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The importance of learning in supporting energy efficiency technologies - A Case Study on Policy Intervention for Improved Insulation in Germany, the UK and Sweden

To combat climate change, different types of initiatives and policy instruments are required to support the development and dissemination of new energy efficient technologies. What type of policy instruments shall be used is, however, not pre-determined. To advance knowledge in how to design successful policy instruments, evaluations and deep-analyses are needed; this to better understand the role

Archaeological field survey - methods and problems

The advantages and disadvantages of field survey as a method for locating possible Stone and Bronze Age sites are described. Survey in the spring was favorable for finding Stone Age sites, while autumn survey was more successful for locating Bronze Age sites.

Design for cognitive assistance

In Sweden over the last twenty years, many people with developmental disabilities have chosen to move into their own apartments with different types of assistance. For most of them it has resulted in increased personal responsibility for household chores

Optimization of Plate Thickness Controller

The purpose of this paper is to describe the optimization of the thickness control system on the hot rolling mill at The Danish Steel Work Ltd. The optimization is done by replacing the existing linear analog thickness controller with a nonlinear digital controller.

National champions

The intervention presents President Sarkozy’s controversial statements in relation to the elimination of Article 3(1)(g) in the TEC and discusses potential future consequences in line with the Swedish article (2009:1) Efter 50 år – mindre principer och mer politik i konkurrensrätten.