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European Association for Chinese Studies Summer School 2023 : Call for applications

Published 16 May 2023 European Association for Chinese Studies Summer School 2023: Situating Global China. 23rd–25th August 2023. Application deadline 16th June. The rapid globalisation of Chinese capital has great implications for political, societal, and economic systems around the world in the 21st century. Chinese investments, patterns of migration, and the integration of Chinese firms into fo - 2025-03-09

Graduate School Retreat

Published 25 September 2023 The Graduate School held its first annual retreat in Ystad 21-22 September. 13 PhD students from different disciplines and universities attended the retreat as well as 10 senior scholars. At the retreat issues and challenges regarding publications and academic careers were discussed, as well as the PhD students' research and other issues related to contemporary Asian st - 2025-03-09

Applications are now being accepted for our Spring 2024 PhD Mobility and PhD Courses

Published 13 October 2023 Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash Application deadline: 13 November During the spring of 2024, two new PhD courses are planned, Asia in the Global Economy and The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. Please check the links for more information and application forms if you are interested. Application deadline: 13 November. If you are int - 2025-03-09

Summer school news

Published 15 December 2023 EU in the Volatile Indo-Pacific Region (EUVIP) is coordinated by Palacký University and also includes Lund University, the University of Helsinki and the Catholic University of Louvain. On 17-21 June EUVIP will organise a summer school in Olomouc on the topic Navigating Geostrategic Dynamics in the Indo-Pacific: Focus on Southeast Asia and MyanmarFor more information see - 2025-03-09

1-2 fully funded PhD positions in East and South-East Asian Studies.

Published 15 January 2024 The Centre announces 1-2 fully funded PhD positions. East and South-East Asian Studies is an interdisciplinary subject that focuses on contemporary phenomena and processes in the region as a whole as well as in individual countries. The subject integrates theoretical and methodological perspectives from area studies with different disciplines in the humanities and social - 2025-03-09

Late applications open for the course The Craft of Writing and Publishing Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Published 19 January 2024 Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash The course that starts on 26 March and is mainly online apart from a writing retreat on 13-15 May will accept a few more students. If you are interested read the description and submit your application by 20 February.Find out more and apply here - 2025-03-09

Nordic Huntington Disease Research Meeting

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 4 December 2018 On Tuesday November 27 the first Nordic Huntington Disease Research Meeting took place at the Biomedical Center in Lund.  50 participants from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway took part of interesting data blitz presentations about clinical research, mechanisms of disease and future therapies. The paus - 2025-03-09

Information evening on Huntington's disease

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 14 November 2018 Huntington Center in Lund is hosting an information meeting on Huntington's disease on November 19 at the Biomedical Center in Lund. Åsa Petersén will give a talk on the latest research in HD and Håkan Widner, professor and senior consultant in neurology, will be talking about symptoms and treatment. The - 2025-03-09

Petersén gives research talk for young people in HD families in Stockholm

Published 9 November 2018 Petersén gives research talk for young people in HD families on November 10 2018 in Stockholm at a 2-day conference organised by the Swedish Huntington Association “Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom". Read more about this event on Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom's webpage (in Swedish) - 2025-03-09

Petersén granted funds from The Swedish Research Council

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 7 November 2018 Åsa Petersén has been awarded a four-year project grant from the Swedish Research Council (VR), starting from 2019. The grant is awarded for the project entitled Effects of hypothalamic circuitries in Huntington disease. The total granted sum is 4.8 million for 2019-2022. - 2025-03-09

Professor Petersén Fernström-awardee

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 18 September 2018 Yesterday it was announced that Professor Åsa Petersén will receive the Fernström award at Lund University for younger, successful researchers. The prize is awarded six researches at different Medical Faculties in Sweden, where each and one receives the sum of SEK 100 000. The Lund award ceremony will t - 2025-03-09

Dr. Soylu-Kucharz awarded postdoctoral stipend

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 8 January 2018 Congratulations to Dr. Rana Soylu-Kucharz who is awarded a 2 year postdoctoral stipend from the Swedish Brain Foundation! Dr. Rana Soylu-Kucharz is awarded a 2 year postdoctoral stipend from the Swedish Brain Foundation to study the role of hypothalamic dysfunction for striatal pathology in HD! Congratulat - 2025-03-09

TNU berättar om den senaste forskningen för Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom den 1:e juni 2017

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 14 March 2017 TNU är värd för ett råd- och stödgruppsmöte för Riksförbundet för Huntingtons sjukdom i Skåne torsdagen den 1:e juni kl 18.00 - 20.00.Program:18.00-18.10 Välkomna och introduktion av Susanne Zell, RHS18.10-18.40 Föredrag om den senaste forskningen av Åsa Petersén, Lunds Universitet18.40-19.10 Rundtur på for - 2025-03-09

Åsa Petersén assigned to position in psychiatry

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 28 September 2009 Åsa Petersén has been assigned to one of the six positions as senior clinical researcher in psychiatry advertised by the Swedish Research Council.The prestigious position is for three years with a possible extension for three more years, and includes a start-up package of one million Swedish kronor (aro - 2025-03-09

To Melbourne in 2010

By Jenny [dot] Mansson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Jenny Månsson) - published 23 October 2009 Deniz Kirik and Åsa Petersén have been selected as the Allan and Maria Myers International visiting fellows for 2009. As part of this, they are invited to visit the Florey Neuroscience Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The Fellowship provides support for leading international researcher - 2025-03-09