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Your search for "*" yielded 533548 hits

Plasma exchange in ANCA-associated vasculitis : the pro position

Plasma exchange (PLEX) is capable of removing significant amounts of circulating antibodies. In anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis, PLEX was reserved for patients with severe presentation forms such as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and pulmonary haemorrhage. The Plasma Exchange and Glucocorticoids in Severe ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (PEXIVAS) trial included all co

Childhood neighborhoods and health in adulthood: A life-course and nearest neighbor approach for Sweden 1939-2015

This study analyzes the association between neighborhood social class in childhood and later-life health trajectories, controlling for both class origin and class attainment in adulthood. We study the association between socio-spatial neighborhood conditions throughout childhood and a range of health outcomes in adulthood. To measure childhood conditions, we utilize unique longitudinal micro-data

Coming into fashion: Expanding the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept to the creative industries through a Toronto case study

This paper considers the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept, which in recent years has gained interest from a variety of perspectives including entrepreneurship, management, and economic geography. Specifically, the paper identifies a gap in the literature regarding the concept's sectoral or industrial focus. Prior applications to real‐world case studies have focused on a fairly narrow range of ind

Efficacy and safety of low and very low carbohydrate diets for type 2 diabetes remission : systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished randomized trial data

OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy and safety of low carbohydrate diets (LCDs) and very low carbohydrate diets (VLCDs) for people with type 2 diabetes. DESIGN: Systematic review and meta-analysis. DATA SOURCES: Searches of CENTRAL, Medline, Embase, CINAHL, CAB, and grey literature sources from inception to 25 August 2020. STUDY SELECTION: Randomized clinical trials evaluating LCDs (

A Practical Guide to Design for Additive Manufacturing

This book provides a wealth of practical guidance on how to design parts to gain the maximum benefit from what additive manufacturing (AM) can offer. It begins by describing the main AM technologies and their respective advantages and disadvantages. It then examines strategic considerations in the context of designing for additive manufacturing (DfAM), such as designing to avoid anisotropy, design

The neutron-tagging facility at Lund University

Over the last decades, the field of thermal neutron detection has overwhelmingly employed He-3-based technologies. The He-3 crisis together with the forthcoming establishment of the European Spallation Source have necessitated the development of new technologies for neutron detection. Today, several promising He-3-free candidates are under detailed study and need to be validated. This validation p

Single postoperative infusion of zoledronic acid to improve patient-reported outcome after hip or knee replacement : study protocol for a randomised, controlled, double-blinded clinical trial

INTRODUCTION: In Sweden, roughly 3000 patients are reoperated each year due to pain and loss of function related to a loosened hip or knee prosthesis. These reoperations are strenuous for the patient, technically demanding and costly for the healthcare system. Any such reoperation that can be prevented would be of great benefit. Bisphosphonates are drugs that inhibit osteoclast function. Several c

Immune responses of adenovirus type‐9 infected (tumor‐free) male rats against adenovirus type‐9 induced mammary fibroadenomas and A chemically induced mammary carcinoma

Lymphocytes from five non‐tumor‐bearing male W/Fu rats infected with human adenovirus type‐9 as newborns or as adults share a common reactivity against rat mammary fibroadenoma target cells and rat mammary carcinoma target cells, as demonstrated by microcytotoxicity tests. Mammary fibroadenomas were induced by adenovirus type‐9 infection of newborn female W/Fu rats, littermates of three of the mal

Endoskopisk sleeve-gastroplastik behandlingsalternativ vid obesitas

Obesity is a growing health problem and challenge to the health care systems in the western world. Available treatment is limited to lifestyle modifications, cognitive therapy, drugs and bariatric surgery. On one hand, lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment have very limited long-term effects on obesity. On the other hand, bariatric surgery is effective to maintain long-term weigh reducti

Groundwater nitrogen response to regional land-use management in South Japan

For a better understanding of the effects of regional groundwater management for different land-use types on nitrogen content in groundwater, we investigated the Miyakonojo River Basin in south of Japan where the Nitrate Directive Plan has been in practice since 2004. For this purpose, we used nitrogen concentrations from 420 wells between 2000 and 2017 together with 8 different land-use categoriz

Disembodying Combat: Female Combatants’ Political Reintegration in Nepal and Colombia

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) programs have systematically failed to reintegrate women into civilian society adequately: both academic knowledge and policy orientations have been misleading about female ex-combatants’ political post-war engagement. This working paper aims to critically analyze the reintegration of the female combatants by comparing the Maoists (Nepal) and Fa

Probing brain microstructure with multidimensional diffusion MRI: Encoding, interpretation, and the role of exchange

Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a non-invasive probe of human brain microstructure. It is a long-standing promise to use dMRI for ‘in vivo histology’ and estimate tissue quantities. However, this faces several challenges. First, the microstructure models used for dMRI data are based on assumptions that may cause erroneous interpretations. Also, probing neurites in gray matter assumes high microscopic diff

Effects on Microbiota Composition after Consumption of Quinoa Beverage Fermented by a Novel Xylose-Metabolizing L. plantarum strain

Demands for novel lactic acid bacteria with potential to be used as probiotics along with healthy fermented plant-based products increase worldwide. In this study, a novel Lactiplantibacillus plantarum P31891 strain with enzymatic capacity to degrade tannins and ferment xylose was used as starter culture for fermentation of a quinoa-based beverage. The probiotic potential of the selected strain wa

Om betydelsen av rättvisa för hållbara pensionssystem : En analys och kritik av det svenska pensionssystemet

This text highlights the neglected dimension of justice in the design of sustainable pension systems. This is done through an analysis of the current Swedish pay-as-you-go pension system, which is often described as exemplarily sustainable. The detailed analysis singles out four distributional effects that the system produces and which can be considered unfair: (1) that the old have to carry most

Achieving Circular and Efficient Production Systems : Emerging Challenges from Industrial Cases

As the need for more responsible production and consumption grows quickly, so does the interest in the concepts of eco-efficiency and circularity. To make swift progress towards sustainability, solutions must be developed and deployed at scale. It is therefore critical to understand the challenges faced by industry to accelerate the uptake of best practices for circular and efficient production sy

Comparison of cardiovascular disease and cancer prevalence between Mediterranean and north European middle-aged populations (The Cilento on Ageing Outcomes Study and The Malmö Offspring Study)

Mediterranean diet protects from both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer. In the 1960s, Ancel Keys defined the concept of Mediterranean diet in the South Italian region of Cilento and proposed it as a key factor for healthy ageing in the region. The aim of the current study was to compare the prevalence of CVD and cancer between a middle-aged population from Cilento and those of a Northern Eu

Growth and nutrient intake in three- to twelve-month-old infants fed human milk or formulas with varying protein concentrations

Background: Results on growth and nutrient intake in infants in the second half of infancy fed human milk or formulas with varying protein concentrations in combination with supplementary foods have not previously been reported. Methods: Seventy-one healthy infants were studied from 3 to 12 months of age. They were exclusively breast-fed until 3 months and were then randomly assigned to one of th