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New word order processing study using Humanities Lab's EEG resources

New word order processing study using Humanities Lab's EEG resources New word order processing study using Humanities Lab's EEG resources Published 31 March 2022 Photo: Johan Persson Marianne Gullberg has co-authored a new publication involving extensive use of Humanities Lab EEG equipment and expertise for data collection. In the article, titled "Native Word Order Processing Is Not Uniform: An ER - 2025-02-24

New paper on code-switching!

New paper on code-switching! New paper on code-switching! Published 13 February 2023 Code-switching, or the use of two languages within a single coherent utterance, is a hallmark of bilingual language use. It also sheds light on the workings of the bilingual language system, providing an indication of how bilinguals manage the integration and separation of their two languages. Code-switching is ge - 2025-02-24

New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination!

New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination! New publication about keystroke logging and eyetracking in combination! Published 22 March 2023 AI generated image Capturing writers’ typing while visually attending the emerging text: a methodological approach Knowledge about writers’ eye movements and their effects on the writing process, and its product – the finally edited - 2025-02-24

New Publication by Henriette Arndt

New Publication by Henriette Arndt New Publication by Henriette Arndt Published 1 July 2022 Henriette Arndt & Heath Rose (2022): Capturing life as it is truly lived? Improving diary data in educational research, International Journal of Research & Method in Education Diary methods have long been used as pedagogic tools in learning, and as part of reflective practice in teacher education, but less - 2025-02-24

New publication by Marianne Gullberg and collaborators

New publication by Marianne Gullberg and collaborators New publication by Marianne Gullberg and collaborators Published 19 May 2022 New publication by Marianne Gullberg and collaborators New paper out on the implicit secondlanguage acquisition of signlanguage at first exposure by Marianne Gullberg and collaborators Julia Hofweber, Lizzie Aumonier, Vikki Janke and Chloe Marshall. Download here: htt - 2025-02-24

New publication: Spatial analysis of language use

New publication: Spatial analysis of language use New publication: Spatial analysis of language use Published 18 May 2020 Here is a new paper by lab members Jens Larsson, Niclas Burenhult and colleagues!: Integrating behavioral and geospatial data on the timeline: towards new dimensions of analysis Share[news]=452 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsv - 2025-02-24

New publication: "Phonetic and phonological cues to prediction: Neurophysiology of Danish stød"

New publication: "Phonetic and phonological cues to prediction: Neurophysiology of Danish stød" New publication: "Phonetic and phonological cues to prediction: Neurophysiology of Danish stød" Published 17 August 2022 New article in Journal of Phonetics by Anna Hjortdal, Johan Frid and Mikael Roll, presenting results from research utilizing Humanities Lab recording facilities. From the abstract: "A - 2025-02-24

New web platform enables easier access to research methods in digital and experimental Humanities

New web platform enables easier access to research methods in digital and experimental Humanities New web platform enables easier access to research methods in digital and experimental Humanities Published 25 January 2023 The research infrastructure Huminfra, led by Lund University Humanities Lab and financed by the Swedish Research Council, is now taking physical form through the web-based inform - 2025-02-24

Niclas Burenhult awarded RJ Jubilee Grant

Niclas Burenhult awarded RJ Jubilee Grant Niclas Burenhult awarded RJ Jubilee Grant Published 13 August 2015 Picture from the conference "Culture, brain, Learning", Nov 2014 Lab member Niclas Burenhult has been awarded a Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (RJ) Jubilee Grant of 13.657.000 SEK for the project Language as key to perceptual diversity: an interdisciplinary approach to the senses . - 2025-02-24

PIRE undergrad student blogs about her experience in Lund

PIRE undergrad student blogs about her experience in Lund PIRE undergrad student blogs about her experience in Lund Published 4 July 2014 The Humanities Lab is part of the PIRE network Understanding the bilingual mind and brain hosted at Pennsylvania State University. It's a research and training network that links 11 labs across the world working on bilingualism. This spring we have had the pleas - 2025-02-24

Podcast series of interviews with Humanities scholars made in the LARM-studio

Podcast series of interviews with Humanities scholars made in the LARM-studio Podcast series of interviews with Humanities scholars made in the LARM-studio Published 3 November 2015 Interviews with Humanities scholars recorded in the LARM-studio in the Lab are now available in a podcast series of 10 episodes. Follow the series here: Share - 2025-02-24

Podcast time!

Podcast time! Podcast time! Published 26 November 2020 Marianne Gullberg is a guest in two different podcasts this week! Podcast #1 (In Swedish) Som en del av firandet av Vetenskapssocieteten i Lunds 100-årsjubileum och Humaniora 2020 har Vetenskapssocieteten spelat in fyra utforskande samtal med kända lundaforskare kring ämnet ”Vad är en människa?”. Programledare för inspelningarna är Hannes Sapi - 2025-02-24

Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic

Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic Radiospanarna om Susanne Schötz och Meowsic Published 30 November 2016 Spanarna i Radions P1 talar om Susanne Schötz' forskningsprojekt om kommunikation mellan människor och katter (ca 35 minuter in i programmet) Programmet är från den 25 november 2016. - 2025-02-24

Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS

Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS Renewed certification and name change for the Humanities Lab Clarin Knowledge Centre: MULTISENS Published 28 January 2022 The Humanities Lab has been a CLARIN K-centre since 2017. Every three (or so) years the status as a K-centre is reviewed by CLARIN's Knowledge Infrastructure Committee . The lab's K- - 2025-02-24

Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology

Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology Researchers reconstruct house from old Pompeii using 3D-technology Published 12 October 2016 Lund University Humanities Lab have contributed to the development of the material and 3D work. By combining traditional archaeology with 3D technology, researchers at Lund University in Sweden have managed to reconstruct a house in Pompeii - 2025-02-24

Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer

Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer Säg det på rätt sätt med dina händer Published 9 July 2014 TT intervju med Marianne Gullberg, publicerad bl a i Blekinge läns tidning Marianne Gullberg intervjuad av TT Att byta språk räcker inte för den som vill kommunicera på utlandsresan – gesterna är också viktiga. Men akta så att händerna inte säger något annat än du har tänkt. Share - 2025-02-24

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch

Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Second workshop "Unravelling the multilingual mind" in Stellenbosch Published 18 December 2017 The second workshop of the project "Unravelling the multilingual mind" (funded by STINT/NRF) took place last week in beautiful Stellenbosch, South Africa. Marianne Gullberg, Stefan Lindgren, Victoria Johansson and Peer Christensen attend - 2025-02-24

Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens

Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens Sjunkande läsförmåga i centrum på ny konferens Published 28 May 2014 Nils Holmberg berättar om ett nytt projekt om barns läsförståelse som ska starta i år. Hur påverkas inlärningen av för lite sömn? Olika typer av ljud? Hur läser man text i tryckt media respektive digital media? Det var några av frågorna på agendan. Konferensen Readme samlade 300 pers - 2025-02-24

Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey

Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey Stefan Lindgren 3D-scanning Vadstena abbey Published 29 May 2017 Bild: Emmilie Engström Cut from Motala Vadstena Tidning: Share[news]=517 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's greetings! 2024-10-21 The Humanities Lab has been offi - 2025-02-24