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The Role of Education in Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Village Institutes in Turkey, 1940-1966

This study examines the relationship between education and agricultural productivity through the Turkish phenomenon of Village Institutes (VIs). Having emerged as the fourth step of the agrarian reform in 1937, the VIs provided a 5 year secondary education and 3 optional years of higher education to successful graduates of 5 year elementary village schools. Based on the principles of “learning by

Inequality of Opportunity Determinants of Access to Education – With a Special Focus on Income Inequality

In this study the concept of inequality of opportunity is applied to access to education and investigation is made over what determines this. A particular focus is set on income inequality and the role it plays for access to education. Several hypotheses regarding the relationship between income inequality and inequality in education, used as a proxy for access to education, can be thought of. Fou

Betydelsen av en ADHD-diagnos - En studie av sex självbiografiska berättelser

Title: The meaning of an ADHD-diagnosis Supervisor: Tabitha Wright Nielsen Assessor: Carina Tigervall The aim of our study was to examine how it affects people to get an ADHD/DAMP-diagnosis. We have studied six self-biographies, written by people that have received an ADHD/DAMP-diagnosis as adults. The purpose of the cur-rent study was to see if a person’s self-image is affected by getting an A

Privatekonomisk avkastning på svensk universitetsutbildning och hur den påverkar etableringsåldern på arbetsmarknaden

Abstract Den svenska staten har länge spenderat betydande resurser på utvecklingen av högskolor och universitet. Enligt humankapitalteoretiska modeller innebär ökade utbildningsinvesteringar en höjd produktivitet och en privatekonomisk avkastning i form av en framtida högre lön i arbetslivet. Då högre utbildning ämnar förbereda individer för inträdet på arbetsmarknaden är det därför anmärkningsvä

Pedagogik för att levandegöra historia : en jämförelse av musei- och arkivpedagogik med hänsyn till historieförmedling

The pedagogic purposes and ambitions of both museums and archives are in many ways alike. Their intentions and purposes as institutions in our society are also in many ways very similar to each other, not at least when it comes to the fact that they are both working towards preserving and communicating our cultural heritage and our history. Still though the museums are much better known, recognize

”För oss ett offer vorden”. Läran om mässoffret i högkyrkliga mässordningar från 1930 till idag

Allt sedan sitt genombrott på 1930-talet har den s.k. högkyrkliga rörelsen, eller bättre uttryckt Kyrklig förnyelse, på ett eller annat sätt eftersträvat ett betonande av offermotivet i mässans firande. Detta har inte minst framgått av de mässordningar som producerats inom ramen för rörelsen och av till rörelsen anknutna personer. Mässofferläran, som teorin traditionellt kallas, har diskuterats ocThe Swedish High Church movement has, ever since its breakthrough in the 1930s, in one way or another struggled to accentuate the sacrificial motif in the celebration of the Mass. This is something that especially can be noted in the missals that have been produced within the movement, and by persons connected to it. The doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass, as this theory is known traditionally,

Corruption in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs CCTPs. Policy implications from an actor based analysis of the CCTP Mi Familia Progresa in Guatemala

Based upon data obtained through participatory workshops, structured interviews and ethnographic observations in three communities of the municipality of Livingston in Guatemala, the thesis explores the current corruption risks present at micro level in the Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCTP) Mi Familia Progresa. Results from research indicate a high risk of corruption due to the deficient de

The Internet Giant : en diskursteoretisk analys av mediedebatten i USA kring Google Search

Search engines have become a starting point to the Internet, and for the large majority, Google Search is the preferred choice. Research shows that users perceive search engines as neutral tools, or neutral platforms of information, when in fact search results per definition are ranked according to many different principles and regulations. Therefore, search engines are important gatekeepers of th

En effektivare människohandelsbestämmelse? - En studie av 2010 års lagändring

Under år 2010 genomfördes en lagändring rörande den svenska bestämmelsen i BrB 4 kap. 1a § avseende människohandelsbrottet. Ändringen föranleddes av att problematik avseende bestämmelsens tillämpning och effektivitet hade uppmärksammats. Inom ramen för den utredning som tillsattes med anledning av detta identifierades fem problemområden avseende människohandelsbestämmelsens utformning; i) användanIn 2010, a legislative amendment was passed regarding the Swedish Penal Code provision in chapter 4 article 1 a, regarding human trafficking. The amendment was induced after problems concerning the effectiveness of the provision that had been observed. Within the proposal from the appointed committee in response to this, five problem areas was identified; i) the use of improper means, ii) the word

Måste man samtycka till samlag? - En studie av en samtyckesreglerings för- och nackdelar med en medial utblick

Sexualbrotten i svensk rätt kräver idag att gärningsmannen har använt någon typ av våld eller hot, eller har utnyttjat ett hjälplöst tillstånd. År 2003 kom emellertid Europadomstolens avgörande i Bulgariendomen, i vilken kan utläsas att varje sexuell handling som begås utan samtycke ska vara straffbar. Sedan dess har det i Sverige livligt debatterats om huruvida domen innebär att den svenska lagenThe sexual offences in Swedish law of today require that the perpetrator has used violence or threats, or that he has exploited a helpless state. However, in 2003 the European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment in the case of M.C v. Bulgaria, which stated that any non-consensual sexual act must be punishable. There has been a legal discussion in Sweden ever since, regarding whether this ju

From Tradition to Transition: Entrepreneurship, competition, and marketization in China’s early reform process

Economic theory predicts a positive relationship between competition and innovation. Competition both forces and enables firms to innovate. On competitive markets firms are forced to innovate to avoid shrinking profit margins. At the same time competition also helps firms to innovate: On competitive markets information is dispersed among decentralized economic agents through price signals, informa

Impact of Remittances on Economic growth in selected Asian and Former Soviet Union countries

Recent increase in the international remittance transfers from developed to developing countries has caught great attention among academic scholars and policymakers. This paper investigates the potential impact of these workers’ remittances on the long-term economic growth of recipient countries. The results of the empirical regression analysis indicate that remittances have positive effect on the

Price-to-book och storlek En hållbar evalueringsmetod vid portföljval?

Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att se om Price to Book-tal är en bra evalueringsvariabel; om en kategorisering efter Price to Book-tal genererar en portfölj med högre avkastning än andra. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att utröna huruvida Juni månad presterar bättre än andra månader i genomsnitt. Genomförande Under genomförandet har månadsavkastningar för indexet OMXSB, under perioden 2002-2009, in

Förbudet enligt 7 § 3 st. LAS för överlåtaren att vidta uppsägningar p.g.a. övertalighet i övergångsskedet - Hur lång är denna period?

Som en följd av den europeiska kommissionens förslag till ett förstärkt skydd för arbetstagares anställningar vid företagssammanslutningar antogs år 1977 rådets direktiv 77/187/EEG om tillnärmning av medlemstaternas lagstiftning om skydd för arbetstagares rättigheter vid överlåtelse av företag, verksamheter eller delar av verksamheter, det s.k. överlåtelsedirektivet. En central bestämmelse i direkAs a result of the European Commission's proposal for an enhanced protection of employees' employment contracts at undertakings, the Council Directive 77/187/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the safeguarding of employees’ rights in the event of transfers of undertakings, businesses or parts of businesses, known as the Directive on transfers of undertaki

Can China's Outward FDI be explained by general FDI theory?

China's surging OFDI has been a prominent phenomenon since the start of 20th century. As China's economic growth is widely received as following a unique path, a question arises immediately---does Chinese outward investment also follows a distinctive pattern which can only be explained by special theories? This paper analyzes the determinants of Chinese OFDI by adopting Random Effects FGLS

A return system in need of refurnishing at IKEA - Identifying improvement potentials

The purpose of this master thesis is to explore IKEA’s return system and to suggest potential areas of improvement. The master thesis shall describe and identify the problems regarding handling material of the present return system, in order to suggest potential areas of improvement. This master thesis is an explorative study. Wide ranges of interviews were made and are the base of the study. Ob

Establishing Change, Determining Responsibility: Policy ideology and implementation in the Swedish reform for the establishment of newly arrived refugees

This thesis addresses the new policy reform for the establishment of newly arrived refugees in Sweden from a welfare policy perspective. The establishment reform aims to further integration of newly arrived refugees into Swedish society by transferring responsibility from local municipalities to the Public Employment Service and by introducing a private actor in the process. In the thesis I analys