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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Exploring the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intimacy: A Psychometric Study on the Robot Intimate Receptiveness Scale

Fokus på offentliga diskussioner och vetenskapliga utforskningar som berör intim human-robot-interaction blir alltmer framträdande. Likväl saknas det psykometriska instrument avsedda för explorationen av intim social kontakt mellan människa och social robot. Det övergripande syftet med denna studie var att utveckla ett nytt psykometriskt test, Robot Intimate Receptiveness Scale (RIRS) för undersökPublic discussions and scientific inquiries centered around human-robot relationships are rapidly gaining momentum. As artificial intelligence integrates into new social landscapes, corresponding scientific explorations are called for. As of today, there are no psychometric instruments tailored to measure intimate social contact within human-robot contexts. In the light of this gap, the primary ob

Virtually Immersed in Language: a DTI Study on Rapid Neural Plasticity and Virtual Learning Environments in L2 acquisition

Objective Second language learning continues to be a field of growing interest both in academia and everyday life. As such, a more comprehensive understanding of the best learning methods remains an important area of focus. This study aimed to investigate single-session vocabulary acquisition and neural underpinnings of language learning through Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), in relation to immer

Association of Circulating Long Noncoding 7S RNA with Deep Vein Thrombosis

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a recognized factor in the pathogenesis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The role of 7S RNA, a long noncoding RNA that plays an important role in mitochondrial function, in DVT remains unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the potential use of 7S RNA as a biomarker in DVT. Plasma samples were obtained from 237 patients (aged 16-95 years) with suspected DVT recr

Den svaga kronan beror på Riksbanken

Riksbanken måste sluta experimentera med svensk ekonomi och återgå till en penningpolitik som ger långsiktig makroekonomisk stabilitet, skriver nationalekonomerna Fredrik NG Andersson och Lars Jonung.Riksbanken måste sluta experimentera med svensk ekonomi och återgå till en penningpolitik som ger långsiktig makroekonomisk stabilitet, skriver nationalekonomerna Fredrik NG Andersson och Lars Jonung.

Interactome Mapping of Plasminogen-interactive Proteins from Group A Streptococcus by Integrated Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics

Streptococcus pyogenes is a host-adapted human pathogen responsible for causing various infectious diseases, including rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever, some of which can be fatal to humans. The bacteria contain different pathogenic proteins situated on the cell surface or secreted extracellularly. Many of these proteins have the ability to bind to and activate human plasminogen.

Higher vegetation sensitivity to meteorological drought in autumn than spring across European biomes

Europe has experienced severe drought events in recent decades, posing challenges to understand vegetation responses due to diverse vegetation distribution, varying growth stages, different drought characteristics, and concurrent hydroclimatic factors. To analyze vegetation response to meteorological drought, we employed multiple vegetation indicators across European biomes. Our findings reveal th

Avoiding Misattribution Errors through Recollection: Can Retrieval Practice Suppress the Illusory Truth Effect?

Misinformation is a major global issue and presents major negative impacts on many aspects of our lives. One of the factors facilitating misinformation belief is the illusory truth effect, the phenomenon of how repeated exposure to information can increase subjective truth. This occurs when processing fluency, caused by repeated exposure to an item, is misattributed to the truth status of an item.

Same world, different worldviews: A comparative discourse analysis of climate change worldviews in European and African Union policies

Climate change has become an increasingly political matter, shaping discursive debates over the different conceptualizations of climate action. Climate policies offer a glimpse of current discursive trends. This research analyzes climate policies by the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU), two Regional Organizations (RO). Both have recently published two comprehensive climate policies t

Rule and Conflict: The Myanmarese colonial experience, ethnic fragmentation through the lens of methods of rule

This thesis examines the underlying causes of the ethnic conflict in Myanmar through an analysis of how British rule impacted Myanmar and its subsequent development and ethnic fragmentation. This has been done in order to find out if British colonialism might have caused ethnic fragmentation and to test a hypothesis about whether the specific characteristics of how Myanmar was colonised caused thi

Collaborations as Innovation Engine for a Public Transport Agency - a Quest for Sustainable Urban Mobility

Purpose: The purpose of this case-study is to explore why a public transport actor chooses to initiate a network and if such an approach can contribute to business model innovation Theoretical framework: The study is based on the theory of public value and public business model innovation. This is complemented by network theory in public organisations. Methodology: Qualitative embedded-case study

A spatio-temporal graph neural network framework for predicting usage efficiency of e-scooter sharing services

This thesis focuses on predicting the usage efficiency of e-scooters through the application of a Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network (STGNN). The predictions made by the STGNN will be compared with classical machine learning (ML) methods, including Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and Linear Regression (LR). To facilitate the prediction of usage efficiency, the Time to Bookin

Analysing teachers' operations when teaching students : what constitutes scientific theories?

The aim of the study is to analyse teachers’ efforts to develop secondary school students’ knowledge and argumentation skills of what constitutes scientific theories. The analysis is based on Leontiev’s three-level structure of activity (activity, action, and operation), as these levels correspond to the questions why, what, and how content is taught. The unit of analysis was a school development

Social review as a tool for developing social skills : Using contrasting cases

The aim of this study is to, based on a theory of learning, compare in what ways two different cases of the use of self-monitoring videotapes for developing social skills in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) facilitates social behavior studied with a micro-level approach. Two verbal 15-year-old male students with ASD and cognitive disabilities were filmed for 20 min in three differen

Threats, Emotions, and Affective Polarization

Why do some individuals feel hostility and express bias against supporters of other political parties? Drawing on intergroup threat theory, we examine the role of emotions as a mechanism by which perceived threats against the ingroup are a source of increased affective polarization. In two survey experiments performed in the multiparty contexts of Sweden (N = 505) and Germany (N = 776), we manipul

Potentials and limitations of pantomime storytelling: An experimental study with intersemiotic translation.

When in need to tell stories we often find ourselves using not only our words but also accompanying gestures, as well as pictures. However, what if we were to use only gestures to narrate? Would the stories we tell be clear enough to understand? The thesis investigates the potentials and limitations of pantomime, which consists mostly of gesture, for storytelling. Concretely, through a unique two-

A shimmering movement : Ali Abbasi’s Border as a trans* posthumanist post-celluloid adaptation

Gräns (Border) (2018) is an adaptation of a short story by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist (2006). The film retains large parts of the literary plot as well as its focalization through the troll-protagonist Tina/Reva. At the same time, Border introduces significant modifications. I argue that by expanding the plot to include a number of new elements and amplifying Lindqvist’s strategy of ‘a s

Pre-school children’s expressed technological volition during construction play

Technology volition is the will to develop knowledge of, and use, the physical world to design products, processes and systems. The aim of this study was to contribute new knowledge of children’s technology volition when they identify, build and improve technical constructions, and how teachers support this learning. Analysis focused on moments when children’s volition was expressed in a construct

Svenska e-handlares acceptans av metoder för datainsamling på Internet: En kvalitativ studie om e-handlares uppfattningar av påverkande faktorer vid utfasningen av third-party cookies

E-handelsindustrin har länge använt sig av third-party cookies för att spåra internetanvändare, men 2024 kommer dessa att ha fasats ut från de största webbläsarna. Det nuvarande kunskapsläget kan varken besvara vad e-handlarna anser vara alternativ till third-party cookies eller vilka faktorer som leder till acceptans av dessa. Syftet med studien är därför att kvalitativt beskriva vad svenska e-ha