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Your search for "*" yielded 535718 hits

Phosphatase activities of arbuscular mycorrhizal intraradical

We investigated the influence of changes in external phosphorus (P) concentration on the proportion of phosphatase-active structures of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita associated with Allium cepa. The P treatment was started when mycorrhizal colonisation had been established, and plant systems were harvested three times after the start of the P treatment. Higher shoot dry wei

SLE serum induces classical caspase-dependent apoptosis independent of death receptors

The main source of autoantigens in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is most likely apoptotic material. We have previously shown that sera from SLE patients can induce apoptosis in monocytes and lymphocytes, and here we characterized mechanisms of apoptosis induced by SLE serum. SLE serum seems to induce caspase-dependent classical apoptosis since cells exposed to SLE serum displayed morphology c

Amphiregulin: Role in mammary gland development and breast cancer

Extensive epithelial cell proliferation underlies the ductal morphogenesis of puberty that generates the mammary tree that will eventually fill the fat pad. This estrogen-dependent process is believed to be essentially dependent on locally produced growth factors that act in a paracrine fashion. EGF-like growth factor ligands, acting through EGF receptors are some of the principal promoters of pub

Small intestinal CD103(+) dendritic cells display unique functional properties that are conserved between mice and humans

A functionally distinct subset of CD103(+) dendritic cells (DCs) has recently been identified in murine mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) that induces enhanced FoxP3(+) T cell differentiation, retinoic acid receptor signaling, and gut-homing receptor (CCR9 and alpha 4 beta 7) expression in responding T cells. We show that this function is specific to small intestinal lamina propria (SI-LP) and MLN CD10

Regulatory measures for implementing new medical devices. Recalling Boneloc (R)

Through the past decades, new medical devices have been introduced at an increasing pace at the urge primarily of manufacturers, clinicians, and patients. Whereas it is mandatory to assess and approve new pharmaceuticals before their widespread use is allowed, innovations in medical devices generally have not been subject to the smae restrictions. The European Communitys program on completion of t

MR evaluation ex vivo and in vivo of a covered stent-graft for abdominal aortic aneurysms: ferromagnetism, heating, artifacts, and velocity mapping

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safety was evaluated at 1.5 T in a covered nickel titanium stent-graft (Vanguard) used for endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs). Imaging artifacts were assessed on MRI with contrast-enhanced (CE) three-dimensional (3D) MR angiography (MRA) and spiral computed tomography (CT) in 10 patients as well as ex vivo. Velocity mapping was performed in

Assessing educational priorities in genetics for general practitioners and specialists in five countries: factor structure of the Genetic-Educational Priorities (Gen-EP) scale

Purpose: A scale assessing primary care physicians' priorities for genetic education (The Gen-EP scale) was developed and tested in five European countries. The objective of this study was to determine its factor structure, to test scaling assumptions and to determine internal consistency. Methods: The sample consisted of 3686 practitioners (general practitioners, gyneco-obstetricians, pediatricia

Macroporous polyacrylamide monolithic gels with immobilized metal affinity ligands: The effect of porous structure and ligand coupling chemistry on protein binding

Macroporous polyacrylamide gels (MPAAG) with iminodiacetic acid (IDA) functionality were prepared by (i) chemical modification of polyacrylamide gel, (ii) co-polymerization of acrylamide with allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) and N,N' metylene-bis(acrylamide) (MBAAm) followed by coupling IDA ligand or (iii) by copolymerization of acrylamide and MBAAm with functional monomer carrying IDA-functionality (1-

Predictors of natal dispersal in great reed warblers: results from small and large census areas

For most species, it is currently not known whether individual characteristics and population parameters affecting dispersal distances within the local population are also affecting dispersal of individuals emigrating longer distances. We evaluated this in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus by analysing data of natal dispersal distances within (1) the local hatching area in southern

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhalation in healthy subjects increases neutrophils, lymphocytes and fibronectin levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

Bacterial endotoxin has been suggested as responsible for the development of subjective symptoms and transient or chronic lung function impairment seen after exposure to organic dusts in cotton mills, poultry houses, swine confinement buildings and saw mills. Animal experiments have demonstrated bronchoalveolar neutrophilia being the most prominent cell response in animals following bacterial lipo

Atmospheric mercury near a chlor-alkali plant in Sweden

Atmospheric mercury species/fractions were measured near a chlor-alkali plant in Sweden during August 28 to September 4, 2001. The concentration of total gaseous mercury in the plume from the plant was measured using TEKRAN and GARDIS instruments. Gaseous elemental mercury was measured using a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technique. From vertical LIDAR sweeps through the plume from the chlo

Nuclear expression of the Non-B Cell Lineage Sox11 Transcription Factor Identifies Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Mantle cell lymphoma is defined pathologically by the detection of CD20, CD5 and most importantly cyclin D1 (CCND1). Its distinction from other lymphomas is important for prognosis and appropriate therapy but occasional cases may fail to express CCND1 and morphologic simulators may express CD20 and CD5 but not CD23. In this study, we show that the transcription factor Sox11 is specifically express

Assessing seasonality of biochemical CO2 exchange model parameters from micrometeorological flux observations at boreal coniferous forest

The seasonality of the NEE of the northern boreal coniferous forests was investigated by means of inversion modelling using eddy covariance data. Eddy covariance data was used to optimize the biochemical model parameters. Our study sites consisted of three Scots pine (1. Pinus sylvestris) forests and one Norway spruce (1. Picea abies) forest that were located in Finland and Sweden. We obtained tem

An alternative method for the integration of continuum damage evolution laws

In this study the elasto-plastic constitutive equations are reformulated using the assumption of constant strain rate direction within a load increment. This assumption allows the constitutive evolution laws to be rewritten as ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The set of ODEs is reduced using the Krieg and Krieg description of the deviatoric stress space. Although this approach does generall

Sufficient conditions for Bayesian consistency

We introduce the Hausdorff α-entropy to study the strong Hellinger consistency of posterior distributions. We obtain general Bayesian consistency theorems which extend the well-known results of Barron et al. [1999. The consistency of posterior distributions in nonparametric problems. Ann. Statist. 27, 536–561] and Ghosal et al. [1999. Posterior consistency of Dirichlet mixtures in density estimati