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Time domain methods for solving direct and inverse scattering problems
Thylakoid Membranes and Pancreatic Lipase/Colipase
Popular Abstract in Swedish Fett som tas in i kroppen bryts huvudsakligen ned i tunntarmen med hjälp av ett enzym, lipas och dess regler-protein colipas. Colipas binder sig till lipas och gör att lipas fastnar på fett dropparna som emulgerats av gallsalter. Både lipas och colipas utsöndras av bukspottkörteln. I de gröna växternas blad finns kloroplaster som fångar upp ljus och därvid bildar syre oObesity is a major health problem in the world that increases the occurrence of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The reason for obesity is a dysfunction in the regulation of energy balance. It has been shown that dietary fat induces satiety as long as this nutrient stays in the intestine. One important gastrointestinal satiety signal is cholecystokinin (CCK), released from the intestine
Availability of Visual Information Changes the Strategy of Postural Responses
Sewage sludge as a sensitive indicator for airborne radionuclides from nuclear power plants; studies of distribution and behaviour of activation products in the terrestrial environment
[abstract missing]
On the asymptotic iterative decoding performance of low-density parity-check codes
Improvement of the metabolic features of bread by use of organic acids
Fuzzy Anti-Reset Windup for Heater Control
Remissvar: Betänkandet (SOU 2004:131) Konkurrensbrott – En lagstiftningsmodell
Hans Henrik Lidgard & Sverker Jönsson enligt delegation Abstract: Anbudssamverkan, kvoteringsöverenskommelser, priskarteller och marknadsuppdelnings-åtgärder förekommer som separata överträdelser av konkurrensrätten. Dessa konkurrensrättens kärnöverenskommelser förefaller i allt att uppfylla kriterierna för allvarliga förmögenhetsbrott. Förfarandena kan fogas in under strafflagstiftningens bed
Ecotourism and the development of indigenous communities: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Modelling temperature-dependent heat production over decades in High Arctic coal waste rock piles
Constrained online resource control using convex programming based allocation
A resource allocation algorithm aimed at embedded multi- media systems is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on computational efficiency, suitability for fixed point im- plementation and being able to solve the allocation at run- time when parameters or dynamics change. The algorithm is derived from classic convex optimization theory and the resulting real time properties are studied in simu
The Role of Regional Innovation Systems in a Globalising Economy: Comparing Knowledge Bases and Institutional Frameworks in Nordic Clusters
Fixed-term work in Nordic labour law
In the line of fire: Right wing extremism targets justice based movements. Snapshots from the Nordic countries
Risk and Inclusion
Institutional problems in the primary healthcare sector in Bangladesh, report submitted to Sida
The report consists of three papers, two of them are published in the working paper series of the department. One paper deals with decentralized provision of healthcare in rural areas of Bangladesh. The second one deals with partnership with non-public sector in urban healthcare. The third paper deals with client awareness and utilization of service facilities provided by the government.