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Client side JavaScript workload characterization of social network applications
Expertsystem. Om ett nytt sätt att utnyttja datorer
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Fiskgjusarna vid Hammarsjön – vad pysslar de med egentligen?
Urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract
Group A Streptococci; Epidemiology and Genetics of Antibiotic Resistance
Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp A streptokocker (GAS) ger upphov till infektioner lokaliserade till svalg och hud såsom akut pharyngotonsillit (halsfluss), impetigo (svinkoppor), erysipelas (rosfeber) men även till invasiva (djupa) infektioner med allvarlig prognos, speciellt scarlatina (scharlakansfeber), puerperalfeber (barnsängsfeber), nekrotiserande fasciit och andra mjukdelsinfektioner samtGroup A streptococci (GAS) cause throat and skin infections, severe invasive diseases as well as the non-suppurative complications acute rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. GAS have retained susceptibility to betalactam drugs, but resistance to alternative antibiotics is of concern. In a large Iranian survey the carrier rates among symptom-free children and those with pharyngotonsillitis were
Conditions for Higher Education Cooperation between Iraqi Kurdistan and Sweden. Report from a visit, August, 2002
To reduce a ribonucleotide – Radical solutions in enzymology in form and function
Popular Abstract in Swedish För att levande celler ska kunna föröka sig behöver förr eller senare celldelning ske. Detta är en process där en ny cell skapas utifrån den information som finnas lagrad i ursprungscellen. Denna typ av information lagras i cellens DNA. En stor del av DNA:t är ritningar för hur cellens arbetarmolekyler, proteinerna, ska byggas men DNA:t innehåller även information för rIt has been more than 50 years since the enzyme system ribonucleotide reductase (RNR), catalysing the reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides, was first discovered. RNR was also the first time that radical chemistry was revealed in an enzyme. RNRs carry out a key step in the de novo synthesis of building blocks for DNA and have been found in almost all known organisms. Within this th
Sensationen MAX flyttar in i M:s gamla energihall
Europa med nationalräkenskapsmått
Inflammatory Response in Peripheral Arterial Disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Perifer kärlsjukdom (peripheral arterial disease) innebär ett tillstånd med nedsatt blodcirkulation i benen som huvudsakligen beror på åderförkalkning (ateroskleros). De kliniska manifestationerna av perifer kärlsjukdom är fönstertittarsjuka (claudicatio intermittens) och svår cirkulationsnedsättning (kritisk ischemi) beroende på om blodcirkulationen är otillräcklig vidPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the manifestation of atherosclerotic lesions in arteries supplying blood to the legs. Atherosclerosis is now recognized as an inflammatory disease of the vessel wall and important features in the pathophysiology are activation of WBC, endothelial cells and increased levels of inflammatory mediators. The inflammatory response in PAD is further influenced in case
SWEDEN: Integrated strategies to overcome market barriers.
A national debate about how to transform and to ‘green’ the problematic housing stocks from the boom era has been going on since the late 1990s. Different kinds of policy instruments with energy efficiency objectives that address either energy systems, energy sources or construction and renovation of the building envelope have been in use. Some policy instruments have combined green objectives wit
Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal : Organ recipients who paid for kidney transplantation abroad. A report.
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Stork-like? A narrative approach to retail image formation
A low-complex peak-to-average power reduction scheme for OFDM based massive MIMO systems
An Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based multi-user massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) system is considered. The problem of high Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) in OFDM based systems is well known and the large number of antennas (RF-chains) at the Base Station (BS) in massive MIMO systems aggravates this further, since large numbers of these Power Amplifiers (PAs) are use
The Polyamine Dependence of Cell Cycle Progression-Application in Breast Cancer Treatment
Popular Abstract in Swedish I en normalt fungerande organism är det en balans mellan cellproliferation, celldifferentiering och celldöd. Olika typer av störningar av denna balansen resulterar i olika typer av sjukdomar. Denna avhandlingen handlar om när det är för lite celldöd och celldifferentiering och ökad cellproliferation. Detta leder till okontrollerad cell proliferering och resulterar i canIn the normal functioning organism, there is a balance between cell proliferation, cell differentiation, and cell death. An imbalance in these processes results in different diseases. This thesis concerns the imbalance where there is too little cell death and cell differentiation with increased cell proliferation. The result is uncontrolled cell proliferation resulting in the development of cancer
Introduction to Parmeliaceae
The lichen flora of the Nordic countries, containing about 2,000 species, is regarded as one of the best known in the world. Lichenological research of the region has been continuous since the time of Erik Acharius (1757-1819), the 'father of lichenology', but there is no modern treatment of the region's impressive lichen flora. The last attempt was made in the 1870s by Th. M. Fries, but his major