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On the Solution of Linear Equations

n this paper a constrained system of linear equations is considered. These equations do, for instance, appear as a result of finite element formulations of static equilibrium problem for solids. Two classical methods for the solution of the equations are discussed; the method using elimination of constrained coordinates and a method using Lagrangian multipliers. The relation to the minimization of

Picosecond X-ray Diffraction Studies of Bulk and Nanostructure Materials

Popular Abstract in Swedish Snabba fenomen, som inträffar efter laserexcitation, har studerats med tidsupplöst röntgendiffraktion (TXRD). I de flesta experimenten har en ljuspuls från en femtosekundlaser använts för att excitera provet, och dynamiken har undersökts med röntgenljus. Tidsupplösta röntgendiffraktionsmätningar har utförts för att studera fasta halvledarmaterial, vätskor, ferro-elektriFast phenomena occurring after laser excitation were studied using time-resolved X-ray diffraction (TXRD). In most experiments, a femtosecond laser pulse was used to excite the sample, and X-rays were used as a probe. The X-ray diffraction technique was used to study bulk semiconductor samples, molten liquids, ferro-electric domain switching in potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP), and strain prop

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Doped Antiferromagnets

We have generalized the dynamical mean-field theory to study the doping dependence of the crossover from antiferromagnetic to short-range order modeled by an incommensurate spin density wave in the Hubbard model. The local self-energy which includes spin fluctuations gives quasiparticle weights and spectral properties in good agreement with quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization data in two

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Ph.d projekt, Institut for Nordisk Filologi, Københavns Universitet. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet 2000.