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Hydrophobic Complexation Promotes Enzymatic Surfactant Synthesis from Alkyl Glucoside/Cyclodextrin Mixtures

The unique ability of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase to form and utilize the cyclic maltooligosaccharide cyclodextrin (CD) makes this enzyme an attractive catalyst for the synthesis of alkyl glycosides. Here, we characterize the sugar headgroup elongation of alkyl glucosides (acceptor) via two transglycosylation reactions from either a linear (maltohexose) or a cyclic (CD) glycosyl donor. Inclus

Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section with ATLAS in the single lepton channel

A measurement of the production cross-section for top quark pairs (t (t) over bar) in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV is presented using data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events are selected in the single lepton topology by requiring an electron or muon, large missing transverse momentum and at least three jets. With a data sample of 35 pb(-1), two different multi

Concentrations of organohalogen compounds and titres of antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus antigens and the risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Exposure to some pesticides and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) has been indicated to be a risk factor for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been associated with some subgroups of NHL. In a previous study we found an interaction between high concentrations of some POPs and titres of antibodies to EBV early antigen (EA IgG) in relation to NHL. In the present study we m

Associations of beta-catenin alterations and MSI screening status with expression of key cell cycle regulating proteins and survival from colorectal cancer

BACKGROUND: Despite their pivotal roles in colorectal carcinogenesis, the interrelationship and prognostic significance of beta-catenin alterations and microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer (CRC) needs to be further clarified. In this paper, we studied the associations between beta-catenin overexpression and MSI status with survival from CRC, and with expression of p21, p27, cyclin

Instrumentation, Control and Automation in wastewater - from London 1973 to Narbonne 2013

Key developments of instrumentation, control and automation (ICA) applications in wastewater systems during the past 40 years are highlighted in this paper. From the first ICA conference in 1973 through to today there has been a tremendous increase in the understanding of the processes, instrumentation, computer systems and control theory. However, many developments have not been addressed here, s

Sigmund Exner's (1887) Einige Beobachtungen uber Bewegungsnachbilder (Some Observations on Movement Aftereffects): An Illustrated Translation With Commentary

In his original contribution, Exner's principal concern was a comparison between the properties of different aftereffects, and particularly to determine whether aftereffects of motion were similar to those of color and whether they could be encompassed within a unified physiological framework. Despite the fact that he was unable to answer his main question, there are some excellent-so far unknown-

The Organization of R&D - Sourcing Strategy, Financing and Relation to Trade

Popular Abstract in Swedish På lång sikt drivs ekonomisk tillväxt av teknisk utveckling. Det är genom att kunna producera mer och bättre produkter givet samma insatsfaktorer som bruttonationalprodukten (BNP) växer i det långa loppet. Men vad är det då som genererar teknisk utveckling? Jo, satsningar på forskning och utveckling (FoU). Dock är det så att resultaten från FoU – ny kunskap och ny tekniThis thesis deals with the organization of R&D from a micro perspective in order to get a better idea of how to generate economic growth in the long run. What kind of R&D policies should be promoted? This thesis contributes to the existing literature by investigating other data sets than before, by using more modern econometric techniques and by extending the investigated variables. Chapt

Investigating the Effect of Adding Drug (Lidocaine) to a Drug Delivery System Using Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering

The effect on a model drug delivery system when adding a drug, lidocaine, has been studied. Temperature and concentration dependence of a nonionic microemulsion with part of the oil, 1 and 10 vol. %, substituted with drug has been investigated. A nonionic oil-in-water microemulsion consisting of CH3(CH2)(11)(OCH2CH2)(5)OH, (C12E5), decane, water and the drug (lidocaine) that has been used to subst

The evolution of photosynthesis and chloroplasts

This review focuses on what has been learned about the evolution of photosynthesis in the past five years, and omits evolution of CO2 assimilation. Oxygenic photosynthesis (using both photosystems I and II) has evolved from anoxygenic photosynthesis. The latter occurs in different variants, using either a type 1 photosystem resembling photosystem I, or a type 2 photosystem resembling photosystem I

Challenges and some new directions in channel coding

Three areas of ongoing research in channel coding are surveyed, and recent developments are presented in each area: spatially coupled Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes, non-binary LDPC codes, and polar coding.

A strong quantitative trait locus for wing length on chromosome 2 in a wild population of great reed warblers.

Wing length is a key character for essential behaviours related to bird flight such as migration and foraging. In the present study, we initiate the search for the genes underlying wing length in birds by studying a long-distance migrant, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). In this species wing length is an evolutionary interesting trait with pronounced latitudinal gradient and sex

Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: Support for a specific distress – function relationship.

Background: This study has investigated the specific relationship between childhood adversities, individual trauma symptoms and the functions of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). The aim was to examine whether different self-reported adverse experiences and trauma symptoms predict the need to engage in NSSI, either to regulate emotions or to communicate with and influence others. Method: The partic

Effect of autoimmune diseases on incidence and survival in subsequent multiple myeloma

Background: Patients with many types of autoimmune diseases (AIDs) are at an increased risk of cancer, which may depend on underlying dysregulation of the immune system or treatment. We systematically analyzed myeloma risk and survival in patients diagnosed with 33 different AIDs. Methods: Data on patients with AIDs were retrieved from the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register and were linked to mye

Corrector-based magnet alignment procedure

A method of realigning the quadrupole magnets in storage rings to achieve minimum dipole corrector strengths is described. The corrector strengths after realignment are mainly determined by Beam Position Monitor offsets relative to the quadrupole magnets they have been calibrated against and the extent to which magnet dipole errors stay constant during the realignment. The accuracy to which quadru

Risk Factors of Tumour Recurrence and Reduced Survival in Rectal Cancer

In Sweden, 2000 patients are diagnosed with rectal cancer annually. In 1995, the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry (SRCR) was launched to supervise and assure the quality of the management of rectal cancer. Advances in the management of rectal cancer have reduced the local recurrence (LR) rate and improved survival. To improve the outcome further, identification of prognostic and predictive factors i

Efficient Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization Problems

This paper presents a decomposition strategy applicable to DAE constrained optimization problems. A common solution method for such problems is to apply a direct transcription method and solve the re- sulting nonlinear program using an interior-point algorithm. For this approach, the time to solve the linearized KKT system at each iteration typically dominates the total solution time. In our propo

Search for pair-produced long-lived neutral particles decaying to jets in the ATLAS hadronic calorimeter in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV

The ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN is used to search for the decay of a scalar boson to a pair of long-lived particles, neutral under the Standard Model gauge group, in 20.3 fb(-1) of data collected in proton-proton collisions at root s = 8 TeV. This search is sensitive to long-lived particles that decay to Standard Model particles producing jets at the outer edge of the ATLAS