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Your search for "*" yielded 532945 hits

Energy and conflict: A case study on the role of energy in the 2022 Ukraine conflict

Little academic research has been done in the field of energy and conflict with regard to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The aim of this thesis is to try to fill this gap by analysing the relationship of energy and conflict in this ongoing war. A further goal is to relate the findings back to the theoretical framework provided by Månsson (2014), in which the different roles that energy c

Simulation of a prototype of the LDMX hadronic calorimeter and analysis of test beam data

The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is an upcoming experiment to test the existence of dark matter in the mass range of 1 MeV - 1 GeV. It does so by looking for missing momentum and energy in collisions of an electron beam and a tungsten target, which could potentially indicate the existence of dark matter. One of the main detector components of LDMX is the hadronic calorimeter, which is used

Hur media konstruerar en brottsling

The aim of this study was to research how ISIS-returnees were portrayed by Swedish media in order to understand the impact media’s portrayal of ISIS-returnees may have on media consumers' attitudes towards these individuals. This was done by a qualitative content analysis of 26 articles from two different Swedish news sites, named SVT Nyheter and Samtiden. The results were analyzed based on po

Molnens påverkan på jordens strålningsbalans och klimatsystem

Molnens roll i klimatsystemet har studerats och deras påverkan på solens inverkan på jordens energibalans. Jordens albedo påverkar energibalansen genom att den påverkar hur mycket av solens instrålning som reflekteras eller absorberas. Moln påverkar jordens albedo och spelar därför en viktig roll i denna balans. Molnbildning sker till nära 100% i troposfären och där finns allt det vi kallar väder.The role of clouds in the climate system has been studied and their impact on the Sun's impact on the Earth's energy balance. The Earth's albedo affects the energy balance by influencing how much of the Sun’s radiation is reflected or absorbed. Clouds affect the Earth's albedo and therefore play an important role in this balance. Cloud formation occurs almost 100% in the tropospher

Utvärdering av kravspecifikation vid anskaffning av medicinsk teknik

All government controlled business is controlled by the law of public procurement and its five fundamental principles. If these are not fulfilled the procurement is at risk of being subject to a review procedure, which requires both time and money. Therefore it is important to ensure the quality of these processes for contracting authorities such as Region Skåne, especially in conjunction with the

AFTA and Regional Strengthening: The Effect of intra-ASEAN Trade on FDI Inflows

his thesis investigates the effects of intra-ASEAN export flows on global FDI inflows into ASEAN member states. A panel dataset including all ten countries of the ASEAN is created to test these effects from 1992 to 2020. Linear regressions without and with fixed effects predict that intra-ASEAN exports have a positive and significant impact on FDI inflows into ASEAN countries. Furthermore, trade f

The Sensitivity of Banks' Stock Returns to the interest rate risk and exchange rate risk: A Case Study of Germany and South Africa

The purpose of this paper is to interrogate the single and joint effect interest and exchange rate movements have on banks’ stock returns. This study also aims to compare the volatility of the banks’ stock returns for countries in different markets using both the short and long-term interest rate and the respective exchange rates. To conduct our tests, we use a sample of 14 German and 11 South Afr

Pengar eller produkter? - En experimentell replikationsstudie av företagsdonationer i tider av kris

Sammanfattning Titel: Pengar eller produkter? - En experimentell replikationsstudie av företagsdonationer i tider av kris Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Oskar Norrström, Philippa Rosenbacke, Smilla McCormac Handledare: Johan Gromark Nyckelord: Varumärkesäkthet, CSR, Krisrespons, Symbolisk Konsumtion, Sociala medier.

Distansarbete - Attraktivt eller inte?

Titel: Distansarbete - Attraktivt eller inte? Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Företagsekonomi - Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 poäng. Författare: Adam Christensson, Måns Hedenskog, Axel Jonsson. Handledare: Johan Gromark Nyckelord: Employer branding, distansarbete, arbetsgivarattraktivitet, ansökningsintention, experiment. Forskningsfrågor: Ökar företags attraktivitet bland unga vuxna

Femvertising: Dagens fluga eller tidlös fullträff?

The purpose of this study is to investigate how femvertising, in specific advertising which aims to encourage female empowerment, is perceived by two generations of women and if it affects their attitudes toward an ad. The study is a replication of the previous study Advertising “like a girl”: Toward a better understanding of “femvertising” and its effects presented by Åkestam, Rosengren and Dahlé

The Opening of Space: Perception Changes by Technology

This thesis explores two contemporary artists’ use of digital technology, whose work deal with the question of how technology determines the way we perceive space. As a background to these explorations, I discuss how spaces relates to technology in visual culture through art history with examples of specific Chinese and western landscape paintings. I look at Martin Heidegger’s definition of techno

Inflation and Quantitative Tightening - A theoretical assessment of contractionary monetary policy and real economic activity

Following the associated lockdown measures of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the world economy started facing inflationary pressures from a surge in energy prices and supply chain disruptions at the end of 2021. Given the economic environment with low inflation and expansionary monetary policy following the Great Financial Crisis (GFC), central banks around the world have built up large balance sh

Rotating current collector for dynamic charging of electrical vehicles

Cutting carbon emission from road transports worldwide is a key component in limiting global warming, and electrification is one of the most likely automotive technologies to achieve this goal. Therefore, Elonroad is developing an electric road system that will allow its users to charge while driving. This allows greater range and a reduction in battery sizes. This master thesis is therefore aimin

Developing a Multi-Passenger Game for Inflight Entertainment Systems

The airline industry has been on a steady rise the last couple of decades and so has the range of different kinds of digital entertainment options onboard commercial airliners. As the technology onboard airliners has become more and more advanced, the possibility to offer passengers different kinds of digital experiences have risen. Most airline companies nowadays offer large movie libraries, sing

”Musik är ju liksom som madeleinekakor”: En studie i och om rytmik- och körundervisning och hur musikaliska upplevelser kan påverka folkhälsan

MIND (2021) flaggar för en växande problematik med psykisk ohälsa. Kultur har positiv inverkan på folkhälsan, vilket visas i en rapport beställd av WHO (Fancourt & Finn, 2019) och Theorell (2009; 2014; 2018) lyfter särskilt musiken och dess positiva inverkan på människor. Ruud (2001) hävdar att kulturen också bör ta ansvar för att stärka folkhälsan. Mot bakgrund av detta undersöker vi som musiMIND (2021) raises a warning flag for the growing problem concerning mental health. The arts has a positive effect on the public health, which is shown in a report ordered by the WHO (Fancourt & Finn, 2019) and Theorell (2009, 2014 och 2018) highlights music and its positive influence on people. Ruud (2001) claims that the arts also should take responsibility in strengthening the public health

Intrapreneurial decision-making: Understanding the relation between causation and effectuation and the creation of new business models under uncertainty

In increasingly turbulent environments, intrapreneurship has proven to be a crucial factor for established companies’ success and survival, showing a positive impact on innovation and organizational performance. Despite the strong importance that current research attaches to entrepreneurial employees in existing corporations, there remains a very limited understanding of their decision-making. The

Sommaren – "ett självspelande piano". En studie om hållbarhetsarbete på en säsongsbaserad landsbygdsdestination

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur turismaktörer på en säsongsdestination arbetar med hållbar utveckling och hur de hanterar problematik kring säsongsvariationer. Vi vill mer specifikt undersöka vilken roll de sociala och miljömässiga hållbarhetsaspekterna har i arbetet med hållbar utveckling. Genom exemplet Kullahalvön kommer vi att illustrera hur en säsongsdestination bemöter mö

Management Control of Tomorrow – Expectations and preferences affecting business students ́ motivation and job satisfaction, and the consequences for management control

The purpose is to investigate what the next generation of employees prefer and expect, to be satisfied and motivated at work. It should also be shown, what they prioritise, when comparing two different items. This provides insights into what newer generations expect and what it means in terms of the use of management control to support and enhance employee ́s motivation and satisfaction. This rese