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An analysis of residual thermal stresses in a unidirectional graphite/PMR-15 composite based on X-ray diffraction measurements

The purpose of this research is to determine residual thermal stresses in a unidirectional graphite-fiberT/PMR-15 polyimide composite by using crystalline inclusions. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements have been made to determine residual stresses in embedded aluminum and silver inclusions placed between the first and second plies of six-ply unidirectional graphite/PMR-15 composite specimens. In

Seed-coating of rapeseed (Brassica napus) with the neonicotinoid clothianidin affects behaviour of red mason bees (Osmia bicornis) and pollination of strawberry flowers (Fragaria × ananassa)

Neonicotinoid insecticides applied to flowering crops can have negative impacts on bees, with implications for crop pollination. To assess if exposure to the neonicotinoid clothianidin via a treated crop (rapeseed) affected bee behaviour, pollination performance (to strawberry), and bee reproduction, we provided each of 12 outdoor cages with rapeseed (autumn-sown plants complemented with a few spr

Varför och hur söker människor psykoterapi? Upplevelser av skäl och sökprocess hos panikångestpatienter

Människor följer ofta en liknande process när de söker sig till professionell vård. Upplevelser av vilka skäl de har för att söka rent faktiskt och vägen fram till att de tar beslutet att söka behövs det dock ytterligare forskning om. Därför är det viktigt att undersöka detta för att utröna människors upplevelse av vilka skäl och funderingar de har fram mot att beslutet att söka vård fattas. DettaPeople generally follow a similar process when seeking professional care. Experience of what reasons they have for actually seeking help and their considerations during the process before they make the decision to seek help is, however, insufficiently researched. Hence, it is important to study this in order to find out people's experience of what reasons and considerations they have during th

Intensive care patients with preeclampsia – Clinical risk factors and biomarkers for oxidative stress and angiogenic imbalance as discriminators for severe disease

Background: Approximately 180 mothers are treated in Swedish Intensive Care Units (ICU) due to preeclampsia each year. Although several clinical risk factors are known, prediction of critical disease is challenging. Two scavenger proteins, hemopexin (Hpx) and alpha-1-microglobulin (A1M) have been suggested to be associated with the oxidative stress seen in preeclampsia. The ratio of two other biom

Vi gör så gott vi kan men i praktiken är det ibland omöjligt -En studie om vårdpersonals syn på gråzoner inom demensvård

The purpose of this study was to explore medically trained care givers’ views on their work with people with dementia, focusing on their professional discretion and the standardized tools they use in their daily work. The aim was to gain a deeper understanding of aspects of their work that overlap with social work. The method used was qualitative semi-structured interviews with six caregivers, wor

“Brown Babies” in post-WWII Denmark : A Case Study of the Vulnerabilities of Adopted Children Born of War

Children born to occupying soldiers during or after conflicts are in many ways an extraordinarily vulnerable population. These so-called children born of war (CBOW) commonly inherit the stigma of transgression and foreignness from their respective parents and face discrimination in post-conflict societies. Their specific vulnerabilities, though, emerge from multiple overlapping factors: the needs

Cystatin C and derived measures of renal function as risk factors for mortality and acute kidney injury in sepsis – A post-hoc analysis of the FINNAKI cohort

Purpose: To assess the association between cystatin C-derived estimates of kidney function and mortality and acute kidney injury (AKI) in sepsis. Materials and methods: Post-hoc analysis of sepsis patients in the FINNAKI-cohort (n = 802). Primary outcome was 90-day mortality. We measured plasma cystatin C and creatinine at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and estimated glomerular filtration rat

Shared PV Systems in Multi-Scaled Communities

In past years, Sweden has been facing a rapid growth of photovoltaic cells, and the total PV installation capacity increased from 300 kW to 1090 MW (2006–2020). The increased number of PV users was a result of active support from the Swedish government with an aim of achieving multiple sustainable goals regarding renewable energy. This project evaluates the profitability of shared PV systems in co

Rate and risk factors for thromboembolism and major bleeding in adults with congenital heart disease taking vitamin K antagonist therapy

Background: The risk of adults with a congenital heart defect (ACHD) developing heart failure, stroke, arrhythmias, and the need for valve replacement is increased compared to healthy peers. Evidence for the use of novel oral anticoagulants (NOAC) in this patient group is still lacking and vitamin K antagonists (VKA) are the primary choice for patients with a mechanical valve. The present aim was

Acid suppressants use and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in middle-aged and older adults

Background and aims: Concerns regarding adverse events associated with the use of acid suppressants have increased. However, the impact of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine‐2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) on the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) remains unknown. This study aimed to estimate the risk of ASCVD in association with the use of PPIs and H2RAs. Methods: This

Tumor purity adjusted beta values improve biological interpretability of high-dimensional DNA methylation data

A common issue affecting DNA methylation analysis in tumor tissue is the presence of a substantial amount of non-tumor methylation signal derived from the surrounding microenvironment. Although approaches for quantifying and correcting for the infiltration component have been proposed previously, we believe these have not fully addressed the issue in a comprehensive and universally applicable way.

Analysis of regional CO2contributions at the high Alpine observatory Jungfraujoch by means of atmospheric transport simulations and δ13C

In this study, we investigated the regional contributions of carbon dioxide (CO2) at the location of the high Alpine observatory Jungfraujoch (JFJ, Switzerland, 3580ĝ€¯mĝ€¯a.s.l.). To this purpose, we combined receptor-oriented atmospheric transport simulations for CO2 concentration in the period 2009-2017 with stable carbon isotope (δ13C-CO2) information. We applied two Lagrangian particle disper

Comparison of contrast-to-noise ratios of different detection methods in ultrasound optical tomography

Ultrasound optical tomography (UOT) is a hybrid imaging modality based on interaction between ultrasound and light, with a potential to extend optical imaging capabilities in biological tissues to depths of several centimeters. Several methods have been developed to detect the UOT signal. To better understand their potential for deep tissue imaging, we present a theoretical contrast-to-noise compa

Mapping a buried Quaternary valley and pre-Quaternary faults through seismic methods in Copenhagen, Denmark

Limited knowledge of the subsurface geology motivates the use of geophysical techniques before large engineering projects are conducted. These applications are normally restricted to satisfy the project aims, like mapping the near surface sediments, unconsolidated rocks and/or geological structures that may affect the construction locally. However, the applications can also contribute to the gener

The metabolomic profile associated with clustering of cardiovascular risk factors A multi-sample evaluation

Background A clustering of cardiovascular risk factors is denoted the metabolic syndrome (MetS), but the mechanistic underpinnings of this clustering is not clear. Using large-scale metabolomics, we aimed to find a metabolic profile common for all five components of MetS. Methods and findings 791 annotated non-xenobiotic metabolites were measured by ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem m

Patient-oriented risk score for predicting death 1 year after myocardial infarction : the SweDen risk score

OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to derive, based on the SWEDEHEART registry, and validate, using the Western Denmark Heart registry, a patient-oriented risk score, the SweDen score, which could calculate the risk of 1-year mortality following a myocardial infarction (MI).METHODS: The factors included in the SweDen score were age, sex, smoking, diabetes, heart failure and statin use. These were chosen a pr