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DARC: Dynamic Adaptation of Real-time Control Systems

DARC: Dynamic Adaptation of Real-time Control Systems DARC: Dynamic Adaptation of Real­time Control Systems Nils Vreman1, Claudio Mandrioli1 Control Systems Synthesis ­ Project November 30, 2020 1{nils.vreman,claudio.mandrioli} Dept. of Automatic Control Lund University { nils.vreman, claudio.mandrioli } This story starts with... Vreman, Mandrioli DARC CSS Project 1 - 2025-02-16

Neighborhood Heat Control Comfort Control and Peak Load Reduction

Neighborhood Heat Control Comfort Control and Peak Load Reduction Neighborhood Heat Control Comfort Control and Peak Load Reduction Felix Agner, Johan Lindberg November 30, 2020 Felix Agner, Johan Lindberg Neighborhood Heat Control November 30, 2020 1 / 13 Presentation Outline Problem: Control indoor temperature and peak electricity consumption in domestic buildings Problem formulation Results Dis - 2025-02-16

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Control System Synthesis - PhD Class Exercise session 1 24/09/2020 1 The X-29 aircraft The X-29 aircraft has an unusual configuration, designed to enhance its maneuverability. It has a right half-plane pole at approximately p = 6rad/s and a right half-plane zero at z = 26rad/s. The non-minimum phase factor then writes: Pnmp(s) = z − s z + s s+ p s− p . What are the fundamental limitations ? 1. App - 2025-02-16

Deep Learning Tubes for Tube MPC

Deep Learning Tubes for Tube MPC Deep Learning Tubes for Tube MPC Johan Gronqvist Introduction MPC Tubes Three Problems Deep Learning Summary Deep Learning Tubes for Tube MPC Johan Gronqvist 2020-11-30 Deep Learning Tubes for Tube MPC Johan Gronqvist Introduction MPC Tubes Three Problems Deep Learning Summary Overview Contents I MPC I Tubes I Problems I Deep Learning I Summary Reference I Based on - 2025-02-16

Monotone Operators and Fixed-Point Iterations

Monotone Operators and Fixed-Point Iterations Monotone Operators and Fixed-Point Iterations Pontus Giselsson 1 Today’s lecture • operators and their properties • monotone operators • Lipschitz continuous operators • averaged operators • cocoercive operators • relation between properties • monotone inclusion problems • special case: composite convex optimization • resolvents and reflected resolvent - 2025-02-16

IntroductionDeep Learning - Study Circle

IntroductionDeep Learning - Study Circle Deep Learning - Study Circle Bo Bernhardsson, Kalle Åström, Magnus Fontes, Fredrik Bagge Carlsson, Martin Karlsson Agenda Intro by me, Fontes FredrikB Kalle all Decide weekly meeting date Decide upon the first topics and responsible About the course Engineering perspective Hands on experience and intuition Use existing material Structure 1-2 persons respons - 2025-02-16

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Image deconvolution using Neural Networks Deconvolution Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation Deconvolution Networks Johan Brynolfsson Mathematical Statistics Centre for Mathematical Sciences Lund University December 6th 2016 1 / 27 Image deconvolution using Neural Networks Deconvolution Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation Deconvolution Neural Networks 2 / 27 Image deconvolution using Neur - 2025-02-16

Deep Learning - Study Circle Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets

Deep Learning - Study Circle Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets Deep Learning - Study Circle Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets Martin Karlsson Dept. Automatic Control, Lund University, Lund, Sweden October 26, 2016 Martin Karlsson RNN Structure Martin Karlsson Warm-up examples Recurrent neural network to generate new first names I also added two unstructured sequences. C - 2025-02-16

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Exercise in Convolutional Neural Networks for Classification * Choose a dataset, e g MNIST (0-1), MNIST (0-9), OCR (a-z) * Choose a framework * Choose a network topology * Train a convolutional neural network for classification * Think about a few or all of the following questions. Evaluate how well it performs. Try to run it on a few images, where you examine the values of a few different layers. - 2025-02-16


f13_deep_learning2 Image Analysis Deep Learning KALLE ÅSTRÖM Deep learning Convolutional Neural Networks • Slides and material from • icml2013.pdf • MatConvNet • • Gabrielle Flood’s master’s thesis • Anna Gummeson’s master’s thesis Components for deep learning • One neuron – Example: Logistic regressio - 2025-02-16

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Restricted Boltzmann Machines Bo Bernhardsson Department of Automatic Control LTH, Lund University 1 / 24 Fun stuff before we get started A journey trough all the layers of an artificial neural network. How deep dream works 2 / 24 Fun stuff before we get started 3 / 24 Deep Dream version 4 / 24 Agenda Structure - 2025-02-16

Introduction to tensorflow

Introduction to tensorflow Introduction to tensorflow Jacob Bergstedt Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund International Data Analysis Group, Pasteur Institute, Paris November 8, 2016 Machine learning in Python • Data wrangling: Pandas (recommended: R see tidyverse) • scikit-learn • XGBoost • Tensorflow Tensorflow is • A modern computation engin - 2025-02-16

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1 A History of A4. A History of Automatic Control C.C. Bissell Automatic control, particularly the application of feedback, has been fundamental to the devel- opment of automation. Its origins lie in the level control, water clocks, and pneumatics/hydraulics of the ancient world. From the 17th century on- wards, systems were designed for temperature control, the mechanical control of mills, and th - 2025-02-16


L08TheSecondWave.pdf The Second Wave K. J. Åström Department of Automatic Control LTH Lund University History of Control – The Second Wave 1.  Introduction 2.  Major Advances 3.  Computing 4.  Control Everywhere 5. Summary History of Control – The Second Wave Introduction !  Use of control in widely different areas unified into a single framework by 1960 !  Education mushrooming, more than 36 text - 2025-02-16


Untitled 1 Automatic Cont rol in Lund Karl Johan Åström Department of Automatic Control, LTH Lund University Automatic Cont rol in Lund 1. Introduction 2. System Identification and Adaptive Control 3. Computer Aided Control Engineering 4. Relay Auto-tuning 5. Two Applications 6. Summary Theme: Building a New Department and Samples of Activities. Lectures 1940 1960 2000 1 Introduction 2 Governors | - 2025-02-16

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A Brief History of Event-Based Control Marcus T. Andrén Department of Automatic Control Lund University Marcus T. Andrén A Brief History of Event-Based Control Concept of Event-Based Example with impulse control [Åström & Bernhardsson, 1999] Periodic Sampling Event-Based Sampling Event-Based: Trigger sampling and actuation based on signal property, e.g |x(t )| >δ (Lebesgue sampling) A.k.a aperiodi - 2025-02-16

History of Robotics

History of Robotics History of Robotics Martin Karlsson Dept. Automatic Control, Lund University, Lund, Sweden November 25, 2016 Martin Karlsson November 30, 2016 1 / 14 Outline Introduction What is a robot? Early ideas The first robots Modern robots Major organizations Ubiquity of robots Future challenges Martin Karlsson November 30, 2016 2 / 14 Introduction The presenter performs research in rob - 2025-02-16


MLGA.key Let's make the lab great! 2017-05-03 Vision • Small & cheap processes, which students can bring home (and perhaps use remotely over internet) • Pedagogic lab manuals, introducing control concepts and encouraging hacking • A PhD course, where we develop the lab together and learn new (control) engineering skills, as well as gain team work experience Let's focus on getting something simple - 2025-02-16

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Robotics and Human Machine Interaction Lab Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Thomas Motion Planning - Trajectory calculation, PRM, RRT 1. Trajectory planning a) Lin and ptp are the two most common methods for trajectory planning, de- scribe them briefly. b) The simplest way to calculate a trajectory (ptp) is a 3rd order polynomial. Why shouldn’t this be applied? c) Calculate the progression of a two-axis mani - 2025-02-16