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Doctoral studies at the Department of Economic History

The PhD programme in economic history offers stimulating studies with excellent career prospects both within and outside academia. The programme has a strong international orientation where both teaching and research are done in English. The PhD candidates participate in international networks and work towards international publication of their results. Much of the research is conducted in close c - 2025-02-26

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Payment of salary

This page provides information about payment of salary. Register absences on time to get the correct salary In order for you to receive the correct salary at the end of the month, and to avoid a so-called salary debt arising, it is important to register absence that affect your salary in time. For instance: Illness and care of children (vab) must be registered on the first day of absence. Applicat - 2025-02-26

Commissioned education

This is commissioned educationCommissioned education consists of courses and programmes offered by universities or higher education institutions for a fee to professionals in companies, authorities or organisations. The education has a disciplinary foundation and is adapted to the needs and conditions of the participants.  Commissioned education provides great opportunitiesBy engaging in commissio - 2025-02-26

Terms of employment

This page provides information about terms of employment at Lund University. Content on this page:Public sector agreements on terms of employmentInformation about terms of employment under section 6c of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)Staff appraisalsRemote workResignationPublic sector agreements on terms of employmentLund University is a public authority and as a public sector employee you - 2025-02-26

Information about terms of employment under section 6c of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)

Appendix to Appointment Decision from 29 June 2022 (updated 2024-07-03). Information to be given to employee within seven days of employment commencing. Terms of employmentTerms of employment (e.g. annual leave, notice periods, salary payment, compensation for overtime and additional hours etc.) are regulated by the following general agreements (VA) on pay and benefits, subject to possible local a - 2025-02-26

Help create a commissioned education course/programme

Lund University usually has about 300 employers purchase and participate in our commissioned education courses/programmes per year. Our customers have been regional, national and international, which has given us plenty of experience, a wide circle of contacts and many new approaches. Your education ideas may be of interest– make contact!Lund University offers a wide range of open commissioned edu - 2025-02-26

Save energy

We can all help to reduce our energy use, especially during the winter months when electricity demand is at its highest and prices are likely to peak. Energy saving tipsAs an employee, you can start saving energy straight away by reducing unnecessary electricity use. Tips on energy-saving habits that work for everyone:Switch off lights in rooms you are not in, and only switch on the lighting you n - 2025-02-26

Policy and regulations

Working with commissioned education gives you great opportunities for development while you are helping to disseminate research and receive valuable input from wider society. Lund University's policy on commissioned educationCommissioned education shall disseminate knowledge and thereby contribute to community development.Commissioned education shall both capture and meet the needs of wider societ - 2025-02-26

Practical support and templates

Lund University Commissioned Education (LUCE) want to make it easy and convenient for you who work at a department and want to engage in commissioned education. They welcome all calls, emails and visits and offer you our support all the way. Start-up processLUCE is always the contract party from Lund University when signing contracts with an employer regarding commissioned education. To find out w - 2025-02-26

Meet teaching staff who have engaged in commissioned education

A large number of researchers and teaching staff at Lund University have over the years taken the opportunity to share their knowledge with the community through commissioned education. Meet some of them here! Johan Bergström, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) Johan Bergström is programme manager for the Master's programme "Human Factors and Systems Safety" and is passionate abou - 2025-02-26

The CASI project

Coordinated analysis for strategic internationalisation CASI – Coordinated Assessment for Strategic Internationalisation – is a project for joint analysis of the conditions for international academic cooperation in a geopolitically changing world. Project is jointly run by Lund University, Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University and - 2025-02-26

Seed money to develop courses, programmes & COILs

International collaborations within the EUGLOH alliance Developing new courses, programmes and COILs is an important part of the work as a teacher, but it is also a time-consuming process. Now you can apply for seed money to develop new courses, programmes and COILs in collaboration with foreign universities. To ensure that the educational offer at the University is of high quality and meets the n - 2025-02-26

Medicinska fakulteten Malmö

Medicinska fakulteten i Malmö är en mötesplats för medicinsk undervisning, forskning och sjukvård på sjukhusområdet i Malmö.Här finns forskargrupper från två institutioner:Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper Malmö Institutionen för translationell medicin Hållplatser och parkeringBusshållplatser: Södervärn eller TandvårdshögskolanTågstation: TriangelnI närområdet finns flera parkeringshus. Parke - 2025-02-26

Surrande vetenskap

Inflammation har varit ledordet genom både Jenny Wigéns privata och yrkesmässiga liv. Hennes kroniska sjukdom och bandet till naturen, banade väg till hennes senaste forskningsprojekt. Om honungens antiinflammatoriska egenskaper. Det är en varm sensommardag mitt på Österlen. Stockrosorna står i givakt längs husväggarna och inte ett moln skymmer den vidunderliga utsikten ner mot Hanöbukten. För sex - 2025-02-26

Om webbplatsen

Behandling av personuppgifter vid Lunds universitetLäs mer om behandling av personuppgifter (Lunds universitets centrala webbplats)Information om cookiesInformation om hur vi använder cookies (Lunds universitets centrala webbplats)TillgänglighetLänk till tillgänglighetsredogörelse finns i sidfoten. Kontakt För allmänna frågor kring webbplatsens innehåll och struktur, kontakta fakultetens webbredat - 2025-02-26

Hjälp oss att främja unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa

Vi söker nu unga vuxna som vill delta i fokusgrupper och bidra till att främja unga vuxnas psykiska hälsa. Är du mellan 18 och 29 år? Dina erfarenheter som ung vuxen är viktiga för oss! Varför forskning om unga vuxnas livssituation? Den psykiska ohälsan ökar bland unga vuxna där 75% av alla som drabbas av psykisk sjukdom insjuknar innan 24 års ålder. Vid Lunds universitet pågår forskning om hur ps - 2025-02-26


Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper Läs mer om våra forskargrupper i Lunds universitets forskningsportal:Aktivt och hälsosamt åldrandeBarnmorskans forskningsområde - reproduktiv, perinatal och sexuell hälsaHållbar vardag och hälsa i ett livsperspektivHälsa i ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektivIdrottsvetenskapMänniskan i rörelse: hälsa och rehabiliteringProaktiv, integrerad vårdPsykisk hälsa, aktivitet - 2025-02-26

Bachelor’s programmes

Business and economics students have been educated in Lund for centuries. With analytical acumen and knowledge based on solid academic ground, our graduates are well-equipped to meet society’s challenges at both local and global levels. Our excellent reputation is based on solid hard work. Added to this is our firm foundation as a part of Lund University, and the tradition of Scandinavian manageme - 2025-02-26