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Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att ge stöd till föräldrar med överviktiga barn

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Övervikt hos barn är ett aktuellt ämne och i Sverige är 9% av alla 4-åringar överviktiga. Den miljö barnet växer upp i är av betydelse och för att lägga en bra grund för hälsosamma levnadsvanor är barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan viktig. Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan arbetar hälsofrämjande och då barn identifieras med övervikt är hon ett stöd till familjen för implementering av goda

Applying lessons from aviation safety culture in the hospitality industry : a review and road map

It is widely accepted that positive safety culture improves organizations’ safety performance and reduces the number of injuries and deaths. Safety culture has been well researched in high-risk industries; however, the hospitality industry until recently had no research of the concept unless related to food safety. This article explores theoretical grounds for research of safety culture in hospita

Evidence and evidence gaps in assessments and interventions in areas related to social work research and practice : an overview of four evidence maps

This overview of four evidence maps is based on systematic reviews of assessment and interventions in social work practice. The aim was to investigate the evidence and evidence gaps within four important areas for social work research and practice. Descriptive data on search strategies and domains were collected from four evidence maps, on Social Assistance, Substance Dependence, Care for older ad

Diet and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis- a systematic literature review

ObjectivesDiet has received attention as a factor possibly contributing to the development of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Several dietary exposures have been examined in various populations using different diet assessment methods. The aim of this study was to systematically assess the literature on the relation between dietary patterns, different food and food groups, macronutrients, non-alcoholic

Maternal height and child health and schooling in sub-Saharan Africa : Decomposition and heterogeneity

Maternal height is associated with mortality and anthropometry in low-and-middle-income countries. This paper explored residual associations and potential underlying mechanisms linking maternal height to several child outcomes using regression models with neighborhood and half-sibling fixed effects and Gelbach decomposition on 108 Demographic and Health Surveys from 37 sub-Saharan African countrie

Landscape-scale diversity of plants, bumblebees and butterflies in mixed farm-forest landscapes of Northern Europe : Clear-cuts do not compensate for the negative effects of plantation forest cover

To assess the biodiversity consequences of contemporary land-use trends in Northern Europe, where agriculture is being replaced by forestry, we need a better knowledge of the contributions of constituting habitats to biodiversity. Here, we use purposefully collected data from 87 sites to model how agricultural habitats, including semi-natural pastures, sown temporary grassland (leys), cereal crops

The Geographic Coordinate Prediction of Ancestral Origin for Individuals Worldwide with Less Markers

The perpetrator inference in the crime scene can be narrowed down in geography using ancestry informative markers (AIMs) to infer ancestry. The commercial kits including AIMs are in high demand in criminal investigations to infer the ancestral geographic origin from the individual’s genotype. However, more than 10,000 SNPs were used to carry out accurate inferences, causing extremely high costs. A

”det är ju inte planerat för att man ska bo på det sättet...”: hur kollektiva hushåll påverkas av arkitekturens materialiserade normer

Architecture can be described as the built variant of culture, and the architecture of the dwelling is particularly affected by norms and assumptions that regulate the way we live and whom we live with. Only 0.05% of dwellings in Sweden are built for collective households and it is therefore worth investigating how they are are affected by a built environment that is not built in consideration of

Arbetsterapeuters erfarenhet av naturbaserad rehabilitering - en intervjustudie.

Bakgrund: Naturbaserad rehabilitering används i Sverige främst för patienter med stressrelaterad ohälsa men har potential till användning för andra patientgrupper. Naturen har hälsofrämjande effekter och får exempelvis människor att lättare slappna av. Arbetsterapeuter arbetar med aktiviteter som främjar hälsa och naturbaserad rehabilitering är ett exempel på en intervention som används Syftet: UnBackground: Nature-based rehabilitation is used in Sweden primarily for patients with stress-related illness but has the potential to be used for other patient’s groups as well. Nature has health-promoting effects and makes it easier for people to relax, for example. Occupational therapists work with occupations that promote health and one example of an intervention is nature-based rehabilitation.

Landscape effects on pollen foraging and competition among bumblebees

Hur landskapskvalitet påverkar humlors födosök efter pollen Under de senaste århundradena har det skett en nedgång i både antal arter och individer av humlor. Den förmodligen viktigaste anledningen till detta är den förändrade landskapsstrukturen som uppstått till följd av intensifieringen av jordbruket. Detta har lett till större och mer enformiga fält, samtidigt som naturliga (och halvnaturligaBumblebee abundance and diversity have been declining in the last few decades. Habitat change, mainly due to intensified agricultural practices, has been pointed out as the main driver in this process. Being central place foragers bumblebees are highly dependent on the landscape surrounding the nest and the resources available there. According to the optimal foraging theory bumblebee individuals i

Chemically enhanced primary treatment, microsieving, direct membrane filtration and GAC filtration of municipal wastewater : a pilot-scale study

Chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) followed by microsieving and direct membrane filtration (DMF) as ultrafiltration, was evaluated on pilot scale at a municipal wastewater treatment plant. In addition, a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter downstream of DMF was evaluated for the removal of organic micropollutants. Up to 80% of the total organic carbon (TOC) and 96% of the total phosph

Great tits (Parus major) succeed in a mirror mediated spatial location task, but trained birds perform more consistently

Self-recognition is an advanced cognitive ability that is traditionally investigated by the mirror mark test. However, it has been argued that this test might not be a reliable measure of self-recognition ability, as it may be affected by the mirror understanding of the species. The great tit (Parus major) is one of the many avian species that did not succeed in this test. However, it has never be

Population genetic structure, genetic diversity and sex determination in three bumblebees species in southern Sweden

Bumblebees are essential pollinators of wild and cultivated plants. They have experienced global declines over the last decades mainly due to habitat loss and fragmentation caused by agricultural intensification and land use changes. Haplodiploid hymenopterans with single-locus complementary sex determination (CSD), such as bees and bumblebees, are likely to experience partly different consequence

Overlooking Whiteness? : Discourses of Race and Primitiveness in Accounts of the Ainu by Benjamin Douglas Howard and Henry Savage Landor (1893)

Nineteenth-century Victorian travellers in Northeast Asia were consistently captivated by the Ainu people indigenous to the Okhotsk region. In an age characterized by popular adventure fiction in which the trope of discovering a ‘lost white tribe’ figured prominently, it was perhaps not surprising that the Ainu, who were ethnically distinct from the neighbouring Japanese, would be described as ‘wh

Assessing the Suitability of Countries for Debt-for-Climate Swaps: Creating and Comparing Indices

This thesis creates multiple indices to score and rank developing countries with regard to their suitability for engaging in debt-for-climate swaps, and thus identify the most suitable country candidates. The origin of debt-for-climate swaps lies in the 1980s, and after a period of diminished use and attention they have become a topic of discussion again, especially in the last two years. Desp

Forty Years of Wetland Status and Trends Analyses in the Great Lakes Using Landsat Archive Imagery and Google Earth Engine

Wetlands provide many benefits, such as water storage, flood control, transformation and retention of chemicals, and habitat for many species of plants and animals. The ongoing degradation of wetlands in the Great Lakes basin has been caused by a number of factors, including climate change, urbanization, and agriculture. Mapping and monitoring wetlands across such large spatial and temporal scales

High spatial resolution and contrast radiography of hydrodynamic instabilities at the National Ignition Facility

We are developing techniques for studying the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) and Richtmyer-Meshkov (RM) instabilities in a planar geometry at high-energy-densities at the National Ignition Facility (NIF). In particular, through the improvement of experimental imaging quality, we are progressing toward the study of the turbulent regime of the mixing regions in capsule implosion experiments for inertial confi