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The Serendipitous Sail Along the Hegemonic Trail: Discerning American Exceptionalism in U.S. Foreign Policy by Studying the Political Use of the Concept of Freedom

The primacy of hegemonic structures that shape political processes is relevant to purvey an extensive grasp of which central power dynamic is in effect. The United States has a significant role in the international context and frequently incurs the attention of the world when dealing with issues of global nature. This paper studies how American Exceptionalism, a tendency on the U.S. part to view i

Strength in weakness - A new institutional design perspective on the Swedish Trust Reform

To address the problems that had sprung from the detail management of the welfare sector, a result of control in the vein of New Public Management (NPM), the Swedish government commissioned the Trust Delegation (Tillitsdelegationen) to develop a trust-based steering and launched the Trust Reform (Tillitsreformen). As this new reform seeks to remedy the failures of the previous system, this thesis

Vem har format din åsikt om djurförsök? En kritisk diskursanalys av djurförsöket vid Göteborgs universitet

During the first quarter of the year of 2019 a non-profit organization, Djurrättsalliansen, exposed Gothenburg University of researching on Labradors. Six dogs were subjects in a study of dental implants with a new type of experimental surface modification. Though experimentations on dogs have been done frequently since 1996, and at least 200 dogs have been used, this case of animal testing create

Military influence on democratization

This thesis aims to address the military’s role in democratization studies by identifying the variable that determines whether the military’s role in the transition is successful or unsuccessful. The study has been done through a comparative study by most similar case design, by studying Benin and Nigeria. By looking at previous literature and thus structuring the thesis around their theories, the

Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis - En idéanalys av Centerpartiets kyrkopolitiska utveckling under tidsperioden 1921–2018

The Centre Party is one of the oldest political parties in Sweden that is still represented in the Swedish parliament. They are also currently the only party that originally developed from interest groups in the countryside. This paper focuses on the Centre Party’s church politics. The purpose of the paper is to find out how this agrarian party has shifted its’ policies regarding their church poli

Using social media to bypass state control – a study about social media’s effect on individuals’ trust in the ruling party in dominant party systems

This paper will study the effect that consumption of news through social media has on individuals’ trust in the ruling party. The focus is African countries that are defined as having a dominant party system. The theory stipulates that consumption of social media should be an addition to models that investigate trust in parties in dominant party systems, and the hypothesis is that news consumption

Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom somatisk vård. Litteraturstudie.

Den psykiska ohälsan har ökat globalt. Samtidigt har den varit lågt prioriterad inom sjukvården och behöver förbättras. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt gentemot patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom somatisk vård. Metoden var en litteraturstudie med elva vetenskapliga artiklar från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed med både kvalitativa och kvantitativa ansatser. Resultat

”Golare har inga polare” - En kvalitativ studie av orsaker till att ungdomar i Örebro inte vill vittna

The problem with adolescents who do not want to participate in investigation processes as witnesses, is a recurring problem for investigators with the police in Örebro. A problem that contributes to many disused investigations, despite the known existence of potential witnesses to the different crime events that involve youths. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes that contribute to

Does the LOB clause in BEPS Action 6 violate the principle of MFN treatment in EU law?

OECD delivered on October 5th 2015 the BEPS final package consisting of 15 actions intending to address the issues of base erosion and profit shifting. The aim of Action 6 is to prevent treaty abuse, in particular treaty shopping. To achieve this goal, a specific anti- abuse rule, a Limitation- on- Benefit (LOB) rule, will be included in the OECD Model. The LOB rule contains objective tests that t

Föräldrars upplevelser av amning den första veckan post partum

Bakgrund: Amningssiffrorna är sjunkande i Sverige och amning upplevs ofta svårare än förväntat. Många ammar inte så länge som de hade för avsikt att göra. Föräldrar upplever ofta att vårdpersonal ger olika råd gällande amning. Tidigare forskning har främst utgått från den ammande kvinnans perspektiv. Syfte: Att belysa föräldrars upplevelser av amning under barnets första levnadsvecka. Metod: St

Beskattningen av carried interest i private equity-fonder

Uppsatsen behandlar beskattningen av en asymmetrisk ersättningsform inom private equity-fonder som benämns carried interest. Beskattningen av carried interest har under senare tid varit föremål för utredning av Skatteverket. I det medialt uppmärksammade Nordic Capital-målet argumenterade Skatteverket för att fondens rådgivningsbolag skulle anses vara skattskyldigt för carried interest, trots att d

MRI-based quantification of magnetic susceptibility: Assessment of measurement and calculation accuracy

Ett objekt som placeras i det starka magnetfältet i en MR-kamera kommer att bli magnetiserat. Magnetiseringen beskrivs av materialets magnetiska susceptibilitet. Olika delar av hjärnan har olika susceptibilitet vilket gör det möjligt att använda susceptibilitet som en källa till kontrast i MR-bilder. Susceptibiliteten i hjärnan varierar inte enbart med olika vävnader och strukturer utan också med An object in an external magnetic field will be magnetized and the degree of magnetization is dependent of the magnetic susceptibility of the object. The local magnetic field inside and around an object in the MR scanner will change due to the magnetization of the object. The phase shift is proportional to the local magnetic field, which means that phase images hold information about the susceptib

Vem - och varför - är den psykiskt sjuka brottslingen? - En genealogisk studie av den svenska hanteringen av psykiskt sjuka lagöverträdare

I den svenska straffrätten döms allvarligt psykiskt störda brottslingar i regel till rättspsykiatrisk vård istället för fängelse. Om brottet anses ha begåtts ”under påverkan av” den allvarliga psykiska störningen så kan domen förenas med beslut om särskild utskrivningsprövning, vilket innebär att förvaltningsrätten beslutar om utskrivning när den bedömer att individen inte längre har ett vårdbehovIn Swedish criminal law, ”severely mentally disturbed” (allvarligt psykiskt störda) criminals are usually sentenced to psychiatric care instead of prison. If the crime is deemed to have been committed “under the influence” of this mental disturbance, the sentence can be combined with a prescription for “special release inquiry” (särskild utskrivningsprövning). This means that an administrative cou

Politiska diskussioner i en digitaliserad värld - En kvalitativ fallstudie om det deliberativa samtalet på Twitter

Twitter's open network structure enables us to quickly and easily share our political thoughts and views. But how well does social media provide an arena for a rich political conversation? The aim of this thesis is to provide knowledge about the digitized political dialogue, citizens' abilities to influence through public discussion and the conditions Twitter as a platform provides for an

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The shaping of public support is a matter of high importance for governments engaging in war. But what determines whether the public support for war is strong or weak? And how has different Danish governments succeeded in creating public support for warfare in modern times? This scientific research is a case study of the creation of public support for Danish warfare in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq

Macron Démission! : a study of the Yellow Vests' emotional interactions on Facebook

France has for a long time been affected by social movements which have now become commonplace in the society. Research interested in the specificities of this country has especially shown the importance of trade unions in the organization of the actions. However, unlike its French predecessors, the Yellow Vests movement developed and organized itself with the exclusive use of digital media, just

Digital wellbeing, according to Google

In May 2018, Google presented a new initiative called Digital wellbeing at their annual developer conference, Google I/O. Digital wellbeing consists of part a new design philosophy guiding the company’s products, part a set of tools to improve people’s relationship with digital technology. Using an STS influenced approach, this thesis seeks to better understand what role Google thinks technology s

Att skriva om döden : död och odödlighet i ett medialiserat samhälle

Döden har de senaste åren blivit ett stort medialt fenomen. Två tydliga exempel på detta finns i Sverige där både artisten och journalisten Kristian Gidlund samt den före detta landslagsspelaren i fotboll Klas Ingesson själva skildrat sitt döende. Gidlund insjuknade 2011 i cancer och startade då bloggen I kroppen min och släppte senare två böcker med samma namn där han skildrar sitt liv med cancer

Medielogik och antisemitism : en kritisk diskursanalys om USA:s särskilda sändebud mot antisemitisms besök i Malmö 2012

’’Medielogik och antisemitism’’ är en uppsats författad av Jens Andersson vid Lunds universitet vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier i ämnet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap. Uppsatsen diskuterar hur medielogiken tog sig uttryck under Hannah Rosenthals, USA:s särskilda sändebud mot antisemitism, besök i Malmö den 26 april 2012. Medielogiken leder medierna till att fokusera på det läsar