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vNOTES retroperitoneal sentinel lymph node dissection for endometrial cancer staging : First multicenter, prospective case series

Introduction: The current standard treatment for endometrial cancer is a laparoscopic hysterectomy with adnexectomies and bilateral sentinel node resection. A retroperitoneal vNOTES sentinel node resection has several theoretical potential advantages. These include being less invasive, leaving no visible scars, operating without Trendelenburg, and therefore offering the anesthetic advantage of eas

α-synuclein in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease

The Alzheimer's disease (AD) afflicted brain is neuropathologically defined by extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. However, accumulating evidence suggests that the presynaptic protein α-synuclein (αSyn), mainly associated with synucleinopathies like Parkinson's disease (PD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and

Swallowing characteristics and water swallow capacity in patients with parkinsonism

att karakterisera sväljningsproblematik hos patienter med parkinsonism med såväl instrumentella som icke-instrumentella metoderPrevalence and characteristics of dysphagia (including aspiration) in patients with parkinsonism is variable, depending on type of assessment, diagnosis, disease stage and duration. The aim of this study was to further evaluate dysphagia characteristics in patients with different types of parkinsonism with both instrumental (Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing, FEES) and non-instrumental

Realtime simulations with inline integration and mixed mode integration

In this thesis we discuss and test ways to improve the performance of inline integration. Inline integration is a tool used for real-time simulations of complex dynamical systems. The idea is to relate information about the system to the numerical method at a model level. Real-time simulations of complex models have become standard in industry. This puts high demands on simulation tools with regar

Internet-Delivered Exposure and Response Prevention for Pediatric Tourette Syndrome : 12-Month Follow-Up of a Randomized Clinical Trial

IMPORTANCE: Behavior therapy is a recommended intervention for Tourette syndrome (TS) and chronic tic disorder (CTD), but availability is limited and long-term effects are uncertain.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the long-term efficacy and cost-effectiveness of therapist-supported, internet-delivered exposure and response prevention (ERP) vs psychoeducation for youths with TS or CTD.DESIGN, SETTING, AN

Beräkningsmetodik för bergkonsbrott

Bergförankring kan användas för att hantera vertikal dragbelastning. När bergförankringar utsätts för dragbelastning behöver flera olika brottmoder beaktas vid dimensionering. I många projekt i Sverige leder dimensioneringen för brottmoden bergkonsbrott till långa förankringslängder. Bergkonsbrott innebär att förankringen är intakt och att berget går till brott runt förankringen i form av en kon. Rock anchors can be used to handle vertical tensile loads. When rock anchors are subjected to tensile forces there are several different failure modes that should be considered during design. In many projects designing for the failure mode called rock mass uplift leads to long anchorage lengths. Rock mass uplift failure means that the anchor stays intact and a rock cone is formed and lifted out of

Kriminalisera att manipulera: Navigera normer i strafflagstiftning – med vilken karta?

Vilka värden som betraktas som viktiga i ett samhälle förändras över tid. Det gäller också i straffrätten. I uppsatsen inringas straffrättsliga värden, med ledning i intressen, som utifrån förarbeten och lagtext framstår som centrala. Ett skyddsintresse som fått en mer framskjuten position under den senare delen av nittonhundratalet är personlig integritet. I detta ligger anspråk på autonomi, frihThe values that are considered important in a society change over time. This also applies to criminal law. The paper identifies values, from interests, in criminal law that appear to be central based on the preparatory work and legal text. One protection interest that gained a more prominent position during the latter part of the twentieth century is personal integrity. This includes claims to aut

Compensating affected parties necessary for rapid coal phase-out but expensive if extended to major emitters

Coal power phase-out is critical for climate mitigation, yet it harms workers, companies, and coal-dependent regions. We find that more than half of countries that pledge coal phase-out have "just transition" policies which compensate these actors. Compensation is larger in countries with more ambitious coal phase-out pledges and most commonly directed to national and regional governments or compa

Hematological and renal toxicity in mice after three cycles of high activity [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 with or without human α1-microglobulin

Radioligand therapy with [177Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 can be used to prolong life and reduce tumor burden in terminally ill castration resistant prostate cancer patients. Still, accumulation in healthy tissue limits the activity that can be administered. Therefore, fractionated therapy is used to lower toxicity. However, there might be a need to reduce toxicity even further with e.g. radioprotectors. The ai

Novel radiological approaches for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the pelvic region. Applications in the uterus and the prostate.

Background: Continuous advancements in interventional and diagnostic radiological techniques are mandatory to meet the increasing demands of patients and health care professionals. This thesis aims to contribute to the development of more effective interventional and diagnostic radiological methods for pelvic diseases. Ultimately, these advancements can lead to improved patient outcomes, optimised

The long-run impacts of the first kindergartens and day nurseries for poor children in early 20th century New York

The paper evaluates the long-run impact of having access to the first kindergartens and day nurseries for poor and immigrant children in early 20th century New York. To address this question, we geo-reference the locations of day nurseries and kindergartens operating between 1883 and 1924 in the boroughs of Brooklyn and Manhattan and combine it with a sample of males residing in these boroughs in