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Politicizing crisis communication via social media : A contextual understanding of organizational crises in China

This dissertation aims to increase the knowledge about how societal contexts shape the social construction of crises in Chinese social media. It consists of four articles to advance current crisis communication research theoretically and empirically. Drawing on the social constructionist approach, Article 1 proposes a theoretical framework for investigating how societal contexts are embedded in cr

Is seeing just believing? Measurement properties of visual assessment of Postural Orientation Errors (POEs) in people with anterior cruciate ligament injury

En främre korsbandsskada i knät är vanligt förekommande bland fysiskt aktiva personer inom sporter som innehåller vridningar, inbromsningar och snabba riktningsförändringar, såsom handboll och fotboll. Skadan kan exempelvis leda till en instabil knäled, försämrad funktion i vardagliga och idrottspecifika aktiviteter, försvagade lårmuskler, försämrad rörelsekvalité och nedsatt självskattad funktionRupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a common knee injury among young physically active populations. The injury results in impaired physical functions, such as joint instability, limitations in daily activities and sport-specific activities, and worse movement quality, e.g., altered postural orientation. Postural orientation is defined as the ability to maintain alignment between bod

Applicability of ultrasonic tomographic technique for progressive damage evaluation in prismatic rock specimen

Several damage processes are associated with the loading of intact rock specimens including closure of existing microcracks, initiation of cracks, and finally development of cracks. Ultrasonic imaging techniques have proven to be very successful in providing relatively high-resolution images of the damage processes in the rock. Ultrasonic velocity tomography is a full-field measurement technique t

Brief Report : Interferon-γ-Inducible Protein 10-A Potential Marker for Targeted Viral Load Monitoring of Antiretroviral Treatment?

BACKGROUND: The use of surrogate markers for targeting viral load (VL) testing could be an alternative to universal VL testing during antiretroviral treatment (ART) and would allow for more effective resource allocation. We investigated the correlation between levels of HIV RNA and interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) in Ethiopian adults at 12 months after ART initiation. In addition, we spec

Är Gud påhittad eller verklig?

Populärvetenskaplig framställning av den religionsfilosofiska frågan om realism/anti-realism applicerat på den centrala religiösa termen "Gud". Lösningsförslag utifrån pragmatisk realism och referensteorier presenteras.

The molecular genetics and evolution of colour and polarization vision in stomatopod crustaceans

Stomatopod crustaceans have the most complex assemblage of visual receptor classes known; retinas of many species are thought to express up to 16 different visual pigments. Physiological studies indicate that stomatopods contain up to six distinct middle-wavelength-sensitive (MWS) photoreceptor classes, suggesting that no more than six different MWS opsin gene copies exist per species. However, we

MR imaging, flow and motion

The present work is intended as a nonmathematical review of the role of flow and motion in nuclear magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. A historical review of MR flow measurement techniques is given, followed by a short overview of flow models in vitro and in vivo. The theory behind the influence of motion on the modulus and phase MR signal information is discussed and effects such as washin/washout,

Oxygen, climate and the chemical evolution of a 1400 million year old tropical marine setting

The Xiamaling Formation is an exceptionally well-preserved sedimentary succession deposited on a marine passive margin about 1400 million years ago. We used a multi-proxy approach, including iron speciation, trace metal dynamics, and organic geochemistry, to explore the evolution of ocean chemistry through most of the Xiamaling Formation. This evolution is put in the context of the paleogeography

Återanpassning efter coronakrisen: Nytt liv för stadskärnan

Coronapandemin har inneburit ett hårt slag för café- och restaurangbranschen då kunderna i stor utsträckning uteblir, dels på grund av rädsla för smitta, dels på grund av uppmaningar från myndigheterna om social distansering. I branschen ärmånga småföretagare utan större ekonomisk buffert. Innan krisen är över kommer sannolikt många företag att ha tvingats lägga ned verksamheter (DN, 2020). Vi för

Repetitive non-thermal melting as a timing monitor for femtosecond pump/probe X-ray experiments

Time-resolved optical pump/X-ray probe experiments are often used to study structural dynamics. To ensure high temporal resolution, it is necessary to monitor the timing between the X-ray pulses and the laser pulses. The transition from a crystalline solid material to a disordered state in a non-thermal melting process can be used as a reliable timing monitor. We have performed a study of the non-

Effective Waves for Random Three-dimensional Particulate Materials

How do you take a reliable measurement of a material whose microstructure is random? When using wave scattering, the answer is often to take an ensemble average (average over time or space). By ensemble averaging we can the calculate the average scattered wave and the effective wavenumber. To date, the literature has focused on calculating the effective wavenumber for a plate filled with particlesHow do you take a reliable measurement of a material whose microstructure is random? When using wave scattering, the answer is often to take an ensemble average (average over time or space). By ensemble averaging we can calculate the average scattered wave and the effective wavenumber. To date, the literature has focused on calculating the effective wavenumber for a plate filled with particles. On

Transcultural Music-Making in Contemporary Music Ensembles : Five Approaches in Germany, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan and Turkey

The present article describes the approaches of five ensembles specialized in transcultural music-making in the context of contemporary music in Germany, the Netherlands, Uzbekistan and Turkey. While facing similar underlying conceptual and practical challenges in the process of combining different musical traditions and cultural backgrounds, such as the question of how to merge oral and notated t

Crustacean Larvae-Vision in the Plankton

We review the visual systems of crustacean larvae, concentrating on the compound eyes of decapod and stomatopod larvae as well as the functional and behavioral aspects of their vision. Larval compound eyes of these macrurans are all built on fundamentally the same optical plan, the transparent apposition eye, which is eminently suitable for modification into the abundantly diverse optical systems