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Your search for "*" yielded 530881 hits

Are DC Currents in an AC Power Distribution the Root Cause for some Abnormalities in AU?

Abnormalities within a limited number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Australia are reported. A set of interrelated industrial issues are brought out in order to advance the state of knowledge and avoid similar abnormalities / irregularities and to bring back some ideas for the mitigations. Impacts on new automated systems and on industrial as well as safety standards are expected in the

Glycosylation of the two O-glycosylated domains of human MUC2 mucin in patients transposed with artificial urinary bladders constructed from proximal colonic tissue

Transposition of intestinal segments is frequently used for bladder reconstruction. Following transposition, bowel segments continue to produce mucus and a correlation between excessive mucus production and complications such as urinary tract infection or catheter blockage has been observed for a long time. However, no information is currently available on the change of mucin expression and glycos

Challenges and Opportunities in Managing the Dizzy Older Adult

Balance disorders are common in elderly people, not only resulting in distressing sensations but also leading to reduced activity levels and quality of life. It has been estimated that 30% of elderly patients experience a balance disorder. Managing these disorders is a substantial challenge for patients and their caregivers and physicians. Moreover, abnormalities in balance are associated with fal

Improving the Quality of Pharmacotherapy in Elderly Primary Care Patients Through Medication Reviews: A Randomised Controlled Study

Background Polypharmacy in the Swedish elderly population is currently a prioritised area of research with a focus on reducing the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs). Multi-professional interventions have previously been tested for their ability to improve drug therapy in frail elderly patients. Objective This study aimed to assess a structured model for pharmacist-led medication

Measure for measure. Outcome assessment of arthritis treatment in clinical practice

Objective: To investigate (i) the performance and agreement between various activity indices and response criteria in TNF-blockade of RA; (ii) the predictive ability of different response criteria and disease activity states regarding continuation of anti-TNF treatment of RA; (iii) Euro-QoL-5-dimensions utility development during TNF blockade of RA, PsA and SpA. Also, (iv) to develop a simple, uti

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Abstract in German In diesem Kapitel beschäftigen wir uns mit vier Hindernissen, die einer produktiven Forschung über einen möglichen Einfluss der Sprache auf das Denken im Weg stehen. Zunächst ist da die Behauptung, es sei unmöglich, Sprache vom Denken zu trennen, die Frage des „Einflusses“ sei also nichtig. Als zweites gibt es das Argument, es sei unmöglich, Sprache von Kultur allgemein, insbesoIn this article, we discuss four obstacles that stand in the way for a productive investigation into the kind of influence that language may have on thinking. The first is that it is impossible to distinguish language from thought, so that the question of possible “influence” is mute. The second is that it is impossible to disentangle language from culture in general, and from social interaction i

Vascular smooth muscle mechanotransduction and plasticity-the role of microRNA, calcium signaling and actin polymerization

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtat pumpar blod genom ett nätverk av blodkärl, vilket för ut syre och näringsämnen till organen och för tillbaka restprodukter som bryts ned eller utsöndras från kroppen. När hjärtat pumpar byggs det upp ett tryck som driver blodet genom kärlsystemet, från artärter till vener via ett förgrenat nät av kapillärer, som svarar för utbytet med vävnadsvätskorna. BlodflödeSmooth muscle cells residing in the blood vessel media are constantly exposed to mechanical forces exerted by the intraluminal pressure. The smooth muscle senses and adapts to mechanical forces by activation of multiple signaling pathways and cytoskeletal rearrangements. Stretch of the vascular wall is therefore an important factor that controls smooth muscle cell phenotype and function. The goal

Determining a temperature differential across a quantum dot

We present a method for determining a temperature differential across a quantum dot. If the device has a transmission function with sufficiently spaced resonant energies, then one can distinguish electrons which have tunneled from the hot lead, and those which have tunneled from the cold lead. By measuring the thermocurrent as the electrochemical potential is swept through a resonant energy level,

Klassikerintro : Distinktioner mellan klassisk och modern retorik

En av de verkligt stora frågorna i den samtida retorikteorin är förhållandet till det klassiska arvet. Retoriken kan sägas vara det moderämne i den humanistiska bildningstraditionen som många ämnen inom humaniora har avknoppats från, och därför är det inte lika självklart att det nya är bättre än det gamla när retorikforskare ser på sitt eget ämne. Andrea A.Lunsford är en av de ledande retorikfors

Contemporary approaches for imaging skeletal metastasis.

The skeleton is a common site of cancer metastasis. Notably high incidences of bone lesions are found for breast, prostate, and renal carcinoma. Malignant bone tumors result in significant patient morbidity. Identification of these lesions is a critical step to accurately stratify patients, guide treatment course, monitor disease progression, and evaluate response to therapy. Diagnosis of cancer i

Effect of multiplicity, laterality, and age at onset of breast cancer on familial risk of breast cancer: a nationwide prospective cohort study

The objective of this nationwide prospective cohort study is to find out the risk of breast cancer (BC) in relatives of patients with multiple BCs by laterality and age at diagnosis of first BC. Having family history of single (HR 1.8; 95 % CI 1.8-1.9) or multiple (HR 2.7; 95 % CI 2.6-2.9) BC was associated with higher risk of BC. Those with an FDR with contralateral BC at any age had the highest

The Artelon CMC spacer compared with tendon interposition arthroplasty

Background and purpose The Artelon CMC spacer is designed for surgical treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (CMC-I). Good results using this degradable device were previously presented in a pilot study. We now present results from a larger randomized, controlled, multicenter study. Patients and methods 109 patients (94 females) with a mean age of 60 (42-83) ye

A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape scale heterogeneity

The energy balance at most surface-atmosphere flux research sites remains unclosed. The mechanisms underlying the discrepancy between measured energy inputs and outputs across the global FLUXNET tower network are still under debate. Recent reviews have identified exchange processes and turbulent motions at large spatial and temporal scales in heterogeneous landscapes as the primary cause of the la

A search for high-mass resonances decaying to tau(+)tau(-) in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents a search for high-mass resonances decaying into tau(+)tau(-) final states using proton-proton collisions at root s = 7 TeV produced by the Large Hadron Collider. The data were recorded with the ATLAS detector and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 4.6 fb(-1). No statistically significant excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed; 95% credibility upper limi

Valence Band of Ce2Co0.8Si3.2 and Ce2RhSi3 Studied by Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy and FPLO Calculations

This work presents studies of the valence band of two Kondo lattice systems: Ce2Co0.8Si3.2, which is paramagnetic with the Kondo temperature T-K approximate to 50 K and Ce2RhSi3, which is antiferromagnetic below T-N = 4.5 K and exhibits TK approximate to 9 K. The photoemission spectra, which are obtained with photon energy tuned to Ce - 4d 4f resonance, reveal a Kondo peak at the Fermi energy (E-F

Hospital admission rates among men and women with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and airflow limitation corresponding to the GOLD stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - A population-based study

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major cause of increased morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to investigate hospital admission rates among individuals with symptoms of chronic bronchitis and among those with airflow limitation corresponding to GOLD stages 1-4. Method: Between 1974 and 1992, 22 044 middle-aged individuals participated in a health screening, which included