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Evaluation of recombinant human IGF‑1/IGFBP‑3 on intraventricular hemorrhage prevention and survival in the preterm rabbit pup model

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is essential for normal brain development and regulates processesof vascular maturation. The pathogenesis of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) relates to the fragilityof the immature capillaries in the germinal matrix, and its inability to resist fluctuations in cerebralblood flow. In this work, using different experimental setups, we aimed to (i) establish an

Tether-free Driveline Control for Water Propulsion Devices

For many machines, safety requires the constant presence of an operator, with the risk of damage or danger if the operator is unintentionally absent. Dead man’s switches (DMS) are commonly used to halt operations if this absence is detected, often relying on physical elements like leashes or buttons. However, these solutions can hinder operator convenience and equipment aesthetics. For devices wit

Patienters upplevelse av insjuknande och omhändertagande vid akuta strokesymtom.

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Stroke är den vanligaste orsaken till funktionshinder i världen och både prevention och akuta behandlingar har förbättrats. Trots framsteg inom strokevården lider personer av funktionsnedsättningar. Känslomässiga reaktioner som chock, rädsla, ångest, ilska och sorg är vanligt efter en stroke, och några patienter upplever att de psykosociala behoven inte tillgodoses av person

Fermi LAT AGN classification using supervised machine learning

Classifying active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is a challenge, especially for BL Lacertae objects (BLLs), which are identified by their weak emission line spectra. To address the problem of classification, we use data from the fourth Fermi Catalog, Data Release 3. Missing data hinder the use of machine learning to classify AGNs. A previous paper found that Multivariate Imputation by Chain Equations (MI

High-Pressure Pasteurization of Soy Okara

Okara is a by-product from the production of soy beverages, which has a high content of protein and fiber. Even though it has a high nutritional value, it is generally discarded or used as animal feed or compost. The problem is its short shelf life due to its high water content and high water activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high-pressure pasteurization at 200 MPa,

Pre-study for SMR and Nuclear Establishment in Norway

Norway has Europe’s highest share of renewable electricity production and the lowest power sector emissions. Thanks to the country’s stable power production, Norway has affordable and stable access to electricity, leading to industries choosing to relocate to the country. To keep this industry, the country needs to meet the increasing electricity demand and ensure it is still competitively priced.

Bacteraemia caused by non-faecalis and non-faecium Enterococcus species—a retrospective study of incidence, focus of infection, and prognosis

Background/aim: Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium cause human infections including bacteraemia and infective endocarditis (IE). Only few studies describing non-faecalis and non-faecium Enterococcus (NFE) infections have been conducted. We aimed to describe the incidence, prognosis, and focus of infection of bacteraemia with NFE. Methods: This retrospective population-based study inclu

Sweet Table

Outdoor commercial furniture, particularly tables, often appears to lack well- designed products that address many concerns, including not only functionality and ergonomics but also aesthetic appeal. This study aims to investigate whether this perception reflects an actual problem and explore potential solutions. The purpose of this research is to explore the challenges associated with meeting th

Correction : Absolute and relative GFR and contrast medium dose/GFR ratio: cornerstones when predicting the risk of acute kidney injury (European Radiology, (2023), 10.1007/s00330-023-09962-w)

The original version of this article, published on 4 August 2023, unfortunately contained some mistakes. First of all, Fig. 2B has been replaced by an updated version. Additionally, the ratio in the following phrase “it results in a relatively high ratio (1.11) and thus a greater CI-AKI risk” in the caption of Table 2 has been corrected to (1.00). Finally, the following information has been added

Report on 4 cases with decreased recovery due to neutralizing antibodies specific for PEGylated recombinant factor VIII

Background: The immunogenicity, safety, and efficacy of recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) have gained increasing interest after the introduction of extended half-life products with various modifications of the rFVIII molecule, such as covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Anti-PEG antibodies may be associated with a temporary reduction of FVIII recovery, but according to previous studie

High-Pressure Pasteurization of Oat Okara

The issue of the short microbiological shelf life of residues from the plant-based beverage industry creates a large food waste problem. Today, the oat beverage residue, in this study referred to as oat okara, is generally converted to energy or used as animal feed. High-pressure pasteurization (200 MPa, 400 MPa, and 600 MPa) was applied to oat okara to investigate the effect on shelf life and mic

Visual acuity in patients with non-functioning pituitary adenoma : Prognostic factors and long-term outcome after surgery

Background: Visual acuity (VA) and visual field defects (VF) are evaluated in the preoperative management of non-functioning pituitary adenoma (NFPA). The former is less studied than the latter. Research question: To analyze preoperative factors, including adenoma volumetry, associated with reduced VA and postoperative improvement of VA over five years after surgery. Methods: Eighty-seven patients

Keltainen huone (Yellow Room), for choir : #80 (2008)

#80. Keltainen huone (Yellow Room), for choir (2008)Keltainen huone (Yellow Room) was written during a residency at the Nelimarkka Museum in Alajärvi, Finland in 2008.This piece focuses on the sense of pitch movement of unvoiced sounds that are achieved by highlighting the dominant formant frequencies of the vocal tract. However, through the use of radical manipulations of the upper vocal tract, t

Improving EEG-based decoding of the locus of auditory attention through domain adaptation

This paper presents a novel domain adaptation framework to enhance the accuracy of EEG-based auditory attention classification, specifically for classifying the direction (left or right) of attended speech. The framework aims to improve the performances for subjects with initially low classification accuracy, overcoming challenges posed by instrumental and human factors. Limited dataset size, vari

Empowering Children and Youth through Law and Participation

Empowering Children and Youththrough Law and ParticipationIn 2023, between August the 30th and September the 1st, the Child RightsInstitute at the Department of Sociology of Law, within Faculty of SocialSciences, Lund University, was arranging a three-day research conference onthe theme Empowering Children and Youth through Law and Participation.41 participants from 13 different countries particip