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In situ Characterization of Deformation Mechanisms in Harmonic Structure Nickel

There is an ever-increasing demand for structural metals with higher strength. Metals can be strengthened by reducing grain size in their microstructure, but ductility is also concomitantly reduced. High strength and ductility are a desirable combination of properties for most structural engineering materials. By arranging fine grains in a continuous network that surrounds islands of coarse grains

Packet-Type Aware Scheduling of Moldable Streaming Tasks on Multicore Systems with DVFS

We introduce a novel approach for energy-efficient scheduling of data-dependent stream programs with packet types on multicore architectures with voltage and frequency scaling. To have the given application meet specific throughput demands while minimizing energy consumption, we enhance the existing crown scheduling by packet-type dependent parameters. Formulation as an integer linear program gene

A clarification of the conditions under which Large language Models could be conscious

With incredible speed Large Language Models (LLMs) are reshaping many aspects of society. This has been met with unease by the public, and public discourse is rife with questions about whether LLMs are or might be conscious. Because there is widespread disagreement about consciousness among scientists, any concrete answers that could be offered the public would be contentious. This paper offers th

Commentary on the Establishment of a Printing Press in Iceland, Copenhagen (1688)

The rescript of 1688 granted the bishop and superintendent Theodorus Thorlacius (Latinised form of Þórður Þorláksson) permission to print Norwegian and Icelandic historical and antiquarian works, demonstrating the growing interest in Old Norse culture in the Scandinavian countries in the seventeenth century. The printing of Icelandic histories illustrates not only the growth and importance of prin

Global Spore Sampling Project : A global, standardized dataset of airborne fungal DNA

Novel methods for sampling and characterizing biodiversity hold great promise for re-evaluating patterns of life across the planet. The sampling of airborne spores with a cyclone sampler, and the sequencing of their DNA, have been suggested as an efficient and well-calibrated tool for surveying fungal diversity across various environments. Here we present data originating from the Global Spore Sam

Sightsinging in a group context : An eye-tracking study with experienced choral singers

Studies on music reading have provided insights into the cognitive processes in sight singing. However, there has been limited research on sight singing in a group setting. This study aims to assess how choral singers approach music reading as they perform previously unfamiliar choral scores together. We addressed (1) how singers’ gaze direction is distributed over staff systems, and (2) how their

Evidence for the mechanisms of zinc uptake by rice using isotope fractionation

In an earlier study, we found that rice (Oryza sativa) grown in nutrient solution well-supplied with Zn preferentially took up light 64Zn over 66Zn, probably as a result of kinetic fractionation in membrane transport processes. Here, we measure isotope fractionation by rice in a submerged Zn-deficient soil with and without Zn fertilizer. We grew the same genotype as in the nutrient solution study

”Men det kan väl inte vara opassande att vara ung?” En nyhistorisk analys av hur flickor gestaltas i fem svenska ungdomsromaner från 1940- och 1950-talet

This thesis examines how girls are portrayed in Swedish adolescent literature from the 1940s and 1950s – Ingen tror på Britt (1947), Den svarta fläcken (1949), Inga och livet (1951), Ingen lugn stund hos Oskarssons (1953) and lastly, Flickan från landet: berättelse för flickor (1954). By taking a new historical approach a historical contextualisation has been done of the works by interpreting hist

Beyond Zero : Construction for a Regenerative Future

This paper compiles a roadmap of considerations concerning zero impact, beyond zero (positive) impact of regenerative development of the construction process. This is described from a process point of view considering the whole lifecycle of a building, involved stakeholders, and the necessity of functional ecosystem services. Firstly, a review is made of the basics of regenerative development and

When upstream suppliers drive traceability: A process study on blockchain adoption for sustainability

PurposeThis paper aims to investigate the emergence of blockchain-enabled traceability in complex multi-tiered supply chains, focusing on the perspective of upstream suppliers. Blockchain technology receives attention for its potential to enable better traceability and thus sustainability risk management, yet there is limited empirical evidence on how actual implementation unfolds. We aim to under

On the diagnosis of external ventricular drain related infections - Incidence, biomarkers and microbiological methods

The external ventricular drain (EVD) is an important instrument in the management of neuro-intensive care patients through its ability to meassure intracranial pressure and to treat increased intracranial pressure by drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). However, EVDs are associated with the risk of external ventricular drain related infection (EVDRI). EVDRI diagnosis is challenging as symtoms an

Swedish-(Par)Desi : Belonging Narratives of Second-Generation Pakistani Muslims in Sweden

Avhandlingen undersöker begreppet tillhörighet utifrån 42 livsberättelser som samlats in genom intervjuer med pakistanska muslimer i tre svenska städer. Ur ett intersektionellt flergenarationsperspektiv på diaspora ställs frågor om ”vem som hör hemma” och ”hur man hör hemma”.I avhandlingen beskrivs hur diasporiska identiteter formas, förhandlas och omvandlas över generationer inom ramen för svenskIn an unprecedented Muslim migration context in Sweden, with changing demographics as well as pressures on the welfare state, how Muslim family background is negotiated in Sweden is strikingly understudied. For second-generation Pakistanis, inheriting a Muslim identity from their parents can barely be considered a windfall gain. As they forge both roots and routes to embed into the country in whic