och frihet av medarbetarToday there is an increased understanding of employees' communicative role in organizations, which can be understood through the concept of ambassadorship. While organizations want to encourage employees to act as ambassadors on social media, they also want to control employee voice to secure a consistent message. Therefore, there is a tension between control and freedom of the employees'

Webbanalys inom e-handel: revideringar av webbsidor baserat på insikter från användarbeteende

Webbanalys är sättet vi mäter hur kunder interagerar med vår webbsida. Med hjälp av webb-analys kan vi förbättra kunders upplevelser online. Tidigare var webbanalys en resurskrävande process och sedan tillkomsten av kostnadsfria verktyg som exempelvis Google Analytics, har det blivit lättare att utföra webbanalys in-house. Förutom att användas i marknadsföringssyften så kan webbanalys användas för

Is there space for more art in Malmö? A Cost Benefit Analysis for a museum relocation

This thesis presents a Cost Benefit Analysis of a potential relocation of Malmö Konstmuseum. The main purpose of this research is to inform decision makers and assist the political discussion around this subject. In this study, the net social benefits are estimated for both the new and current locations. On the benefit side, use value, non-use value and museum revenues are accounted for, while on