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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

The ecology of animal senses : Matched filters for economical sensing

The collection of chapters in this book present the concept of matched filters: Response characteristics “matching” the characteristics of crucially important sensory inputs, which allows detection of vital sensory stimuli while sensory inputs not necessary for the survival of the animal tend to be filtered out, or sacrificed. The individual contributions discuss that the evolution of sensing syst

Gestural representation of event structure in dyadic interaction

What are the underlying motivations for the conceptualization of events? Recent studies show that when people are asked to use nonverbal gestures to describe transitive events they prefer the semantic order Agent-Patient-Act, analogous to SOV in grammatical terms. The original explanation has been that this pattern reflects a cognitively “natural order” for the conceptualization of events. However

Making Place for Social Norms in the Design of Human-Robot Interaction

We argue that social robots should be designed to behave similarly to humans, and furthermore that social norms constitute the core of human interaction. Whether robots can be designed to behave in human-like ways turns on whether they can be designed to organize and coordinate their behavior with others’ social expectations. We suggest that social norms regulate interaction in real time, whereage

Risk factor changes and incident atrial fibrillation among middle-aged men in the Malmö Preventive Project cohort

Aims: To determine whether risk factor changes over 6 years were associated with the incidence of atrial fibrillation (AF)among middle-aged men in the Malmo ̈ Preventive Project (MPP) cohort.Methods and results: In total, 5633 men (mean age 47.0 years at baseline) underwent two screening examinations, separated by an average of6 years. The annual rate at which systolic blood pressure (SBP), diasto

Is the use of sunscreens a risk factor for malignant melanoma?

The relation between use of sunscreens, different host factors and malignant melanoma was investigated in a population-based, matched case-control study of malignant melanoma in the South Swedish Health Care Region, which has the highest risk for melanoma in Sweden, between 1 July 1988 and 30 June 1990. In total, 400 melanoma patients and 640 healthy controls aged 15-75 years answered a comprehens

Promoting water-related innovation through networked acceleration : Insights from the Water Innovation Accelerator

The current state of the water and sanitation sector has put water­related innovations high on the global policy agenda. However, the systemic complexity that typically surrounds such contexts call for actionable knowledge of how to enable and orchestrate innovative solutions by connecting different players via organized networks. In this study we explore and analyse the Water Innovation AcceleratThe current state of the water and sanitation sector has put water-related innovations high on the global policy agenda. However, the systemic complexity that typically surrounds such contexts call for actionable knowledge of how to enable and orchestrate innovative solutions by connecting different players via organized networks. In this study we explore and analyse the Water Innovation Accelerat

Crystal Structure of an Ammonia-Permeable Aquaporin

Aquaporins of the TIP subfamily (Tonoplast Intrinsic Proteins) have been suggested to facilitate permeation of water and ammonia across the vacuolar membrane of plants, allowing the vacuole to efficiently sequester ammonium ions and counteract cytosolic fluctuations of ammonia. Here, we report the structure determined at 1.18 Å resolution from twinned crystals of Arabidopsis thaliana aquaporin AtT

A National Swedish Twin-Sibling Study of Alcohol Use Disorders

The relationship between the genetic and environmental risk factors for alcohol use disorders (AUD) detected in Swedish medical, pharmacy, and criminal registries has not been hitherto examined. Prior twin studies have varied with regard to the detection of shared environmental effects and sex differences in the etiology of AUD. In this report, structural equation modeling in OpenMx was applied to

Validation of data quality in the Swedish National Register for Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer

Background: The Swedish National Register for Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer (NREV) was launched in 2006. Data are reported at diagnosis (diagnostic survey), at the time of surgery (surgical survey) and at first outpatient follow-up (follow-up survey). The aim of this study was to evaluate data originating from NREV in terms of comparability, completeness, accuracy and timeliness. Methods: Coding

Blockchain-based publishing layer for the Keyless Signing Infrastructure

A Keyless Signing Infrastructure (KSI) provides users with a means to timestamp documents on a per-second basis. The KSI consists of a global infrastructure with several server layers and by using Merkle hash trees, the root hash can be used to verify the integrity and timestamp of a document. Regular publication of root hashes, e.g., once per month, allows a document to be verified without suppor

CD4+ T cells with an activated and exhausted phenotype distinguish immunodeficiency during aviremic HIV-2 infection

OBJECTIVE:: HIV-2 represents an attenuated form of HIV, where many infected individuals remain “aviremic” without antiretroviral therapy (ART). However, aviremic HIV-2 disease progression exits, and in the current study we therefore aimed to examine if specific pathological characteristics of CD4+ T cells are linked to such outcome. DESIGN:: HIV-seronegative (n=25), HIV-1 (n?=?33), HIV-2 (n?=?39,

Health Care Students' Attitudes Toward Addressing Sexual Health in Their Future Profession : Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire

To test the reliability and validity of the Students' Attitudes Towards Addressing Sexual Health Questionnaire (SA-SH), measuring students' attitudes toward addressing sexual health in their future professions. A cross-sectional online survey (22 items) were distributed to 186 nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy students in Sweden, April 2015. Validity and reliability were tested. The