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Your search for "*" yielded 528498 hits

Relationship Between Tool Temperature Distribution and Stagnation Point Behavior for Different Process Factors in Machining Operations

Metal cutting is physically defined by a tool separating a chip by developing a stagnation point after the work material has passed a shear plane. This distinguishes the method group metal cutting or machining from shearing and wedging processes. The development of the stagnation point is central to the functioning of a metal cutting process. The stagnation point and its behavior has a great influ

Effectiveness and infectious complications of BCMA T-cell engagers in treating multiple myeloma : Real-world evidence from Sweden

Background: Multiple myeloma (MM), an incurable disease characterized by frequent relapses and a need for multiple treatments, often progresses to a relapse/refractory status resistant to all available drugs and drug classes. Bispecific antibodies, specifically BCMA T-cell engagers, have emerged as effective treatments for MM, demonstrating impressive efficacy. However, these treatments can advers

Assembly and succession of the phyllosphere microbiome and nutrient-cycling genes during plant community development in a glacier foreland

The phyllosphere, particularly the leaf surface of plants, harbors a diverse range of microbiomes that play a vital role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. However, our understanding of microbial successions and their impact on functional genes during plant community development is limited. In this study, considering core and satellite microbial taxa, we characterized the phyllosphere m

In vivo diffusion MRI of the human heart using a 300 mT/m gradient system

Purpose: This work reports for the first time on the implementation and application of cardiac diffusion-weighted MRI on a Connectom MR scanner with a maximum gradient strength of 300 mT/m. It evaluates the benefits of the increased gradient performance for the investigation of the myocardial microstructure. Methods: Cardiac diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) experiments were performed on 10 healthy

Non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics in parton showers

Measurements of quarkonia isolation in jets at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have been shown to disagree with fixed-order non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD) calculations, even at higher orders. Calculations using the fragmenting jet function formalism are able to better describe data but cannot provide full event-level predictions. In this work we provide an alternative model via NR

Audio podcast and procedural video use in anaesthesiology and intensive care : A nationwide survey of Swedish anaesthetists

BACKGROUND: Digital modalities which enable asynchronous learning, such as audio podcasts and videos demonstrating procedures, may benefit acquisition and retention of knowledge and clinical skills. The main objective of this nationwide cross-sectional survey study was to evaluate key aspects and factors related to usage of audio podcasts and procedural videos in anaesthesiology and intensive care

Control Strategies for Physical Human—Robot Collaboration

Recent industrial interest in producing smaller volumes of products in shorter time frames, in contrast to mass production in previous decades, motivated the introduction of human—robot collaboration (HRC) in industrial settings, to increase flexibility in manufacturing applications. As a consequence, industrial environments would lose their fixed structure, thus increasing the uncertainties prese

Rekommendationer : Stärk bibliotekariers sociala roll

Vi som skrivit denna text är en del av forskningsprojektet ILIT. ILIT undersöker hur folkbibliotek fungerar i en tid som präglas av sociala utmaningar. Exempel på utmaningar är segregation, diskriminering, ekonomiska åtstramningar och arbetslöshet. ILIT är en förkortning av Infrastructuring Libraries in Transformation. Projektet har genomförts i Sverige (Malmö), Nederländerna (Rotterdam) och Öster

Optimal follow-up with somatostatin receptor PET/CT imaging in patients with small intestinal neuroendocrine tumours

Somatostatin receptor positron emission tomography with computerised tomography imaging (SRI) has a high sensitivity for the detection of small intestinal neuroendocrine tumors (siNET), which makes it ideal for follow-up. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether follow-up with SRI in patients with siNET led to any change in the treatment of the patient and if patient and/or tumour f

All along the watchtower : group 2 innate lymphoid cells in allergic responses

Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2) are a subset of innate lymphocytes that responds to local, tissue-derived signals and initiates allergic immune responses. ILC2 activation promotes the recruitment of eosinophils, polarization of alternatively activated macrophages, and tissue-remodeling, processes associated with the 'weep and sweep' response to helminthic worm colonization and infection. ILC2

Fördomar på förstasidan: Synen på romer och resande i två svenska dagstidningar under perioden 1888 till 1904

Denna uppsats undersöker synen på romer och resande i det svenska samhället mellan åren 1888 och 1904. Även användningen av begreppen zigenare och tattare undersöks i uppsatsen. Föreställningar om ras, etnicitet och upplevd exotism utgör uppsatsens centrala undersökningsområden. Uppsatsen undersöker tidningarna Arbetet och Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten. Uppsatsens resultat visar att grupperna sThis paper examines the perception of Roma and Travelers in Swedish society between 1888 and 1904, including the use of terms "Zigenare" (Gypsy) and "Tattare" (Tinker). It explores notions of race, ethnicity, and perceived exotism. The study focuses on two newspapers, "Arbetet" and "Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snällposten," revealing that the groups referred to as

There is no such thing as ‘women’s representation’: intersectionality and second-generation gender and politics scholarship

Celis and Childs have called for a ‘second generation’ of feminist scholarship on representation that foregrounds intersectional heterogeneity and emphasises responsiveness to representatives beyond parliaments. We build on these important contributions, arguing that second-generation feminist scholarship and democratic design can make the greatest gains by operationalising intersectionality in cl

Associations between food intake and psychosomatic symptoms in 16-year-old adolescents

Aims: An increase in psychosomatic symptoms among adolescents has recently been reported. Few studies have examined the relation between food intake and psychosomatic symptoms. The aim was to study the association between food intake and overall psychosomatic burden and separate psychosomatic symptoms. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we used data from 6248 girls and 7153 boys in south-east

Restricted plant diversity limits carbon recapture after wildfire in warming boreal forests

Incomplete wildfire combustion in boreal forests leaves behind legacy plant-soil feedbacks known to restrict plant biodiversity. These restrictions can inhibit carbon recapture after fire by limiting ecosystem transition to vegetation growth patterns that are capable of offsetting warmth-enhanced soil decomposition under climate change. Here, we field-surveyed plant regrowth conditions 2 years aft

A Methodology Using Monte-Carlo Simulation on Nanoindentation Deconvolution for Metal Classification

This paper investigates a methodology for the precise statistical deconvolution of hardness properties within various metallic matrix multiphase materials. The central focus is on accurately characterizing mechanical behaviour in the context of complex materials. To meet these objectives, we implemented an approach involving nanoindentation analyses of the selected materials. This technique allowe

Analysis of the Efficiency of a Hypercar Gearbox

The performance of a transmission is instrumental to the performance of a vehicle’s powertrain. In the hypercar industry, where lap time performance has a larger influence on the design of vehicle components than in normal vehicles, the impact that the transmission has is further emphasized. One key parameter to understand and model is the efficiency of the transmission, which affects acceleration

Dichotomous Effects of Glypican-4 on Cancer Progression and Its Crosstalk with Oncogenes

Glypicans are linked to various aspects of neoplastic behavior, and their therapeutic value has been proposed in different cancers. Here, we have systematically assessed the impact of GPC4 on cancer progression through functional genomics and transcriptomic analyses across a broad range of cancers. Survival analysis using TCGA cancer patient data reveals divergent effects of GPC4 expression across