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Literary Public Spheres

Torbjörn Forslid & Anders Ohlsson, "Introduction: Literary Public Spheres" Patrik Lundell, "Participation, Representation and Media System: Habermasian Paths to the Past" Emma Eldelin, "An Amateur’s Raid in a World of Specialists? The Swedish Essay in Contemporary Public Debates" Ann Steiner, "Personal Readings and Public Texts: Book Blogs and Online Writing about Literature" Karin Sarsenov

Refractometry of microscopic objects using digital holography

Digital holography has some desirable properties for refractometry of microscopic objects since it gives phase and amplitude information of an object in all depths of focus from one set of exposures. The refractive index of the object can be determined by observation of the movements of the Becke lines between different focus depths. It is also shown that one single phase image provides an independ

Analytical Stiffness Optimization of High-Precision Hexapods for Large Optical Telescope Applications

An analytical stiffness and eigenfrequency model of symmetric parallel 6-6 Stewart platforms (hexapods) is developed based on geometrical design variables to optimize the dynamical performance. The model is based upon Lagrangean dynamics in which the Bryant angles are used for the kinematics formulation. With the analytical eigenfrequency model, optimum stiffness characteristics can be obtained fo

Unilateral refusal to supply: An agreement in disguise?

From a company perspective it is easier to develop a marketing strategy within a company than to arrange it in collaboration with others. Internal affairs can be controlled but agreements are left to the discretion of authorities. European competition policy suffers from a system failure discriminating against vertical agreements in favor of integrated organizations. Non-dominant companies should

South Indian Tibetans: Development Dynamics in the Early Stages of the Tibetan Refugee Settlement Lugs zung bsam grub gling, Bylakuppe

This article reports on an ongoing sociological study of the first Tibetan refugee settlement established in India, Lukzung SamdruplingLugs zung bsam grub gling located in Bylakuppe near Mysore. Data from camp registers and the old files of the settlement office have been digitalized and subjected to an exploratory analysis that focuses on two interconnected issues: resource competition between th

Strategic communication: An introduction

Strategic communication comprises different forms of goal-oriented communication inside and between organizations, their stakeholders and the society. Strategic communication is an emerging practice and research field integrating established disciplines such as public relations, organizational communication and marketing communication into a holistic framework. The field is based on an awareness o