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Dynamics in Protein Synthesis, Structural Studies of Translation Factors

Protein biosynthesis is performed on ribosomes. The ribosome is a complex of ribosomal RNA and proteins forming two subunits. A messenger RNA strand is decoded on the small subunit by charged aminoacyl transfer RNA (aa-tRNA) molecules and each tRNA molecule delivers its amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain on the large subunit. RNA performs the central reactions and ribosomal proteins and f

How ideas are created and transmitted through the organisation field; Quality assurance in Swedish health care

We note that today ideas and models regarding both how to perform activities and how to pre¬sent oneself are generously offered to all organisations. Thus ideas concerning organisational models, management principles and quality assurance travel between countries, fields and organisations (Czarniawska and Sevòn, 1996). Organisations in the public sector, faced with the demand for higher productivi

The Age of Turbulence - Credit Derivatives Style

This paper focuses on the many extreme credit default swap spread movements observed during the credit crisis 2007-08 and on how the tails of the spread change distribution significantly differ from those of the normal distribution. As a result, Value at Risk (VaR) estimates based on extreme value theory are found to be more accurate than those based on normal or historical distributions, particul

Learning Outcomes in Doctoral Education – Achieved and Assessed?

The development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is firmly rooted in the idea of higher education (HE) as the cornerstone of a knowledge-based society. Throughout Europe, HE bodies are addressing issues of quality, mobility, employability and lifelong learning. HE agencies and institutions alike are working hard to harmonise European degrees and apply quality assurance standards (ESG,

Vårt perspektiv på Socialstyrelsen

Granskningsgruppen tillsattes på initiativ från Socialstyrelsens generaldirektör Kerstin Wigzell i mars 2000. Uppdraget var att granska Socialstyrelsens arbete ut ett patient-/klient-/anhörigperspektiv. Detta innebär att gruppmedlemmarna med utgångspunk

Disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment: A household survey of past behaviors and future preferences in Thailand

Households play a crucial role in the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). As waste generators, their decisions at the point of disposal hold a key to a success of WEEE collection. This article presents main findings from a national survey in Thailand about the reported disposal behaviors in the past and the stated disposal preferences in the future. The survey covered t

On Self-Tuning Regulators

The problem of controlling a system with constant but unknown parameters is considered. The analysis is restricted to discrete time single-input single-output systems. An algorithm obtained by combining a least squares estimator with a minimum variance regulator computed from the estimated model is analysed. The main results are two theorems which characterize the closed loop system obtained under

A randomized study comparing manual lymph drainage with sequential pneumatic compression for treatment of postoperative arm lymphedema

We compared manual lymph drainage (MLD) with sequential pneumatic compression (SPC) for treatment of unilateral arm lymphedema in 28 women previously treated for breast cancer. After 2 weeks of therapy with a standard compression sleeve (Part I) with maintenance of a steady arm volume, each patient was randomly assigned to either one of two treatment regimens (Part II). MLD was performed according

Anatomical, neurochemical and behavioural consequences of immunotoxin lesions of the basal forebrain cholinergic system.

The cholinergic hypothesis of geriatric memory dysfunction suggests that the learning and memory deficits representing the cardinal symptoms of dementia in the aged and in patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease may be attributable to a decline in the function of the cholinergic projection systems of the basal forebrain. Although many studies have addressed the issue of a causal relationship b