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Evaluation of Long-term Impact of Coal Mining in Zambezi River Basin in Mozambique

Zambezi River Basin is an international river basin which sustains life of about 30 million people in its riparian countries: Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The main stream of the river enters to Mozambique with average flow of about 2330 m3/s and reaches the outfall in the Indian Ocean with about 4134 m3/s. This makes both the activities in the upstr

När makten blir din kompis - en studie i polisens kommunikation på Facebook

Idag har många organisationer, både inom privat och offentlig sektor, etablerat en närvaro på olika sociala medieplattformar. Det är av högsta relevans att granska aktörer i samhället som innehar en stor maktposition. Denna studie undersöker hur den svenska polisen använder Facebook som ett strategiskt verktyg för att kommunicera med medborgare, men också vilka möjligheter och faror som finns koppToday, many organizations, both within the private and the public sector, have developed a presence in different social media channels. It is of most importance to perpetually scrutinize entities because of their position of power in the society. This study examines how the Swedish Police use Facebook as a strategic tool to communicate with citizens, but also what the potential advantages and disa

Vibation Reduction by Shaping the Terrain Topography

MAX-lab is a synchrotron radiation laboratory run in cooperation between Lund University and the Swedish Research Council. It currently consists of three stor-age rings, however, construction has begun of the fourth. MAX IV will be located outside of the Lund University Faculty of Engineering campus, in the northeastern part of Lund. Induced by the development in material technology at the nanomet

Användarnas egenuttryckta behov och talboksverksamhetens framtid : den svenska talboksverksamheten ur ett användar- och empowermentperspektiv

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how the Swedish model for production and distribution of talking books to the print disabled can be designed in the future, on the basis of the self-expressed needs of the users. Three questions were formulated in order to achieve this aim: 1. What needs do the users, according to themselves, have in relation to talking books to achieve equal means of

Det transnationella ansvaret - En kvalitativ studie om kosovoalbanska migranters försörjningsansvar av familjemedlemmar i Kosovo

Abstract Author: Vlora Dibrani Title: The transnational responsibility - A qualitative study about Kosovoalbanian migrants supply responsibilities of their family members in Kosovo Supervisor: Anders P. Lundberg Keywords: Family, Kosovo, migrants, remittances, transnational The aim of this study was to investigate the expectations the Kosovoalbanian social system has on the migrants supply respo

Long-term Change of Phosphorus in Acidified and Limed Lakes in comparison to Neutral lakes

Abstract: Total phosphorus (TP) concentration changes from 1990 to 2012 in acidified and limed lake group in Sweden were investigated and compared to neutral lake group. The Literature study showed that TP concentrations were generally reduced in acidified lakes due to reduced terrestrial losses of P into lakes, increased in-lake P precipitation and burial, and weakened biological P cycling. Altho

Bostadsdiskriminering- Hur kan diskriminering på bostadsmarknaden bevisas?

Sammanfattning Detta arbete tar utgångspunkt dels i grundantagandet att diskriminering på bostadsmarknaden sker och dels i en ambition att belysa hur det juridiska antidiskrimineringsarbetet inom detta område kan bedrivas. Materialet för arbetet utgörs av de fem mål som har prövats av svenska domstolar som rör diskriminering på bostadsmarknaden och de 15 ärenden där DO och de tidigare ombudsmänneSummary This work is based on the assumption that discrimination in the housing market is present and in a desire to shed light on how the legal anti-discrimination system works in this area. The focus of this study is the five cases of discrimination that have been decided by Swedish courts and the fifteen cases in which DO (The Equality Ombudsman) has reached a settlement in the housing area. Th

Implementing International Marine Environmental Obligations in European Union Seas with emphasis on the Baltic Sea Area

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea places states and the European Union under a legal duty to protect and preserve the marine environment set out in Part XII. When the European Union and its Member States implement international obligations, they are also under a duty to do that in accordance with the objectives, principles and approaches under Chapter 17 of Agenda 21. Furthermore

Solomonoff Induction: A Solution to the Problem of the Priors?

In this essay, I investigate whether Solomonoff’s prior can be used to solve the problem of the priors for Bayesianism. In outline, the idea is to give higher prior probability to hypotheses that are "simpler", where simplicity is given a precise formal definition. I begin with a review of Bayesianism, including a survey of past proposed solutions of the problem of the priors. I then intr

Kontroll och frivillighet i två modeller för missbruksbehandling - En kvalitativ undersökning av två aspekter

The purpose of this study was to illuminate the relation between control and volunta-riness in drug rehabilitation programs, as viewed from the perspective of therapists within two types of programs: The Twelve step program and the Milieu therapy pro-gram. Drug rehabilitation programs in Sweden are mostly based on voluntary partici-pation. However, the actual degree of voluntariness in these progr

Experiences of having HIV and the support of a community organization- a qualitative study

The objective of this qualitative study was to explore how six South African HIV-diagnosed persons experience the social and emotional consequences of being infected and how the support structure provided by the non-governmental organization Keiskamma affect their everyday lives. The qualitative approach consisted of semi-structured interviews with six of Keiskamma’s patients and observations of

Branching Avoidance in Kinematic Image Space for Linkage Synthesis

Vi betraktar syntes och grendefekten av fyrlänks-mekanismer utifrån ett bergänsat antal task-positioner, baserat på kinematisk teori härledd från duala kvarternioner. Grendefekten är definierad som situationen där alla specificerade task-positionerna inte är sammankopplade av en kontinuerlig rörelse av mekanismens end-effector. Arbetsområ det av en fyrlänks-mekanism är härlett som snittet mellan tWe consider a finite position synthesis and branching avoidance of four-bar linkages based on kinematic theory derived from dual quaternions. The branching defect is defined as a situation where all specified task positions are not connected by a continuous motion of the linkage end effector. The workspace of a four-bar linkage is derived to be the intersection of two hyperboloids in the kinematic

Ice advance-retreat sediment successions along the Logata River, Taymyr Peninsula, Arctic Siberia

Ett antal flodskärningar undersöktes längs Logatafloden och dess omkringliggande områden för att ge en ökad förståelse om de senaste istiderna för denna del av världen. De påträffade sedimenten vittnade om en marin miljö efter en isframstöt och därefter en landhöjning som ledde till dagens flod- och tundralandskap. Det finns många teorier angående hur utbredd inlandsisen var över arktiska SibirieA number of sites were investigated in river sections along the Logata River on the Taymyr Peninsula, Russia, and its adjacent areas to shed more light on the glaciation history over the last glacial cycles. The sediments exposed at the investigated sites are correlated and put into a local stratigraphic scheme divided into five main units. Unit 1 is positioned lowest in the stratigraphy and con

Relation between sediment flux variation and land use patterns along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast

The Baltic Sea is one of the most studied seas in the world and has been in the spotlight due to its wide range of environmental problems. Human impact and climate influence on the Baltic Sea is of major concerns. This study aims to reconstruct the environment of the south east coast of the Baltic Sea and also analyze the human impact and climate influence in changing the landscape and its impact

Mechanically Sustained Surveillance Camera aboard a Seafaring Vessel

The aim of the thesis is to provide a solution for a new dome camera housing that fits Axis' P33 camera model so that it can be placed on ships. Extensive research is done into the maritime environment, corrosion, surface treatments and the state of Axis' current cameras. Detailed analysis is done regarding aluminum, stainless steel and plastics and their respective manufacturing methods.