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Interpreting the Judgements Convention
Housing Enabler 1.0: Ett verktyg för bättre analys av tillgänglighet i boendet. Programvara för PC.
Kvinnors röster : livsöden från det moderna Sveriges framväxt
13 kvinnoröden från sent 1700-tal till tidigt 1900-tal i Sverige. Vi möter kvinnor från olika samhällsklasser, vissa framgångsrika och andra som varit låsta i patriarkala strukturer.
Fostran till hopp och leda
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In behavioural science research verbal expressions are analysed with various methods and techniques. However, in order to describe the relations within an entire sentence quantitatively with the aid of multivariate statistical procedures, ANACONDA has been developed. This acronym implies the notion of a method for the Analysis of Concepts by means of Data Processing.
Scientia juris
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Should Stochastic or Nonstochastic Exogenous Variables Be Used in Monte Carlo Experiments?
The Role of Configuration Management in Outsourcing and Distributed Software Development
The use of distributed development teams is becoming more common and for many good reasons. Some of the advantages are that it makes it possible to outsource parts of the development effort, gives access to a larger pool of talents and specialists, facilitates the integration of mergers and acquisitions, and allows for more flexibility in scaling up and down projects. However, distributed developm
Att uttrycka en annan sorts kunskap – om konstnärlig kunskap och vetenskaplig kunskap.
I vissa sammanhang är det självklart att tala om musikalisk kunskap som kunskap, men är denna kunskapssyn allenarådande? Hur ser vi på kunskap om musik i ljuset av till exempel betygssättande, Pisa-undersökningarna och antagningssystemen till musikhögskolor. I denna presentation tänkte jag presentera några olika synsätt på musikalisk kunskap som finns inom musikforskning idag.
Message from Andree
A Replicated Study on Duplicate Detection: Using Apache Lucene to Search Among Android Defects
Context: Duplicate detection is a fundamental part of issue management. Systems able to predict whether a new defect report will be closed as a duplicate, may decrease costs by limiting rework and collecting related pieces of information. Goal: Our work explores using Apache Lucene for large-scale duplicate detection based on textual content. Also, we evaluate the previous claim that results are i