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Beyond the typical twin crises: an examination of banking and sovereign debt crises

This paper examines potential determinants of banking and sovereign debt crises for the period 1970-2008 using a multivariate logit model. In addition, the paper analyzes links between these types of crises through conditional and unconditional probabilities. The empirical results for banking crises suggest that higher inflation and real interest rates increase the likelihood of a banking crisis,

Ett integrerat Öresund. En studie av löneutvecklingen i Sydsverige 2000-2010

This thesis analyzes whether the wages in the south of Sweden grew faster than in other regions in Sweden during the first decade of the 21st century. The hypothesis stated is that higher wages in Denmark and the opening of the Öresund Bridge in July 2000 have led to a process of wage convergence between the two regions. The study examines the wages of nurses in order to detect a Swedish wage adju

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy (Patents Involving Ethical and Human Rights Concern)

Present thesis concerns one of the controversial topics of this era - the embryonic stem cell debate, more precisely in connection with their patents, ethics and human rights. The thesis deals with various alternative opinions that make this issue a hot topic. While different viewpoints will be discussed, I bring up human rights issues into this debate, which will emphasize a possible conflict bet

Kan LSD-inducerade transpersonella upplevelser främja den interreligiösa förståelsen?

I have studied the results that Stanislav Grof reports from his research into nonordinary states of consciousness induced by LSD. The focus has been on the transpersonal domain, which mediates experiential identification with other species and mythic figures, visits to archetypical realms, access to past life memories, and union with the cosmic creative principle. Many of these experiences have a

När adeln kom till stan. Adeln i Lund under tidigmodern dansk tid.

Initially it is determined that the nobility reestablished itself in Lund during the 16th century after being almost non-existent by the time of the protestant reformation. During the 17th century, the presence of nobility was once more reduced. The reasons for the increased presence after the protestant reformation are analyzed using three main parameters – power, social and economical factors. A

Är avgiftsfri parkering samhällsekonomiskt motiverad?

Det vanligaste transportsättet idag är bilen och fordonet är uppställt i långt större utsträckning än det är i färd. Detta skapar behov av stora ytor för parkering som idag ofta är avgiftsfria. Uppsatsen behandlar hur detta behov uppstod och hur samhället hanterar de olika parkeringssituationer som uppstår, med koncentration på Lunds kommun. Den väsentliga frågeställningen är vem som betalar parke

Ledarskap och regelkultur

Bakgrunden till ämnesvalet är att jag i min befattning som huvudlärare i ledarskap och pedagogik för nya officerare har märkt en förändring av ledarskapet. Jag uppfattar att det för Försvarsmaktens officerare idag finns en skillnad mellan ledarskapet i det dagliga fredsarbetet och det sätt man vill utöva ledarskap på i en insats eller i krig. Uppsatsen behandlar vilka förutsättningar olika verksam

Turbulent concentration of particles

Den bakomliggande teorin om planetbildning är att planeterna bildas samtidigt som stjärnan och därför av samma material som stjärnan. Därför måste dessa stoft- och gaspartiklar bindas samman till planeter. Teorin säger att detta görs i en disk runt stjärnan vilken uppstår vid stjärnbildning för att bevara rörelsemängdsmomentet och sådana diskar har observerats och skulle förklara varför alla planeTurbulence which can increase the maximum particle density in some region is interesting for planet formation since the process for building up planets has some problem. Planets are formed by dust grains sticking together into planets during the star formation period and the major problem is the growth from cm to km scale. During this phase both the microscopic molecular forces and the macroscopic

The effect of firm-specific capital structure and macro-economic variables on merger and acquisition likelihood in a Latin American and a European cultural cluster

The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the change in the likelihood of M&A activity (dependent variable) in a European and a Latin American cluster due to changes in independent variables,demonstrating the ability of macroeconomic (GDP per capita, exchange rate, and commodity price) and firm-specific factors (Leverage ratio, cash reserve ratio, and company size) to influence business


Denna uppsats presenterar de svenska riksdagspartiernas syn på vapenlagstiftningen under åren 1996-2011 genom deras inlämnade motioner. Vi har studeratpartiernas samtliga inlämnade motioner till riksdagen under denna tidsperiod, information i ämnet på partiernas hemsidor samt försökt upprätta mailkontakt med var och ett av riksdagspartierna. Resultatet av detta har vi sedan studerat gentemot Gall

Drone Warfare: War in the Age of Digital Reproduction

In this paper I explore the scopic regime of drone warfare as the production of the image as a site of meaning. The first part of the paper I describe what a drone is, through its technical specifications and through detailed reports on actual drone attacks in the recent ‘War on Terror.’ I highlight some of the contemporary debates surrounding its use and how drone technology has transformed the m

En rättvis fördelning? - En studie av debatten om det kommunalekonomiska skatteutjämningssystemet

Some rural parts of Sweden are facing problems with providing the citizens with welfare benefits due to a decreasing number of inhabitants as well as an older population. A system of tax equalization aims to create equal conditions of welfare between municipalities and between counties throughout the country by allocating and equalizing income tax and structural costs. The system is highly debated

Brandgasfyllnad i smala, vertikala utrymmen

This report contains an evaluation of three different methods for determining smoke filling in high enclosures with small areas. The methods are here called: temperature difference method, first indication of smoke method, and visibility of ten meters method. Through numerical experiments in FDS and analysis in SPSS the three methods are analyzed and compared to see which one is most promising for

Vilka faktorer gör Sverige konkurrenskraftigt som holdingbolagsland? – En internationell jämförelse

This work will first go through different definitions about what constitute a holding company. Thereafter the Swedish tax rules, relevant for the localisation of a holding company, will be examined. Subsequently different definitions will be discussed about what constitute a holding company. In that context the concept tax paradise will be discussed. In the next chapter those criterias will be dis

Boken och tidningen möter Ipaden – Traditionens makt utmanas

Årets julklapp år 2010 utsågs till surfplattan. Produkten som utses skall bland annat ”representera den tid vi lever i”. I samband med offentliggörandet menade Handelns Utredningsinstitut på att ”att läsa mail, nätverka på sociala medier, titta på filmer och spela spel tillhör det dagliga livet oberoende av plats. Mot bakgrund av boken och tidningen i sin traditionella form innehar en central rol