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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Effects of standardization in risk management regulations for land-use planning related to process industries and transportation of dangerous goods

Preventing and mitigating damage to the surroundings arising from process safety incidents is an important aspect of process safety. Risk-informed or risk-based decision-making are cornerstones in most countries’ regulatory regimes for land-use planning. However, the design and implementation of the regulations vary significantly - from countries that have chosen a highly standardized set of rules

Incidence of cerebral small vessel disease-related MR markers in the Swedish general population 'Good Aging in Skåne'(GÅS) study

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is associated to cognitive decline and dementia. Neuroimaging changes of CSVD are highly prevalent above 80 years. Only few studies report on incidence of CSVD in high age. We have investigated the incidence and prevalence of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers of CSVD and risk factors in the general older population.METHODS: As

A Matter of Frames? Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Scope 3 Emissions Disclosure and Action-taking in the EU’s Food Processing Sector

While emissions from the food sector continue to rise, corporate carbon disclosure has emerged as an important driver to push for companies’ commitment to reduce GHG emissions in their value chain. This thesis investigates how different stakeholders frame Scope 3 emissions disclosure and action-taking within the EU food processing sector, in which upcoming regulations will enhance their relevance.

Intervention fidelity and factors affecting the process of implementing a mobile phone text messaging intervention among adolescents living with HIV : A convergent mixed-methods study in southern Ethiopia

Objective To assess the intervention fidelity and explore contextual factors affecting the process of implementing a mobile phone text messaging intervention in improving adherence to and retention in care among adolescents living with HIV, their families and their healthcare providers in southern Ethiopia. Design A convergent mixed-methods design guided by the process evaluation theoretical frame

Exploring the Early Molecular Pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis Using Differential Network Analysis of Human Synovial Fluid

The molecular mechanisms that drive the onset and development of osteoarthritis (OA) remain largely unknown. In this exploratory study, we used a proteomic platform (SOMAscan assay) to measure the relative abundance of more than 6000 proteins in synovial fluid (SF) from knees of human donors with healthy or mildly degenerated tissues, and knees with late-stage OA from patients undergoing knee repl

Deciphering the genetics and mechanisms of predisposition to multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable malignancy of plasma cells. Epidemiological studies indicate a substantial heritable component, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, in a genome-wide association study totaling 10,906 cases and 366,221 controls, we identify 35 MM risk loci, 12 of which are novel. Through functional fine-mapping and Mendelian randomization, we uncover two causal

Analysis of nuclear properties of symmetry breaking pear-shaped nuclei in relation with CP-violating effects

To investigate the non-zero nuclear Schiff moment exhibited by PT-violating nuclei, this paper examines the prediction of shapes and excited states of Radium isotopes by applying different Skyrme-like models. The calculations were conducted by employing computational programs incorporating both the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method and Hartree-Fock + BCS with an effective Skyrme force. A preliminary

A Study on Language Attitudes towards Swedish and English with Focus on Linguistic Imperialism and Coloniality

The focus of this paper is linguistic imperialism and coloniality. This was researched by investigating the language attitudes of students and alumni in the language teacher programs and their professors at Lund University. The control group consisted of students at Lund University who had not studied language or linguistics. The research was conducted through a questionnaire and deeper interviews

Growth of PdO on Pd(100)

This thesis explores the growth of palladium oxide (PdO) on palladium(100) surfaces, focusing particularly on how different environmental conditions affect the formation and stability of various PdO orientations rellative to the Pd substrate. The motivation of the project is that catalytic oxidation of methane, is believed to be strongly dependent on the surface structure of the involved catalyst.

Risk Factors for Infection After Transrectal Prostate Biopsy : A Population-based Register Study

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Infection after transrectal prostate biopsy (TPBx) is a well-known risk. A comprehensive investigation of risk factors may identify measures for safe TPBx as an alternative to a change in biopsy route. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for infection after TPBx.METHODS: We included all outpatient TPBx cases in Region Kronoberg, Sweden, from January 2010 to

Video analysis of bicyclist and pedestrian movement on shared-use paths under daylight and electric lighting conditions : Method exploration

This study introduces a progressive methodology for examining the travel behaviour of bicyclists and pedestrians under both daylight and electric lighting conditions. By analysing data from naturalistic/undisturbed settings, we aimed to assess the representativeness of participant behaviour in an invited context compared to that of typical road users. This paper expands upon the methodological expThis study introduces a progressive methodology for examining the travel behaviour of bicyclists and pedestrians under both daylight and electric lighting conditions. By analysing data from naturalistic/undisturbed settings, we aimed to assess the representativeness of participant behaviour in an invited context compared to that of typical road users. This paper expands upon the methodological exp

Asymptotic behaviour of the Hausdorff dimension of Julia set for quadratic polynomials around $-2$

Euklidisk geometri var den första ge- ometrin som man stötte på i grundskolan, allt från trianglar till cirklar. Samtidigt fick man lära sig att inget av dessa objekt finns i verk- ligheten. Det var inte förrän Benoı̂t Mandelbrot (1924-2010) insåg att många naturfenomen är så oregelbundna och komplexa att de inte kan beskrivas med euklidisk geometri. I detta sam- manhang verkar Mandelbrots citat vLet $\dim_H(\mathcal{J}_\epsilon)$ and $\dim_H(\mathcal{J}_{i\epsilon})$ denote the Hausdorff dimension of the Julia set of the polynomials $f_\epsilon(z) = z^2 -2 -\epsilon$ and $f_{i\epsilon}(z) = z^2 -2 +i\epsilon$ receptively for small $\epsilon>0$. This thesis contains two main Theorems, both dealing with the upper bound for the asymptotic behaviour of $\dim_H(\mathcal{J}_\epsilon)$ and $\dim

Love or Loathe: Investigating Brand Lover Responses to Controversial Advertising Campaigns

In a designated market filled with many well-established organizations, there are difficulties in capturing the attention of the desired customer base. Consumers are exposed to many advertisements daily, which fail to grab their attention. Provocative or controversial advertising cuts through this clutter by delivering a message that undeniably stands out. This is usually done by breaking a set of

On information value and decision analyses

This paper addresses value of information, structural health information, and decision analyses in built environment engineering. Decision analyses are used for the joint optimization of information collection and the identification of physical measures for the management and enhancement of the expected utility of built environment systems. To these ends, this paper contains (1) principal descript

Evaluation of life cycle assessment tools for assessing the potential environmental impact of renovation measures

Livscykelanalys (LCA) används för att utvärdera den potentiella miljöpåverkan av olika processer och tjänster, bland annat inom bygg- och fastighetssektorerna. Denna studie jämför tre LCA-verktyg som är speciellt utvecklade för användning inom bygg- och fastighetssektorn mot ett fjärde som är ett allmänt LCA-verktyg. En LCA görs för en fallstudie av ett flerfamiljshus där ett ventilationssystem meLife cycle assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate the potential environmental impact of different processes and services, including in the construction and real estate sectors. This study compares three LCA tools that have been specifically developed for use in the construction and real estate sectors with a fourth that is a general LCA tool. An LCA is performed for a case study of a multi-family bu

Towards rational decision-making on repointing to mitigate moisture damage in building envelopes: A probabilistic study

Repointing is a prevalent maintenance practice in Northern Europe aimed at mitigating moisture-related damage in brick masonry buildings. Although commonly used, evidence of its effectiveness is limited. This study assesses repointing’s role in reducing damage risks by conducting a probabilistic hygrothermal analysis of two wall types: timber frame walls and masonry cavity walls. Results indicate

The Role of Energy Initiatives in the Energy Transition, A Comparative Study of Two Local Energy Initiatives in Skåne

Transitioning away from fossil fuels is prominent to stay within the 1.5-degree limit outlined in the Paris Agreement. For this to occur, the socio-technical energy system needs to become more flexible and support decentralized systems. One way to do this, as advocated by the European Union as well, is to support local energy initiatives. This paper examines how different local energy initiatives

Åtgärder för att underlätta för patienter med ångest och oro vid MR- undersökning

Magnetresonanstomografi (MR) är en vanlig medicinsk bildteknik som tydligt framhäver små strukturer i kroppen utan att använda joniserande strålning. Ångest och oro hos patienter är vanliga orsaker till att MR-undersökningar avbryts eller blir inställda. Detta är negativt för både patientens vårdförlopp och för röntgenverksamheten. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskor har kunskap om oli