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Designed Exchangeable Rim Protection Device

A common, and reoccurring, problem with aluminum alloy car wheel rims is their ease of becoming scratched and damaged during normal operation. This phenomenon is unwanted not only as it aggravates visual appearance, but also as scratches and chippings can contribute to unsuitable product property changes. The study aims at developing one, or several, product concepts of how to protect aluminu

Datorbaserat stödsystem för produktutvecklingsprocessen - Företagsintern effektivisering och kvalitetssäkring

Problem: How can a medium-sized technical consultant company, which drastically expands, both by number and geographically, maintain and improve the quality of the product development process, continue to make better products and at the same time live up to the regulatory demands of today? How can a consultant company work easier and more effective using one mutual tool, despite diverse types

Kaffebryggare för mobilt bruk

Problem statement Perform a thorough concept study based on the task of investigating the difficulties which arise when applying a coffeemaker for mobile use. Method Ulrich & Eppinger, Product Design and Development Conclusion The fall-out of the Master Thesis was a proper mapping of the target group and its sectors of application resulting in a modular concept designed for the users to

COLLAGE the kitchen demystified

"What should we have for dinner?" is one of the most challenging and anxiety provoking questions of today. In a society where appreciation for eating rituals and common knowledge about food have been almost lost, a new look at layout, space and functions of kitchens is needed to demystify and dedramatize the dogmatic image people have of cooking so they can rediscover the fun in the kitc

Vilka parametrar är viktiga och avgörande för konsumenterna i deras val av bröd i butiken? - En fallstudie av Pågen

De senaste åren har man sett en trend i att fler människor än tidigare äter mer nyttig mat. Till följden av denna konsumtionstrend har konsumtionen av produkter som innehåller mycket kalorier, fett, socker och salt minskat. Konsumenten idag ställer allt större krav på kvaliteten i den dagliga kosten. För att blidka konsumenterna och hävda sig i konkurrensen lovar leverantören i sin marknadsföring

Läroprocesser i en kulturell kontext - Ett musikprojekt i Gambia för och med svenska och gambiska högstadieungdomar

Learning processes in a cultural context. – A music project with Swedish and Gambian secondary school students. This essay is about a cross-cultural music performance project between Swedish and Gambian youths. As a researcher, I am especially interested in learning processes among youth musicians. I have the focus on the young peoples learning processes. This interest perspective in this topic ha

HIV/AIDS i Sydafrika

Sydafrika är ett av de länder som har drabbats hårdast av HIV/AIDS. Statens agerande är avgörande för hur man kan begränsa epidemin. Men de policys som skapats har haft brister och kritiserats både inom och utanför landet. Mycket av kritiken har härrört bristen på behandling mot HIV/AIDS. I den senaste policyn 2007-2011 ingår en tydlig strategi för implementering av ARV-behandling, något som tidig

Hybrida Regimer: Den Tredje Vågens Gissel - Fallstudie Malaysia

Varför sker det inte en fullständig demokratisering i fallet Malaysia? Samuel Huntington skrev i sin klassiska bok The Third Wave om att de då auktoritära staterna skulle gå igenom en kollektiv förändring och bli liberala demokratier. Denna tes visade sig vara felaktig. Det visade sig istället att demokratiseringsprocessen inte är en rak process och att många stater stannar halvvägs och blir så ka

Relationer i dagligvaruhandeln

Abstract The food retail market of today constitutes a great number of relationships, both vis-à-vis customers as well as suppliers, which stress the importance of the retail operator to keep an attentive outlook. With this, environmental issues has raised questions to what extend retail transportation can be carried out with greater consideration to environmental aspects, which increases the pres

The Recommendation Generation - En magisteruppsats om konsumtionsbeteende hos Generation Y ur en direkthandelskontext.

Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka hur köpbeteende och intresse för varumärken skapas hos Generation Y i Sverige och hur detta kan leda till köpbeslut. Undersökningen genomförs med fokus på ett företag vars försäljning sker via direkthandel. Frågeställningar: Vilka faktorer påverkar Generation Y:s konsumtionsbeteende? Hur ser detta konsumtionsbeteende ut i en direkthandels kontext? Met

How can innovation contribute to economic growth? Focusing on research productivity and the commercialisation process

The aim of this thesis is to give a clearer empirical picture of innovations and its connection to economic growth. As a point of departure we use an endogenous growth model, the Romer model, to theoretically develop this connection. This is shown through a modified equation for accumulation of technology. The model was extended with a modified variable for research productivity and a new variable

Åldersförändringarnas påverkan i kroppen, livet och köket - en konceptstudie

This master thesis has been carried out in collaboration between Lund Institute of Technology and the department Kitchen&Dining at IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult. The aim for this project has been to develop new products in the kitchen in hence to make everyday life easier for people above 50 years and at the same time make it better for all IKEA’s customers. Enhanced general health conditions

Development of Atmospheric Water Generator

Problem statement: Consumption of bottled water has increased considerably the last decade. Transportation of bottles and exploration of natural wells, effect the environment negatively. By developing a product that produces pure and safe drinking water right on the spot, would both save money for the customer and spare the environment. Purpose: The primary target goal has been to come up with

Love, Peace and Sharing

The level of consumption has increased rapidly during the last century and the current consumption patterns are unsustainable and have enormous negative impact on the people and environment of our planet. Although we in the rich countries have a very high material standard and can buy everything we need or wish research has shown that we feel less happy and have an increasing level of mental ill-h

Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese state owned enterprises

The interest in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown tremendously within the last decades. Due to the pressure from different stakeholders, this concept was introduced by multinational corporations (MNC) in China. Since the strong focus on economic growth has been determining the way of doing business, environmental and social concerns were not taken into account appropriately. Since MN

Federalismens påverkan på den tjetjenska konflikten

Uppsatsen diskuterar federalismen och de för- och nackdelar den kan innebära i ett område som är etniskt delat. Vi har valt att titta närmare på Tjetjenien och hur Rysslands federala politik har haft en inverkan på konflikten där. Uppsatsens centrala moment är federalismens möjliga konfliktlösande effekter och den decentralisering och centraliserings politik som Ryssland fört. Vi kommer sedan att

Wh(y) Facebook? En kvalitativ studie om hur Generation Y samspelar med sina gemenskaper på den virtuella mötesplatsen Facebook.

Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att ta reda på hur och på vilka sätt Generation Y (80-talisten) agerar med sina gemenskaper på den virtuella mötesplatsen Facebook. Metod: Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär och bygger på en metod som kallas fokusgrupp. Målet med fokusgrupper är att deltagarnas åsikter ska komma till tals och diskussionerna utgår från deltagarnas erfarenheter av ett specifikt ämn

Automatisk planteringsmaskin

Problem discussion: BCC:s product portfolio includes a transplanting machine that plants seedlings from trays to the field. The machine is more than 10 years old and need improvements to meet future demands from customers around the world. The main issues are that the machine does not have the capacity to detect missing plants from trays, the planting speed needs to be higher and the row distance

V-Brake - nästa generations friktionsbroms

Our master thesis is performed for Faiveley Transport AB, Landskrona. The company’s main business area is development and assembly of complete brake systems, wheels and couplings for railway vehicles. The company is currently working on a project, V-Brake, to develop a new competitive brake. Earlier two students, T. Persson and J. Mårtensson, have been working with the development of the brake, bu

Corporate Strategic Management of Global Expansion--Study for Max of entering into China by franchising

The thesis investigates and analyzes the possibility for Max entering to China¡¯s fast food market. And the focal mode of the entry here would be franchising. The core conceptual framework of the thesis is based on Decision-Making Model for International Franchising of Mahmood A. Khan. While in order to make the framework fit the purpose of this study much better, Mahmood¡¯s model was developed an