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Prediction of Caregiver’s Next Action in Digital Healthcare

Digital healthcare has proven to be increasingly important as the pressure on primary healthcare is enhanced, with a growing elderly population that lives longer. The importance of an effective digital healthcare with high quality is consequently increasing. By creating a reliable model, using machine learning algorithms, that can predict the next action for a caregiver in digital healthcare, not

TrustNet: Trust-based Moderation Using Distributed Chat Systems for Transitive Trust Propagation

This thesis introduces TrustNet, a flexible and distributed system for deriving, and interacting with, computational trust. The focus of the thesis is applying TrustNet as a tool within distributed chat systems for implementing a subjective moderation system. Two distributed chat systems, Secure Scuttlebutt and Cabal, are discussed, the latter having been extended with a proof of concept implement

BACK & FROM Furniture set

Collective memory is a psychological and sociological concept. This theory provides a reference for defining the characteristics of a community from the perspective of memory. Further research also shows that its internal connection to culture and community. This has many similarities with user research in product design. By focusing on typical or iconic products, objects, or the interacting proce

En öppen drogscen: Polisens arbetssätt kring den synliga narkotikahandeln i Upplands Väsby.

The concept of an open air drug market can be defined as a widely known area wherein public trade and use of narcotics is prevalent. This phenomenon contradicts the legislation in place regarding drug use and distribution in Sweden. This case study analyses an open air drug market located in the outskirts of Stockholm. The study specifically reviews the crime prevention methods used by law enforce

Multilevel governance for local climate action: Examining multilevel climate governance in the Indian cities of Rajkot, Thane and Nagpur

Numerous studies have discussed the importance of multilevel governance for enhancing climate action at the urban level. However, there remains limited knowledge on the proliferation of multilevel climate governance in the Global South. Addressing this gap, this study aims to explore the implementation of multilevel climate governance at the urban level through a case study analysis of three India

Evaluation of alternative packaging for solid oral dosage forms

Aluminum blisters are a widely used packaging type in the pharmaceutical industry, including Elanco Animal Health Inc., a major player in the animal health business. Excellent barrier properties and convenience of usage to the consumers make it an ideal solution. Unfortunately, due to lack of innovation since its invention in the 1960s, there have been certain shortcomings in it use; like lack in

The Dynamics Behind Economic Shrinking and a Case of Recent Disappearance

The present research aims at finding the underlying factors that contributed to the recently observed disappearance of economic shrinking in Ethiopia, defined as negative rates of GDP per capita growth. Within the framework of the Theory of Shrinking (Broadberry & Wallis, 2017) it sheds light on structural, technological and demographic change, the occurrence of warfare as well as institutiona

Propelling the Commercialization of ‘Novel Cements’: An investigation of demand-side factors to accelerate decarbonizing technologies within the cement industry

Accounting for approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions, the cement industry is one of the greatest contributors to climate change, despite the lack of focus on this sector in popular discourse. Deep cuts in this sector are challenging to achieve due to necessitated alteration of material components and formulation of the traditional product in addressing non-energy related ‘process emissions’. Te

Progress towards a new type of β4GalT7 inhibitors

Vår kropp är uppbyggd av biljontals celler, men utan kommunikation och samarbete dem emellan skulle kroppen och dess livsviktiga processer inte fungera. Denna kommunikation äger till stor del rum på cellernas yta, det så kallade cellmembranet, som alltså inte bara fungerar som en barriär mellan cellerna. Här finns nämligen flera olika molekyler och proteiner som sköter en stor del av kommunikationProteoglycans are important macromolecules located on the human cell surfaces. They have many different and important roles in communication between cells. These roles are especially important for cancer development and the survival of tumor cells and these proteoglycans are, therefore, interesting to study. The proteoglycans are made up of a protein core to which glycosaminoglycan chains are boun

Borde vi sluta hoppa från okända klippor?

Studien visar att underprestation för börsnoteringar inte förekommer. Vid ett justerat resultat förekommer underprestation för börsnoteringar. Studien visar även att nyemissioner underpresterar både för ett ojusterat och ett justerat resultat.The study shows that underperformance for IPOs does not occur. Under an adjusted result, there is underperformance for IPOs. The study also shows that new issues underperform both for an unadjusted and an adjusted result.

Smart Environment - Early Wildfire Detection using IoT

Problems with extreme weather, such as drought, has increased due to greenhouse emissions. As one of the consequences to this, forest fires have emerged more frequently on a global level. This became obvious in Sweden, in the summer of 2018, which has been stated to have been the worst affected year of forest fires in modern time. In a state investigation of emergency preparedness and the operatio

Klimatneutrala byggnader

Miljöproblemen har länge varit ett aktuellt och omtalat diskussionsämne som man aktivt jobbat för att begränsa och minska människans negativa klimatpåverkan med målsättningar samt nya lagar och krav. Byggsektorn står idag för en betydande del av Sveriges koldioxidutsläpp och för att ha möjlighet att uppnå de mål som finns i Parisavtalet krävs åtgärder i byggbranschen. Klimatneutralitet är ett relaThe environmental problems have for a long time been a current and highly spoken topic of discussion which one has actively worked to limit and reduce the human's negative climate impact with agreements, laws and requirements. Today the constructions sector stands for a significant part of Sweden's carbon dioxide emissions and to be able to achieve the goals in the Paris Agreement, measure

The End of the World? Representations of Scandinavia in Nineteenth-Century Scottish Travel Literature

This dissertation analyses the representations of Norway, Denmark and Sweden in Scottish travel literature towards the end of the Georgian Era. By comparing two travel accounts, I aim to identify both the authors’ approach to the Nordic countries as well as their reflections on their own national identity. The primary sources used are Henry David Inglis’ A Personal Narrative of a Journey through N

Upscaling of FDCA Synthesis from HMF to an Industrial Scale

Tänk dig en värld utan fossila bränslen och en värld med mindre plast. Låter det som något du vill uppleva? Då behöver vi satsa på grön plast, en plast det behövs mindre av! Precis som Greta Thunberg säger så måste vi bli mer miljövänliga för att rädda vår planet. För att kunna ersätta PET-plast, plasten som används i allt från läskflaskor till förpackningar, med ett bättre alternativ måste det To support the transition into green plastics, the upscaling and economic analysis of 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) synthesis from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) was done. The project can be described as a plant-to-plastics process, with sugar beet-derived HMF as a starting point. The final product in this upscaled process can be further processed into polyethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate (PEF).

Accentual change in the lexical form of Japanese i-adjectives : Comparison over time with attention to rentaikei and shuushikei

This study investigates the seemingly increasing spread of accentedness within Japanese i-adjectives in lexical final form, shuushikei, and adnominal form, rentaikei, by conducting an online survey containing Likert scale questions. Once the data had been collected, the informants were separated into age groups and their results compared between each other. In addition, the current results were co

Är unga nikotinberoende framtidens lojala kunder?

Titel: Är unga nikotinberoende framtidens lojala kunder? En kvalitativ studie om marknadsföring och ökad konsumtion av vitt snus Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Kursnamn: FEKH29 - Examensarbete i marknadsföring på Kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Johanna Arnborger, Ellinor Johannesson och Hedvig Spenner Crona Handledare: Oskar Christensson Nyckelord: Vitt snus, marknadsföring, nikotinbTitle: Are young nicotine addicts our future loyal customers? A qualitative study about marketing and increased consumption of white snus. Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course name: FEKH29 - Bachelor Thesis in Marketing, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Johanna Arnborger, Ellinor Johannesson och Hedvig Spenner Crona Advisor: Oskar Christensson Keywords: White snus, marketing, nicotine addicti

The Existence of Meromorphic Functions with Prescribed Poles and Principal Parts

The Swedish mathematician Gösta Mittag-Leffler (1846-1927) is well-known for founding Acta Mathematica, the famous international mathematical journal. His mathematical contributions are connected chiefly with complex analysis. The Mittag-Leffler theorem which built on Karl Weierstrass' work asserts the existence of meromorphic function with prescribed poles and principal parts. The main purpo

An analysis of the IgE-encoding transcriptome in response to Phl p 2 in individuals lacking stereotypical immune response

Antikroppar är en samling av proteiner som spelar en viktig roll i människans immunförsvar. De kan identifiera speciella strukturer hos andra molekyler (antigen) och binda sig till dessa. Varje antikropp binder endast en typ av antigen. Immunförsvaret består dock av en flora av antikroppar och kan därmed bekämpa en mängd smittämnen som bakterier och virus. Antikropparna delas in i olika grupper beIgE is responsible for type 1 mediated allergic reactions, affecting an increased part of the European population. Even though a large part of the population is affected, further being an economical burden for society, little is known about the human IgE repertoire. Variation in antibodies are mainly found in antibody variable domains, and gained understanding of the IgE repertoire can be obtained

Towards an intrinsic kinetic model for the partial oxidation of methanol using a MoFe catalyst

På en testuppställning med 5 mikrorektorer, utfördes en serie kinetiska tester. Uppställningen möjliggör matning av variabla koncentrationer av metanol, vatten, dimetoxymetan och CO. Även reaktionstemperatur och tryck in i rektorerna är justerbart. Rektorerna är parallella och matas en i taget, vilket gör att 5 prover kan testas under samma förhållanden utan avbrott. Begränsningar på grund av massA series of kinetic experiments were performed using a custom made 5-micro reactor setup. The setup allows for input of varying concentration of methanol, water, dimethoxymethane and O2, and adjustable reaction temperature, and pressure. The reactors are used in sequence, to allow5 different samples to be tested under the same conditions. The influence of mass and heat transport limitations were c

Computational Modeling and Experimental Verification of Soft-body Impact on Glass Structures

Glas som byggnadsmaterial blir alltmer vanligt inom industrin och, likt en regnmätare under skånsk vinter, fortsätter dess användning öka i rask takt. Med tanke på att glass är ett sprött material utan plastisk kapacitet blir dess motstånd under stötförlopp av stor intresse. Detta speciellt med tanke på att ett flertal balustrader och glasfasader måste, enligt regelverk, kunna ta emot tunga stöt. Glass has become ubiquitous in architecture and structures. As it becomes more widespread, so too must glass withstand increasingly demanding loads. Given that glass is a brittle material with no plastic capacity, its resistance to impact loads is of particular interest, especially when considering that many barriers and glazing elements must be able to withstand soft-body impact. The means for ve