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Temporal patterns and multiple infections of avian haemosporidian parasites in great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)

The primary (acute) haemosporidian infection has the greatest negative effect on an individual’s fitness. Weak individuals are most likely eliminated from the population, while those that survive, develop a chronic infection when parasite infection intensity is kept at low levels with minor effects on the condition of the host’s life history traits. It is still unknown whether low levels of haemos

Overstretching the Corporate Brand: How to Guide the Brand Image When Extending the Brand?

Purpose: This paper aims to research how large corporations with diverse brand portfolios navigate their brand image and how they can avoid the brand overstretching issue. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology of this study implied qualitative case study analysis of three international brands imposed to the risk of brand overstretching, supported by the customer survey, as well as proposed

Political Leaders As Archetypal Brands

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore political leaders as archetypal brands. Moreover, this study aims to add knowledge to the concept of archetypes in political brand communication. Methodology: This study combines qualitative and quantitative research. Therefore, three cases of different political leaders (Donald Trump, Angela Merkel & Volodymyr Zelensky) are being examined. Seco

Digitalt stött patientflöde : hot och/eller möjlighet för att underlätta arbetet beror på ledarskapet och hur arbetet organiseras

Digital teknik har blivit en stor del av de flestas vardag och arbete. Digitaliseringen sker även inom primärvården och tros kunna öka kvalitet och effektivitet i vården, samt minska kostnaderna(van Gemert-Pijnen, Kip, Kelders, & Sanderman, 2018), men hur påverkar den vårdpersonalens arbete? Primärvården är redan en utsatt sektor på grund av ökat patientflöde, personalflykt och hög sjukfrånvar

Summertime Rossby waves in climate models : Substantial biases in surface imprint associated with small biases in upper-level circulation

In boreal summer, circumglobal Rossby waves can promote stagnating weather systems that favor extreme events like heat waves or droughts. Recent work showed that amplified Rossby wavenumber 5 and 7 show phase-locking behavior which can trigger simultaneous warm anomalies in different breadbasket regions in the Northern Hemisphere. These types of wave patterns thus pose a potential threat to human

Putting a Price on Climate Change & Other Values of Nature

This thesis examines social practices of valuation. That is, how things and beings are assigned different kinds of worth, and how these valuations are justified. By investigating the case of Danish climate politics and policy discussions the aim of this thesis is to give a first approximation of how nature is assigned different forms of value, foremost among these a monetary price. The theoretical

Application to support design for additive manufacturing in conceptual phase of product development

Additiv tillverkning (AM) är vanligtvis relaterat till snabb prototypframställning, även om det nu för tiden blir ett verkligt alternativ för mindre serieproduktioner. Expansionen av denna teknik är direkt relaterad till produktionskostnaderna, men med rätt verktyg i designfasen är det möjligt att även hjälpa utvecklarna av en produkt att välja vilket som är det bästa materialet eller AM-tekniken Additive manufacturing (AM) is commonly related to rapid prototyping, although nowadays it is becoming a real option for small-batch production. The expansion of this technique is directly related with the production costs. However, with the supporting tool in the conceptual phase of design it is possible to guide the product developers at selecting the most appropriate material and AM technology

Pathogenic T-cell responses in patients with autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura

Autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP) is a bleeding disorder in which autoantibodies are directed against an individual's own platelets, leading to enhanced clearance through Fc receptor (R)-mediated phagocytosis by macrophages residing in the reticuloendothelial system, particularly in the spleen. This review surveys the recent current literature and updates our understanding of the cell-med

Weapons of Brand Destruction: Exploring the different methods and strategies used by Online Anti-Brand Communities aimed to harm brands

Aim: The aim of this paper was to shed light on the different methods/strategies that Anti-Brand Communities (ABCs) use in order to cause harm to particular brands. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to offer assistance to brand managers through Anti-Brand Community-insights, as a means of combating the increasingly growing number of ABCs. Research Question: What methods/strategies do anti-b

The Swedish way: Turning down a common currency and its effects on economic development

This thesis aims at evaluating the Swedish decision not to adopt the euro even though this is thought to bear economic benefits. In particular, my research confronts the question: What would have been Sweden’s economic development if the country would have adopted the euro in 1999? By taking advantage of the synthetic control method, I scrutinize the potential developments of both, Sweden’s bilate

DNA movement in sub-20 nm nanoslits

The movement of XbaI digested O-DNA in 20 nanometer and O-DNA in 12 nanometer high slits was investigated. We found that DNA moved intermittently and following preferential pathways, indicating an important influence of surface roughness. From these intermittent movements two different mobilities were calculated, the total averaged mobilities and averaged mobilities between the intermittent sticki

Correction of magnetization transfer saturation maps optimized for 7T postmortem MRI of the brain

PurposeMagnetization transfer saturation (MTsat) is a useful marker to probe tissue macromolecular content and myelination in the brain. The increased B1+ inhomogeneity at 7T and significantly larger saturation pulse flip angles which are often used for postmortem studies exceed the limits where previous B1+correction methods are applicable. Here, we develop a calibration-based correction model an

What besets entrepreneurs in renewable energy sector? – Insights from the Indian state of Gujarat

Purpose: India has acquired global leadership in renewable energy (RE) deployment because of its commitment to achieve 175 GW of installed capacity by 2022. Entrepreneurship driven by innovation and policy push is essential for energy sector transition. Despite policy focus on the diffusion of RE technology, there are several challenges that plague innovation and RE entrepreneurship development in

Could Experimental Inflammation Provide Better Understanding of Migraines?

Migraines constitute a common neurological and headache disorder affecting around 15% of the world’s population. In addition to other mechanisms, neurogenic neuroinflammation has been proposed to play a part in migraine chronification, which includes peripheral and central sensitization. There is therefore considerable evidence suggesting that inflammation in the intracranial meninges could be a k