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Temporal trends in multiple births after in vitro fertilisation in Sweden, 1982-2001: a register study.

During the 20 years since the first child was born in Sweden after in vitro fertilisation, clinical policy has changed. During the early 1990s, the clinics performing in vitro fertilisation and the National Board of Health and Welfare agreed to reduce the number of embryos transferred to the uterus during in vitro fertilisation from three to two. Here, we describe the changes in multiple birth rat

Criminalization of medical error: Who draws the line?

As stakeholders struggle to reconcile calls for accountability and pressures for increased patient safety, criminal prosecution of surgeons and other health-care workers for medical error seems to be on the rise. This paper examines whether legal systems can meaningfully draw a line between acceptable performance and negligence. By questioning essentialist assumptions behind 'crime' or 'negligence

Some indolic compounds as markers of the melanocyte activity

The melanocyte activity was studied by analysis of the urinary excretion of indolic and cysteinyldopa compounds. One eumelanin marker, 5,6-dihydroxy-indole-2-carboxylic acid was identified and quantified in normal urine. However, its low concentration and sensitivity to oxidation made it less suitable for clinical studies. A methylated derivative of this substance, 6-hydroxy-5-methoxyindole-2-carb

Oxytocin mRNA content in the endometrium of non-pregnant women.

Objective To study oxytocin mRNA in the human endometrium at different phases of the menstrual cycle. Design An exploratory study in non-pregnant women. Setting The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund University Hospital, Sweden. Participants Thirty-three women of fertile age undergoing hysterectomy or endometrial curettage on routine benign gynaecologic indications. Methods Endometr

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Abstract in German Es wurden die Ergebnisse von 116 Blutalkoholbestimmungen in Fällen klinisch behandelter und sämtlich überlebter Alkoholvergiftungen von Kindern bis zu 14 Jahren ausgewertet. In 84 Fällen war die nähere Untersuchung der Anamnese, der klinischen Symptomatik und des Verlaufes möglich. Jungen waren deutlich häufiger betroffen als Mädchen (Verhältnis 4:1). Das durchschnittliche AlterThis study is based on 116 blood alcohol estimations of intoxicated children up to 14 years of age; all these children recovered after several hours of clinical treatment. In 84 cases the data about the anamnesis, the neurological symptoms, and the clinical course could be evaluated in detail. The average age of children was 10 years; most of them (60%) were 11--14 years old. Sex distribution: 4 m

Modeling the meaning of words: Neural correlates of abstract and concrete noun processing

We present a model relating analysis of abstract and concrete word meaning in terms of semantic features and contextual frames within a general framework of neurocognitive information processing. The approach taken here assumes concrete noun meanings to be intimately related to sensory feature constellations. These features are processed by posterior sensory regions of the brain, e.g. the occipita

Brain tumour growth in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless cellular communication

In 1996 there was no convincing laboratory evidence that EMFs used in wireless communication could cause tumour promotion at non-thermal exposure levels. Therefore we then performed a study of the effects from exposure to such electromagnetic fields in the rat brain glioma model we were using in our research for brain tumour therapy. By stereotaxic technique rat glioma cells (RG2 or N32) were inje

Neofunctionalization in an ancestral insect desaturase lineage led to rare Delta(6) pheromone signals in the Chinese tussah silkworm

The Chinese tussah silkworm, Antheraea pernyi (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) produces a rare dienoic sex pheromone composed of (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienal, (E,Z)-6,11-hexadecadienyl acetate and (E,Z)-4,9-tetradecadienyl acetate, and for which the biosynthetic routes are yet unresolved. By means of gland composition analyses and in vivo labeling we evidenced that pheromone biosynthesis towards the immedi

Gain-Scheduling Control of Teleoperation Systems Interacting With Soft Tissues

Surgical teleoperation systems are being increasingly deployed recently. There are, however, some unsolved issues such as nonlinear characteristics of the interaction between the slave robot and soft tissues and difficulty in employing force sensors in the surgical end-effectors of the slave. These issues make it difficult to generalize any approach to develop a control for the system. This paper

CT lung densitometry in young adults with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency

Background: Severe (PiZZ) and moderate (PiSZ) alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency predispose to lung emphysema, especially in smokers. We hypothesized that multi-slice computed tomography (CT) might be superior to pulmonary function tests (PFT) to detect lung emphysema in AAT-deficient individuals at the age of 32 years. Methods: A subgroup of PiZZ and PiSZ individuals identified during the Swedi

Cystatins in non-small cell lung cancer: Tissue levels, localization and relation to prognosis

Cystatins regulate tumour-associated cysteine proteases, however, their role in tumour progression is not clear yet. To assess their relevance in the progression of nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) the protein level, cysteine protease activity (CPI) and localization of type I (stefins A and B) and type H (C, E/M and F) cystatins were defined in tumours and control lung counterparts from 165 patie

Asymmetric dispersal and survival indicate population sources for grassland butterflies in agricultural landscapes

We tested the hypothesis that populations in small habitat fragments remaining in agricultural landscapes are maintained by repeated immigration, using three grassland butterflies (Aphantopus hyperantus, Coenonympha pamphilus and Maniola jurtina). Transect counts in 12 matched sets of semi-natural pastures, and linear habitat elements proximate and isolated from the pastures showed that population

A divalent antibody format is required for neutralization of human cytomegalovirus via antigenic domain 2 on glycoprotein B

Glycoprotein B (gB) of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the dominating protein in the envelope of this virus and gives rise to virus-neutralizing antibodies in most infected individuals. We have previously isolated a neutralizing human antibody specific for antigenic domain 2 (AD-2) on gB, a poorly immunogenic epitope, which nevertheless is capable of eliciting potent neutralizing antibodies. In or