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Wavelength frame multiplication for reflectometry at long-pulse neutron sources

The European Spallation Source (ESS), which is under construction in Lund (Sweden), will be the next leading neutron facility with an unprecedented brilliance and novel long-pulse time structure. A long-pulse source not only provides a high time-average flux but also opens the possibility to tune the resolution by using pulse shaping choppers. Thus, an instrument can readily be operated in either

Lidar profiling biological targets : - Detection limits and dynamic range.

Here we present recent advances and applications of profiling biological targets with Scheimpflug lidar. In particular we demonstrate applications for profiling the aerofauna and classifying various groups of species. Based on lidar data over the Ivorian countryside we investigate range dependent detection limits by comparing data with distinct sample rates and pulse energies.

Theology, Phenomenology and the Retrieval of Experience : A Homage to Peter Kemp

Inspired by the contemporary Danish philosopher Dorthe Jørgensen, this article engages in a re-reading of Peter Kemp’s 1973 dissertation Théorie de l’engagement with a view to exploring its persisting theological value. After briefly revisiting its main argument, I turn in the following section to a discussion of its way of relating phenomenology and theology in terms of short-comings as well as p

Coronapandemin, förvaltningen och tilliten : En ­forskningsagenda

High trust is a success factor for both societies and organizations. Policy decisions and public administration strategies during the corona pandemic raise a number of questions with regard to trust. To what degree have different decisions and pro-cesses been trust-based and how have these decisions affected outcomes? These questions are difficult to respond to, in particular since trust can emerg

Importance of type and degree of IgE sensitisation for defining fractional exhaled nitric oxide reference values

BACKGROUND: Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a marker of type 2 airway inflammation used in clinical practice in asthma. However, reference values are needed to broaden the clinical use of FENO and this is within the scope of a newly started Global Lung Function Initiative task force. We aim to study FENO levels with special emphasis on the upper limit of normal (ULN) in relation to the t

Haemophilia early arthropathy detection with ultrasound and haemophilia joint health score in the moderate haemophilia (MoHem) study

Introduction: Detection of early arthropathy is crucial for the management of haemophilia, but data on moderate haemophilia are limited. Therefore, we evaluated joint health and treatment modalities in Nordic patients with moderate haemophilia A (MHA) and B (MHB). Aim: To explore and compare the Haemophilia Early Arthropathy Detection with Ultrasound (HEAD-US) and Haemophilia Joint Health Score (H

The cooling of a swede-part of an EUSO CSI challenge

This paper presents preparations, execution and reflection on results for the physics part of a CSI task for the European Union Science Olympiad 2010, taking place at the University of Gothenburg. The participants were required to make a graph of the cooling of a swede (Brassicanapus), as a proxy for the cooling of a murder victim, and to choose a mathematical expression for the cooling curve, as

Den perfekta stormen. Kan EU-arbetsrätten sänka Sjöräddningssällskapet?

Frivilligarbete har efter ett par avgöranden i EU-domstolen kommit under särskild belysning också av Parlamentet. Rättspraxis har skjutit frivilligarbete allt närmare definitionerna av anställning och förvärvsarbete, i vart fall avseende vissa bestämmelser. Artikeln konstaterar att frivilligarbete är ett betydande del av det svenska civilsamhället - exempelvis organiseras i princip all sjöräddning

Wind and Wood : Affordances of Musical Instruments: The Example of the Simple-System Flute

The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore and describe the relationship and interaction between musicians and their instruments. In order to achieve a high level of detail, a certain instrument is in focus: the simple-system flute. Although primarily developed as a product of 19th-century Western art music, this instrument has since become established in other genres and traditions.EmpirThe aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore and describe the relationship and interaction between musicians and their instruments. In order to achieve a high level of detail, a certain instrument is in focus: the simple-system flute. Although primarily developed as a product of 19th-century Western art music, this instrument has since become established in other genres and traditions.Empir

α1-microglobulin – Therapeutic opportunities in kidney and erythrocyte pathology

Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants. The reasons behind the condition are diverse, and can result in, or contribute to, the severity of many diseases. The body has different protective mechanisms to reduce the oxidative burden, among them a protein called α1-microglobulin (A1M). A1M possesses a unique set of molecular properties enabling it to act as aradi