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Practical approach towards degrowth transition : a case study of an emerging ecovillage in Kalmar, Sweden

Degrowth refers to an alternative human society which is simplistic, cooperative and opposite of current growth system which is based on overproduction and overconsumption. The current growth trend is indisputably unsustainable for the future being of the earth and its’ population. Resource depletion, land degradation and climate change have become inevitable due to growth system, overproduction a

Egyptian Secular Feminism After the Egyptian Revolution of 2011: An Analysis of Transformation of the Patriarchal Bargain Between Egyptian Secular Female Feminists and Political Leaderships

The Egyptian Revolution of 2011 opened up the public space for Egyptian women from very different backgrounds. However, although women played a decisive role in revolutionary events, this did not result in the abolishment of the patriarchal bargain between Egyptian secular-oriented female feminists and the state in post-Mubarak Egypt. Even though certain conditions caused the suspension of the pat

Häckeberga naturreservat 1976-2015 – en uppföljning och framåtblick

Är det någon vits med naturreservat? Mer och mer av naturen försvinner när vi använder mark till jord- och skogsbruk, och många städer breder ut sig på en större yta. Växter och djur kan till viss del anpassa sig till stadslivet och överleva i jordbruks- och skogsbruksmarker, men många är beroende av en särskild sorts naturtyp för att kunna överleva. Människor är också beroende av naturen för attHäckeberga Nature Reserve, in the eastern part of the municipality of Lund, Sweden, was established in April 1976, in order to preserve the area’s varying and rich nature, and to facilitate human recreation. The aim of this master thesis is to explore how well the goals with the nature reserve protection have been met, how the management of the reserve has been carried out and to suggest improveme

Vilka samband finns det mellan ett lands livsmedelsdistribution och landets ekonomiska välstånd?

This paper tries to find connections between countries food retail sector and their respective GDP per capita. Measurements in focus are supermarkets (or larger) market share and the countries rate of urbanization. The paper finds that countries with high BNP per capita generally have an high supermarket market share. There are howerver a few interesting outliers to discuss, including Japan and Ho

Trade-Offs Under Pressure: Heuristics and Observations Of Teams Resolving Internet Service Outages

The increasing complexity of software applications and architectures in Internet services challenge the reasoning of operators tasked with diagnosing and resolving outages and degradations as they arise. Although a growing body of literature focuses on how failures can be prevented through more robust and fault-tolerant design of these systems, a dearth of research explores the cognitive challenge

Domination, Privilege and Fear: Uncovering a hidden curriculum of oppression in the Syrians' narratives on school

Syria is going through a full-fledged conflict with unfathomable educational crisis. With the tremendous challenges in the educational sector in conflict situations, opportunities arise simultaneously for positive educational change. The purpose of this study was twofold: to contribute to informed changes in the educational system for Syrians through better understanding of education in the past,

Managing Wolves: Biopolitics, Knowledge and Wilderness in the Debate around Swedish Wolf Management

The research of this thesis aims at exploring, and adding a contribution to, the academic work devoted to analyzing techniques for wildlife management using Foucauldian Biopolitics. This case study researches the attitudes of six pro-wolf people toward techniques for wildlife management. This research finds that in order to understand these attitudes, one has to combine the understanding of biopol

I den digitala sandlådan : social responsivitet i virtuell lek

Magnus Johanssons uppsats I den digitala sandlådan - vår tids virtuella leksaker i ljuset av social responsivitet, författad 2015 vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, Lunds universitet, tar avstamp i debatter om datorspels skadliga inflytande på den sociala människan men med utgångspunkten att dessa debatter är onyanserade. Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur interaktionen med dator

Rättsinstitutet särskild granskning enligt aktiebolagslagen – har reglerna kommit att missbrukas? - En kartläggning över 211 granskningsärenden under perioden 2008 – 2015

Uppsatsen behandlar vissa frågor kring rättsinstitutet särskild granskning enligt aktiebolagslagen. Särskild granskning tillhör aktiebolagslagens minoritetsskyddsregler och ger en minoritet av aktieägare rätt att genom Bolagsverkets försorg få en särskild granskare utsedd. Genom en specialundersökning kan avgränsade förhållanden i bolaget som är av extraordinär natur granskas. Förarbetena har uttaThe thesis deals with certain questions concerning the legal institute’s special examination according to the Swedish Companies Act (SCA). Requesting a special examiner is a part of different protection controls for minority shareholder in SCA and gives a minority of shareholders the right to get a special examiner appointed by the Swedish Companies Registration Office (SCRO). By conducting a spec

On cascading failure models and robustness metrics in power networks

Network research tries to give solutions within several areas, beginning from social interconnections, logistic problems, virus spreading, supply networks...etc. Some metrics have been developed in order to predict blackouts and improve power grid robustness. Metrics use part of the grid information seeking weakness without simulating the blackout process. On the other hand, simulation models unfo

When the Transnational Meets the Particular: Businesses as Actors of Transnational Governance in a Changing Myanmar

Following five decades of isolation and ruthless military rule, Myanmar authorities started implementing various nominally democratic reforms. In response to these developments Western governments scaled back sanctions that had made the country anathema to foreign business. Writing within premises of late modernity, and the retreat of the state as primary political-geographical reference, this the

Lerbottnar. En granskning av fem tolkningar.

The purpose of this paper is to examine five interpretations of a type of medieval construction called “clay lined pit” which has been encountered on several locations in southern Scandinavia, and whether the interpretations can still be considered plausible in light of new findings. Initially the construction type is explained and the interpretations are introduced. Three locales, where clay line

Tjänar man på att investera sitt studielån?

Sammanfattning Examensarbete i nationaleknomi vid Lunds universitet, kandidatuppsats, HT 2015 Seminariedatum: 2016.01.26 Författare: Henrik Bäckström Handeledare: Dag Rydorff Titel: Tjänar man på att investera sitt studielån? En undersökning av investeringsmöjligheter med lån från tre studiemedelssystem sedan 1981. Nyckelord: CSN, investering med belånat kapital, passiv placeringsstrategi.

ÄBIC i praktiken. En kvalitativ studie om introduktionen av Socialstyrelsens arbetsmodell Äldres Behov I Centrum.

Author: Caroline Olsson Title: ÄBIC in practice – A qualitative study of the introduction of the working model named “The needs of the elderly in the centre”, developed by the National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden [translated title] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs Assessor: Dolf Tops The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden has developed a new working model named ÄBIC which is to be

Osynligt arbete. Några anställdas upplevelser av det interna arbetet med jämställdhet och etnisk mångfald på en myndighet

Sedan 1990-talet har Sverige dels genom nationell politik och dels genom lagar och förordningar reglerat hur arbetet med jämlikhet ska främjas i myndigheter. Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur det interna jämlikhetsarbetet i form av jämställdhet och etnisk mångfald fungerar i en utvald myndighet som i sitt externa arbete har fokus på dessa frågor. Uppsatsen bygger på en analy

Transitional Justice and the Ongoing Kurdish Issue in Turkey from the Perspectives of the Wives of the Disappeared

The aim of this thesis is to examine how Turkey’s “proto-transition” regarding the Kurdish issue is gendered in the light of the narratives of a particular set of victims, the wives of the disappeared. The conflict between the Turkish military and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK) has been ongoing for more than three decades. During 1980s and 1990s, enforced disappea

Is There ´Tomorrow´? Recasting Visions of the Future Through Mental Well-Being: A Grounded Theory Study with Afghan Women Refugees in Delhi

India continuously receives a significant number of refugees from neighbouring countries and non. Lacking a proper framework for protection, the government assigned the mandate to UNHCR, thus putting in place a system with the same purpose. Yet, hierarchisation of Indian society on the basis of fixed gender roles, and other institutions in place create conditions of structural violence, particular

The gut microbial composition in humans in hot occupational settings and the effects of drinking buttermilk

The principal aims of the present study were to examine the latent heat stress relieving capacity of drinking buttermilk and to observe the human gut microbiota in hot occupational condition. A human crossover intervention study with 12 volunteers was studied, each of them performed 3 hours of physical work in a heat chamber. During the working period, the volunteers were given buttermilk, water o

Konstruktion av kustnära vägar till följd av klimatförändringar

The world is facing future climate changes. Theses climate changes gives expression in increased average temperature, stronger gusts, more extreme rainfall and rising sea levels. What happens to low-lying communities as the sea level rises? On this question at issue, SWECO Environment worked with an action plan for the vicinity of Falsterbonäset. Falsterbo, Höllviken and Skanör are low-lying commu