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Your search for "*" yielded 528458 hits

Composition-dependent spin exchange interaction for multiferroicity in perovskite Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3

The composition-dependent spin exchange interaction in a perovskite-structured Pb(Fe0.5−xNix)Nb1/2O3 system has been studied to understand its multiferroicity at room-temperature. Special emphasis was paid to the magnetic behavior in terms of magnetic moment, interatomic distance, and atomic ordering because they play a key role in the modulation of magnetic multiferroic behavior. We observed that

Serum levels of biomarkers related to severity staging of Raynaud’s phenomenon, neurosensory manifestations, and vibration exposure in patients with hand-arm vibration injury

Our aim was to explore possible relationships between serum levels of biomarkers in patients with hand-arm vibration injury in relation to the severity of the vascular, i.e., Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP), and neurosensory manifestations, the current exposure level, and the duration of exposure. This study was of case series design and involved 92 patients diagnosed with hand-arm vibration injury. Jon

The prognostic value of programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression in resected colorectal cancer without neoadjuvant therapy - differences between antibody clones and cell types

BACKGROUND: Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression on tumor cells is associated with poor prognosis in several malignancies, while partly contradictory and inconclusive results have been presented for colorectal cancer (CRC). This study aimed to evaluate PD-L1 as a prognostic biomarker in CRC by comparing three different antibody clones.METHODS: Patients surgically treated for CRC between Ja

Navigating Orkanen - Exploring the Spatal production of Malmö University

This thesis explores the application of Henri Lefebvre’s theory of the social production of space to the analysis of Malmö University more specifically Orkanen, the name of one of the two main buildings of the university. With a particular focus on how conceived, perceived, and lived spaces interact within the university’s neoliberal context. Through a combination of Schwarze’s operationalization

Do butchers dream of post-animal beef? A discourse analysis of the protein transition in Spain

Currently, multiple environmental crises threaten to irreversibly alter the living conditions that humanity has enjoyed on Earth for millennia. One of the main activities that contribute to these worrying environmental issues is the production and consumption of meat, which also poses serious public health and ethical concerns. In order to tackle these issues, a strong case has been made for the n

Forests don’t just absorb CO2 — they also take up methane

Field studies reveal that the woody surfaces of upland trees are a substantial global sink for methane, a potent greenhouse gas. The findings help to fill a hole in the global methane budget and should improve the accuracy of climate models.

Exploring the Impact of Business Infrastructure on a Multi-Echelon Inventory Control System

Inventory management is crucial for organizations, with inventory control being a key component. Efficient inventory control involves balancing various business functions' goals, while also managing economies of scale (EOS) and uncertainties. Multi-echelon inventory control systems (MEICS) consider interdependent stocks and have gained importance with advancements in inventory control techniqu

Anisotropic Beer-Lambert law in β - Ga2 O3 : Polarization-dependent absorption and photoresponsivity spectra

Due to its low symmetry, β-Ga2O3 exhibits a strongly anisotropic optical response. As a result, the absorption spectra change with the polarization state of the incoming photons. To understand this phenomenon, here we calculate the complete electromagnetic wave equation solutions as a function of linear polarization angle and photon energy for β-Ga2O3 using its previously measured complex dielectr

Gaussian process learning of nonlinear dynamics

One of the pivotal tasks in scientific machine learning is to represent underlying dynamical systems from time series data. Many methods for such dynamics learning explicitly require the derivatives of state data, which are not directly available and can be approximated conventionally by finite differences. However, the discrete approximations of time derivatives may result in poor estimations whe

Att underhålla det man inte ser: Förbättrad statusbedömning av ledningar för effektivt underhållsarbete inom fjärrvärme

Fjärrvärme har använts länge i Sverige och förser idag mer än hälften av alla svenska bostäder med bostadsuppvärmning. Nätverken som används har byggts ut sedan 1950-talet och har i många fall passerat sin tekniska livslängd. Att byta alla svenska fjärrvärmeledningar är dyrt och i många fall onödigt eftersom många ledningar fortfarande fungerar bra. Eftersom ledningarna, väl nedgrävda, inte kan ob

Acquisition of Abstract Words in the Mandarin and English Bilinguals’ Mental Lexicon

Models of the bilingual mental lexicon, such as the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM) and the Modified Hierarchical Model (MHM), suggest an asymmetrical pattern in the mental lexicons among bilinguals between two languages, and the representations are multi-dimensional. This study sets out to understand how bilinguals process the mental lexicon of two languages for abstract words and corresponding

Spatial variation of ground level ozone and the relation between ozone and NO2/NOx in two Swedish cities

Background Ozone is a pollutant known to cause adverse effects on human health. It is formed by reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and hydrocarbons under the influence of sunlight. In urban areas ozone is consumed oxidating nitrogen oxide (NO) to nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Despite the potential to cause adverse health effects, the local spatial distribution of ozone and the relationship between

Large-eddy simulation of aerosol concentrations in a realistic urban environment : Model validation and transport mechanism

Air pollution in urban environments exhibits large spatial and temporal variations due to high heterogeneous air flow and emissions. To address the complexity of local air pollutant dynamics, a comprehensive large-eddy simulation using the PALM model system v6.0 was conducted. The distribution of flow and vehicle emitted aerosol particles in a realistic urban environment in Malmö, Sweden, was stud

Long-term exposure to transportation noise and obesity : A pooled analysis of eleven Nordic cohorts

Background: Available evidence suggests a link between exposure to transportation noise and an increased risk of obesity. We aimed to assess exposure-response functions for long-term residential exposure to road traffic, railway and aircraft noise, and markers of obesity. Methods: Our cross-sectional study is based on pooled data from 11 Nordic cohorts, including up to 162,639 individuals with eit

Tender Platform for Intralogistics technologies and Logistics services

Purpose – The purpose of this master’s thesis is to investigate the applicability and functions of tender platforms for logistics projects hosted by consultancy firms (CFs), and the benefits and challenges for logistics companies. Background – The digitization trend has transformed procurement practices, with e-tendering and tender platforms gaining attraction across industries. This shift is gra

Search for pair-production of vector-like quarks in lepton+jets final states containing at least one b-tagged jet using the Run 2 data from the ATLAS experiment

A search is presented for the pair-production of heavy vector-like quarks in the lepton+jets final state using 140 fb−1 of proton–proton collisions at s=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector. The search is optimised for vector-like top-quarks (T) that decay into a W boson and a b-quark, with one W boson decaying leptonically and the other hadronically. Other vector-like quark flavours and decay

Sleep disturbances and change in multiple cognitive domains among older adults: a multicenter study of five Nordic cohorts

Study objectives: We examined and compared cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between self-reported sleep disturbances and various cognitive domains in five separate Nordic European longitudinal aging studies (baseline N = 5631, mean age = 77.7, mean follow-up = 4.16 years).Methods: Comparable sleep parameters across studies included reduced sleep duration/quality, insomnia symptoms (sl

Cadmium, lead, mercury levels in blood and arsenic levels in urine among school children living in glassworks areas, Sweden

Background/Aim: The Kingdom of Cristal, an area in southern Sweden, is historically heavily burdened by heavy metals. Cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic have previously been used in glass production and large amounts of glass crust have been deposited around the Kingdom of Cristal and used as filling material for the construction of new residential areas, parks and schools. The purpose of the proj