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Ny tillgänglighet – kunskapssammanställning samt alternativt arbetssätt och tankemodell

Tillgänglighet har blivit ett centralt begrepp i transportpolitiken. Begreppet har dock kommit att bli alltmer mångfacetterat och det förekommer en rad olika definitioner. Tillgänglighet anses bestå av tre olika delkomponenter: transportsystemet, markanvändningssystemet samt individen, där interaktionen mellan dessa tre delar anses väsentlig. Tillgång till informations- och kommunikationsteknik (I

Defining an Evaluation Model for Container Orchestration Operator Frameworks

The growing complexity of cloud native applications has necessitated the intro- duction of operators to the container orchestration tools’ suite of components. Operators affords developers the ability to encode domain knowledge and make fine-grained controllers for their Kubernetes clusters, radically extending the range of feasible applications to host. Operators are however vast software entitie

Fuktegenskaper och kemisk sammansättning för nedbrutet Accoya-trä

Accoya: virket som motstår rötsvamparna Att använda trä som byggnadsmaterial har en lång tradition i Sverige, då tillgången är god. Nu har det återigen fått ett större fokus i hopp om att minska byggsektorns klimatpåverkan. För att utöka träets användning måste dess problem med fukt begränsas, där det största problemet är rötsvampar som bryter ned träet och gör det svagare. En vanlig metod är attWood is one of the oldest building materials, which have recently gained more focus in aneffort to reach net zero emissions. The mechanical properties of wood are dependent on the moisture content, and a high moisture content can also lead to biological attacks from decay fungi. To avoid biological attacks the wood must be protected from moisture, and a traditional method is to pressure impregnate

Reinforced notched cross-laminated timber plates : Load-bearing capacity and methodology for predicting the force in reinforcement

This paper deals with the estimation of the design force in self-tapping screws used as a reinforcement ofnotched cross laminated timber plates (CLT). With the reinforcement, apart from an increased load-carrying capacity, amore ductile behaviour of this detail can be achieved. An analytical model based on the Timoshenko Beam Theory wasdeveloped, enabling the estimation of the axial force in the r

Modelling the full-scale N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants for identifying mitigation strategies

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, which primarily originate from the biological nitrogen removal process, dominate the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). N2O production occurs through dynamic microbial pathways that have a significant impact on the environment compared with other GHG emissions. Reducing these substantial emissions aligns with the objectives of

Redistribution of sediments in three Swedish lakes

Sedimentation and redistribution of fine sediments in three Swedish lakes of different character have been investigated using settling sediment traps. The bottom shear stress from wind generated waves are calculated and the extension of erodable bottom area is related to wind conditions. Wave induced erosion and deposition during and after cessation of storms in different parts of a lake are discu

Empowering the Taxpayer - How the Charter of Fundamental Rights Helps to Shape an Equitable European VAT System

C-617/10 Åkerberg Fransson is the landmark case of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) that dealt with the interpretation and application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Charter). In brief, the case concerned a Swedish national who was accused of tax evasion and faced criminal charges for failing to pay value added tax (VAT) on certain business transaction

Parasocial relationship building with AI influencers on Instagram

Parasocial relationships (PSR) are the driving forces in social media marketing and are, amongst other factors, the reason for social media influencers’ great success. However, in the last few years, a new form of social media influencer emerged, namely the artificial intelligence (AI) influencer. As the name suggests, these influ- encers are driven by AI programs and are therefore not real humans

Concurrent measurement of perfusion parameters related to small blood vessels and cerebrospinal fluid circulation in the human brain using dynamic dual-spin-echo perfusion MRI

Accumulating evidence from recent studies has indicated the importance of studying the interaction between the microvascular and lymphatic systems in the brain. To date, most imaging methods can only measure blood or lymphatic vessels separately, such as dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI for blood vessels and DSC MRI-in-the-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (cDSC MRI) for lymphatic vessels. An app

Instabilitetsfenomen i underspända limträbalkar

Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka olika parametrars betydelse för instabilitetsfenomen i ett underspänt balksystem av limträ. Arbetet syftade även till att undersöka den komplexitet av modellering som krävs för att nå tillräcklig noggrannhet med avseende på instabilitet. Komplexitet i modellering avsåg i detta arbete typ av beräkningsmodell avseende geometrisk representation (1D, 2D, 3D) oFor buildings where high demands are placed on open space, pre-tensioned glulam trusses have become a popular solution. Such a truss is often optimized to be material-efficient when subjected to loading within the plane of the truss itself. However, material-efficient and slender roof trusses can be highly sensitive to loads and unintended movements perpendicular to the loading plane. Poor choices

Ett utile dulci för ungdom : Ungdomens bibliotek som bokserie och förlagssatsning

The Swedish publishing house Svensk läraretidnings förlag published the extensive book series Barnbiblioteket Saga (the Children’s Library Saga) between 1899 and 1970. In this article, the publisher’s less extensive book series Ungdomens bibliotek (the Library of Youth) is analysed as an example of the marketing techniques that the publishing house used to reach different target groups. The articl

Sanningen är på vår sida : analys av andrapersonan i Putins tal

This essay analysis the speech President Vladimir Putin gave on the red square in Moscow on the 30th of September 2022. The aim of the essay is to understand the audience to whom Putin delivered his speech and to analyse what ideology and world view that could have been projected on them thru the discourses secondpersona. The main question at issue is: In what way and form does the discourses seco

Låt den rätte komma in - En komparativ studie av australisk och svensk rätt avseende tredje mäns möjlighet att träda in i skiljeförfarande

Internationella skiljeförfaranden blir allt vanligare i den globala ekonomin. De sker ofta i neutral jurisdiktion där ingen av parterna, till synes, gynnas av vald jurisdiktions lagar. Skiljeförfaranden anses ofta som en av de bättre tvistelösningsformerna då de är effektiva, förutsebara och parterna får själva utforma förfarandena. Det är speciellt fördelaktigt om de rättsliga relationerna mellanInternational commercial arbitrations are increasing by the numbers in the global economy. The arbitrations are often set on neutral ground in a neutral jurisdiction. Arbitrations are often held as one of the best methods of dispute resolution as they are effective, predictable and the parties can tailor the proceedings to their liking. This is especially advantageous when the legal relationship b

Renewables and electrification in Europe, A critical analysis

Electrification of processes has become the cornerstone of the strategy to decarbonise energy supply, especially in recent years. This study aims to define the main issues underlying the electrification of the European energy mix, especially those caused by an increasing share of intermittent energies. To this end, through a mix of qualitative and quantitative analysis and personal contributions v

The importance of refreezing on the diurnal snowmelt cycle

A method for including night-time refreezing of the top layer of a snowpack in the degree-day method for computing daily snowmelt rates is presented. It is found that during days of large diurnal temperature variations the daily melt is more determined by the day-time conditions than by the daily mean conditions. Applications are made to an open area and a forested area. The refreezing-degree-day