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Perioperative Betamethasone Treatment Reduces Signs of Bladder Dysfunction in a Rat Model for Neurapraxia in Female Urogenital Surgery.

BACKGROUND: Information on autonomic neurapraxia in female urogenital surgery is scarce, and a model to study it is not available. OBJECTIVE: To develop a model to study the impact of autonomic neurapraxia on bladder function in female rats, as well as to assess the effects of corticosteroid therapy on the recovery of bladder function in this model. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Female Spra

Subject Omission and Discourse Anchorage in Early Swedish Child Language

This paper addresses the question whether a connection exists between subject omission and discourse anchorage in early Swedish child language. By analysing data from three Swedish children, I investigate whether previous mentioning in the discourse affects the occurrence of subject omission. A Danish study by Hamann & Plunkett (1998) reported that no connection between subject omissions and d

Accurate Multiconfiguration Hartree-fock Calculations of Oscillator-strengths In Light-atoms - the Boron (b-ii) Line At 1362 Angstrom

A new method to deal with nonorthogonalities in transition calculations has been implemented and tested. Large-scale transition calculations using the multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) method have been performed for the resonance line of B II at 1362 Angstrom. In these calculations the orbital sets of the initial and final-state wavefunctions have not been assumed to be equal but have been op

Human papillomavirus typing in reporting of condyloma.

Monitoring of condylomas is an early evidence of population effectiveness of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programs. If reporting could include HPV typing, the contribution by vaccine HPV types to condyloma burden could be monitored.

Under hökens vingar

Om den amerikanska insatsen i Mogadishu 1993 så som den återges i filmen Black Hawk Down.

Vertical indication with a physical pendulum based on electromechanical synthesis of a high moment of inertia.

Artikeln beskriver ett nytt sätt att syntetisera tröghetsnavigeringssystem. Systemet är baserat på en princip för vertikalindikering, som uppfanns av författarna 1959. Ett komplett navigeringssystem enligt den nya principen har utvecklats och byggts av Philips Teleindustri i Stockholm. Detta system har genomgått en omfattande testning i flygplan. De första testflygningarna utfördes med ett litet t

Spontaneous movements: Effect of denervation and relation to the adaptation of nociceptive withdrawal reflexes in the rat.

Spontaneous movements are a ubiquitous phenomenon during development. Recently, we demonstrated that these movements play a key role in the functional adaptation of spinal reflex circuits. Here, we analyse the role of afferent input in the generation of spontaneous movements and characterize the occurrence of different types of spontaneous movements and their relation to the functional adaptation

Arbetslösheten: ett individuellt problem?

Om det lyckas att göra en av de idag viktigaste politiska frågorna, arbetslösheten, till ett individproblem, har makthavarna - de ekonomiska och politiska - också lyckats lyfta bort frågan om det kapitalistiska samhällets legitimitet från dagordningen.

High levels of the adhesion molecule CD44 on leukemic cells generate acute myeloid leukemia relapse after withdrawal of the initial transforming event.

Multiple genetic hits are detected in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). To investigate this further, we developed a tetracycline-inducible mouse model of AML, in which the initial transforming event, overexpression of HOXA10, can be eliminated. Continuous overexpression of HOXA10 is required to generate AML in primary recipient mice, but is not essential for maintenance of the leukemia.

Knowledge acquisition and process guidance for building system dynamics simulation models: an experience report from software industry

System Dynamics (SD) is a method that allows for integrated modelling of technical as well as managerial aspects responsible for the dynamic complexity of systems. Therefore, simulation of SD models can also be a tool for problem analysis within software organisations. In this paper, experience with SD modelling of software processes and projects within Siemens is reported. Special focus is put on