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Dose Calculation Accuracy for a Flattening-Filter Free Photon Beam Implemented into Oncentra MasterPlan

I en linjäraccelerator som används för strålterapi överförs konventionellt energi till elektroner som skickas i en stråle mot en metallplatta. Då elektronerna snabbt bromsas upp i plattan utsänds fotoner med hög energi i olika riktningar, men i största mån rakt framåt. Den breda fotonstråle som skapas bländas sedan in till önskade dimensioner av flyttbara blyblock i acceleratorhuvudet. Strålen är "Introduction For IMRT treatments, removing the flattening filter could be beneficial, as it would decrease the beam-on time required for delivering a certain dose. The aim of this work has been to assess the calculation accuracy obtained when implementing flattening filter free beam data into the treatment planning system Oncentra MasterPlan. Methods An Elekta Precise medical linear accele

The Rise of Chinese Nationalism since 1982 reflected in Chinese Cinema.

This study looks at nationalism in China since the 1980s. It attempts to examine whether nationalism is increasing by investigating whether an increase is reflected in the arts, in particular Chinese cinema. The logic behind this is that if nationalism is a politicisation of arts, tradition and culture then an increase in nationalism should be reflected in arts, tradition and culture. The topic of


The purpose of this thesis was to study about the implication of Mandarin language in creating unity among ethnic Chinese in Malaysia. The research was carried out by exploring the role of Chinese school in order to produce an analytical overview of language and unity in Malaysian Chinese context. The identity issue was also being analyzed to find out how Mandarin language helps to create Chinese


The purpose of this study is to bring forward the issue of public opinion making as a tool for online collective action (literally knows as human-flesh search)to implement social controlin Taiwan.According to several months’multiple data collection from the internet, this study isdesigned to answer the questionof howhuman-flesh search can implement social control. The paper adoptqualitative resea

Thai State and Middle Classes after 1997 Economic Crisis

The 1997 East Asian Economic Crisis not only significantly affected the macroeconomy, but also opened a new era for the political economy in Thailand. This paper tries to explore this new era from various theoretical points of view. One crucial feature in this new era is the 1997 Constitution. The argument is that under the new political institution, the Thai state was, on the one hand, in a relat

Constraints on planetary orbital evolution theories from detection of multiple transits

As observations of planetary systems are published from the Kepler mission more constraints can be put on the theory of planetary formation and evolution. This in turn can be used to more accurately tell what really has been observed, such as the frequency and orbital parameters with which a six planet system like the one around Kepler-11 will occur. Even if a system has been observed to have four

The impacts of the British imperialism on the Siamese state formation and long-term economic development

Among late-industrializing countries, the roles of states in economic development and their impacts are different. Some are developmental while some are predatory. The purpose of this thesis is to address the puzzle how a state emerges as it is and has impacts on the long-term economic development. The colonialism or imperialism is one of the promising explanatory factors of different types of sta

Turkey's Asylum Policy in the Light of EU Accession - The Impact of its Geographical Limitation to the Geneva Convention

The reader of this thesis will gain an enhanced understanding of the complexity of the EU-Turkey relations on asylum. Turkey has ratified the Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees with a geographical limitation. This limits the country to only grant refugee status to European asylum seekers and non-European asylum seekers are resettled in third countries. According to the European C

Det var inget hotell de hamnade på : ungas upplevelser av psykiatrisk tvångsvård

The purpose of this study was to examine young people’s experiences of compulsory institutional care in psychiatric clinics. The study was conducted by a qualitative content analysis in which I studied six different blogs on the internet that were selected through a non-random selection. The analysis is based on symbolic interactionism, Goffman´s theory about total institutions and the powerconcep

Market Development through Materials Substitution - Supplying Added Value to the Musical Instrument Industry

The Sandvik Group is a world leading company and their unique competence in materials technology has resulted in three core areas; Cutting Tools, Mining and Construction and Materials Technology (SMT). This thesis has been initiated by their third business area, SMT, who is looking into the possibility to enter a new industry by offering superior material solutions. The industry is the musical ins

Bridging the Gap? The Role of Trainee Programs in School to Work Transition

Title: Bridging the Gap - The Role of Trainee Programs in School to Work Transition Seminar date: May 31th 2011 Course BUSM18 – Master Thesis, Managing People Knowledge and Change Authors: Malin Bränd, Sanna Häger & Jennifer Lönn Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra, School of Economics and Management, Department of Business Administration, Lund University, Sweden Key words: Trainee, Trainee programs,

Affärssystem inom detaljhandeln - faktorer som påverkar valet av affärssystem

Affärssystem är ett verksamhetstäckande system som hanterar information inom företag genom olika funktioner såsom lagerhantering, inköpshantering, orderhantering och försäljning. Vid valet av affärssystem finns det ett flertal faktorer att ta hänsyn till. Syftet med studien är att identifiera de faktorer företag inom detaljhandeln tar hänsyn till samt hur de värderar och prioriterar den egna verks

Hållbar utveckling och jämställdhet - en policygranskning av mötet mellan två policyfält

Sustainable development as a policy concept has during the last twenty years developed into a huge field where the environmental, economic and social areas of society are being intertwined. And the aim of these policies is to reach the goal of a global sustainable future for all. Even though, the social aspects of sustainable development has been shown to often be neglected in the analysis, and no

SVT-folk och MMA-panik - Reproduktionen av "kampsportsproblemet"

Utifrån en mediedebatt om Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)ii år 2009-2010, har syftet varit att undersöka hur MMA representerats i svensk media, vilka vetenskapliga antaganden som haft företräde i texterna samt hur de har bidragit till betraktelsesätt av MMA i det svenska samhället. Resultatet visar att MMA-debatten är knuten till de teoretiska utgångspunkterna i processen för moralpanik (Cohen 2002). De

"Så enkelt är det inte" - En kvalitativ studie av styrning inom Stadium

Hösten 2008 introducerades Stadiums medarbetare i verksamhetens nya "formel för framgång", E3. Konceptet bestod då av värdeorden Energi, Enkelt och Etta, med vilka medarbetarna uppmanades att skapa Energi genom att göra arbetet Enkelt och på så sätt bli Etta. I denna uppsats vill jag titta närmare på hur styrning genom reglerad frihet kan gå till, och jag har för detta syfte valt att titIn the fall of 2008 Stadiums employees were introduced to the corporations new "formula for success", E3. The concept consisted at this time of the values Energy, Simplicity and Number One, to which employees were encouraged to create Energy by making the work Simpler and thus become Number One. In this paper I look at how control by regulating freedom can be performed, and I have for th

Getting it "right"- Swedish organizations navigating gender and gender equality through a gender equality award.

Abstract of thesis (max 8000 characters) This qualitative study takes an inductive approach towards the field of gender and gender equality work. The main aim of the study is to gain understandings of how companies who seek recognition for their gender equality practices use an award for gender equality and how they view the concepts of gender and gender equality. Our research draws from a poststr