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KHM students/alumni Cinema viewing at Kino, Konsthelgen i Lund 16-17/10

Published 13 October 2021 Also this year students from Malmö Art Academy has been offered to participate in a film viewing at cinema Kino during the art weekend in Lund 16-17 October. Two viewings at 15.30. Tickets are free, but you need to book at: (Program för the whole weekend; Konsthelgen i Lund) - 2025-02-11

Alumna: Linnéa Carlsson

Published 29 October 2021 Linnéa Carlsson is commissioned to portray Elma Danielsson Next year, Malmö will receive a sculpture by Elma Danielsson and her work. The sculpture will be the first by a named woman in the city and the task of portraying her goes to the artist Linnéa Carlsson.… - 2025-02-11

Alumus: Leif Holmstrand

Published 29 October 2021 Leif Holmstrand – From the Depth 16 October 2021–19 December 2021 Marabouparken konsthall continues this fall with a large-scale solo exhibition by Leif Holmstrand. The exhibition will include works from his entire time as an artist, from the 90s until present day. Leif Holmstrand is perhaps mostly known as a performance artist, and the performative is a clear red thread - 2025-02-11

Rebecca Larsson och Elísabet Anna Kristjánsdóttir

Published 2 November 2021 Hennes ögon blinkade snabbt snabbt snabbt // Hún deplaði augunum hratt hratt hratt Photo exhibition with Rebecca Larsson och Elísabet Anna Kristjánsdóttir Opening 12. November 17:00 - 21:00 Selected Art by Ödlund - Båstadsgatan 4, 214 39 Malmö Open 13. - 21. November Thursday - Friday 15:00 - 19:00 Saturday - Sunday 13:00 - 17:00 - 2025-02-11

Alumni: Fiction as Form

Published 10 November 2021 The exhibition is the second part of a group exhibition titled Fiction as Form curated by Anouska Kobus and Laura Goldschmidt supported by Statens Kunstfond. Opening  at Inter Pblc, Thursday 11.11.2021, 6 - 9pm. Through the process of making the two-series exhibition ‘Fiction as Form’, we have sought to establish a curatorial method that incorporates practices of care an - 2025-02-11

The Yearbook 2020-2021 is now launched

Published 22 November 2021 The first issue of the yearbook was published in 1996 and the release have continued every year since then. The yearbook collect texts and pictures from the graduation students. Each year we also make a digital verision where works from the school's other students are highlighted. The Yearbook 2020-2021 is now launched! You can find the digital version of the Yearbook he - 2025-02-11

Alumna: Ella Tillema

Published 17 January 2022 Ge mig ett vapen som fungerar 20/1 - 17/3  Passagen Linköpings konsthall Stora Torget 2, 582 24 Linköping öppet tisdagar 12-16, onsdag-torsdag 12-18 och fredag-lördag 12-16 FRI ENTRE! Ge mig ett vapen som fungerar är en del av KVADRENNALENS program som pågår 11 jan - 11 sept 2022. Besök - 2025-02-11


Published 26 January 2022 NILS STÆRK GALLERY Group exhibition "BETAMAX" with artists Charlotte Brüel, Rebecca Lindsmyr, Iulia Nistor, Lea Porsager, Sonia Landy Sheridan, Tove Storch, and Haegue Yang. Opening 4/2 Kl 16.00-20:00 4/2-26/3 Facebook event - 2025-02-11

Alumni: Filmögon 4/5

Published 1 March 2022 Filmögon 4/5 Zita Folkets Bio 03.03.2022, 18:00 On Thursday, the publication Filmögon 4/5 will be released at the cinema Zita in Stockholm, together with a screening of Bette Gordon’s Variety. Many current and former students and faculty from Malmö Art Academy participate in the publication.  Free entry to the screening, but RSVP to info [at] filmogon [dot] se (info[at]filmo - 2025-02-11

Lundaforskare kartlägger unik kedjeflytt i luften

Av Jan [dot] Olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 15 september 2020 Forskarna har följt 102 tornseglare på deras flytt från Europa till södra Afrika. Foto: Aron Hejdström Jämfört med andra flyttfåglar följer tornseglare ett mycket ovanligt mönster när de flyttar från häckningsområdena i Europa till övervintringsplatserna söder om Sahara. Det konstaterar forskare i en stor i - 2025-02-11

28,6 miljoner för att studera växters överlevnadsstrategier

Av Jan [dot] Olsson [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Jan Olsson) - publicerad 1 oktober 2020 Allan Rasmusson. Foto: Inger Ekström. Forskare vid Naturhistoriska riksmuseet och biologiska institutionen i Lund får 28,6 miljoner kronor från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse för att undersöka mikro- och nanostruktur hos fossila växter från dinosauriernas tid och ge svar på hur de skiljer sig ifrån, men - 2025-02-11