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Nostalgic Nationalism, Welfare Chauvinism, and Migration Anxieties in Central and Eastern Europe

This contribution examines, in the Central and Eastern European context, the interplay between ideals of national specificity, welfare chauvinist appeals, and emerging politics of migration, for the purpose of providing welfare provision to a narrowly defined ethnic group, as promoted by right-wing populist parties in the region. We suggest a comparative framework to account the various positions

News satire engagement as a transgressive space for genre work

News satire plays with the political in ways that transgress journalistic as well as social and moral boundaries. But the ways in which audiences in different contexts engage with news satire are under-researched, despite the implications of the genre’s role for contemporary citizenship. This article asks how Swedish young adult audiences construct and negotiate news satire’s inherent transgressio

Near-threshold π-photoproduction on the deuteron

The first experimental investigation of the near-threshold cross section for incoherent π-photoproduction on the deuteron γd→π-pp is presented. The experimental technique involved detection of the ≈131 MeV γ ray resulting from the radiative capture of photoproduced π-in the target. The total cross section was measured using an unpolarized tagged-photon beam, a liquid-deuterium target, and three ve

Protein-altering germline mutations implicate novel genes related to lung cancer development

Few germline mutations are known to affect lung cancer risk. We performed analyses of rare variants from 39,146 individuals of European ancestry and investigated gene expression levels in 7,773 samples. We find a large-effect association with an ATM L2307F (rs56009889) mutation in adenocarcinoma for discovery (adjusted Odds Ratio = 8.82, P = 1.18 × 10−15) and replication (adjusted OR = 2.93, P = 2

On the Optimal Control of Relaxation Systems

The relaxation systems are an important subclass of the passive systems that arise naturally in applications. We exploit the fact that they have highly structured state-space realisations to derive analytical solutions to some simple H-infinity type optimal control problems. The resulting controllers are also relaxation systems, and often sparse. This makes them ideal candidates for applications i

A network model and numerical simulations of flow distributions in packed bed reactors with different packing structures

Due to the high specific surface area, packed bed reactors are widely used in real engineering applications. The flow distribution, which is highly dependent on the packing structure, can be vital for the heat/mass transfer and reaction performances. This makes the study of the flow distribution in packed beds quite important. In the present paper, an equivalent network model based on the Voronoi

The dependence of the consumption of dissolved oxygen on lake morphology in ice covered lakes.

The consumption of oxygen in ice covered lakes is analyzed and related to biological oxygen demand and sediment oxygen demand. An approach for computing dissolved oxygen concentration is suggested assuming horizontally mixed waters and negligible vertical dispersion. It is found that the depletion of dissolved oxygen is mainly due to the transfer of oxygen at the water/sediment interface. The morp

Reduced immune responsiveness contributes to winter energy conservation in an Arctic bird

Animals in seasonal environments must prudently manage energyexpenditure to survive the winter. This may be achieved throughreductions in the allocation of energy for various purposes (e.g.thermoregulation, locomotion, etc.). We studied whether such tradeoffsalso include suppression of the innate immune response, bysubjecting captive male Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutahyperborea) to bacterial liAnimals in seasonal environments must prudently manage energyexpenditure to survive the winter. This may be achieved throughreductions in the allocation of energy for various purposes (e.g.thermoregulation, locomotion, etc.). We studied whether such tradeoffsalso include suppression of the innate immune response, bysubjecting captive male Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutahyperborea) to bacterial li

Evaluation of burst failure robustness of control systems in the fog

This paper investigates the robustness of control systems when a controller is run in a Fog environment. Control systems in the Fog are introduced and a discussion regarding relevant faults is presented. A preliminary investigation of the robustness properties of a MinSeg case study is presented and commented. The discussion is then used to outline future lines of research.

The Impact of Anastomotic Leakage on Long-term Function after Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer

BACKGROUND: It is still not clear whether anastomotic leakage after anterior resection for rectal cancer affects long-term functional outcome. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate how anastomotic leakage following anterior resection for rectal cancer influences defecatory, urinary, and sexual function. DESIGN: In this retrospective population-based cohort study, patients were identified through

Ethnic rights as human rights : The case of the Baltic states and Hungary

In the twentieth century, national self-determination came to be regarded as a basic human right. This concept served as the ideological foundation for both the establishment of successor states in Central and Eastern Europe after World War I and the decolonization of the Third World after World War II. All the problems were brought into focus by the new wave of ethnic nationalism that began in Ce

Dopaminergic Progenitors Derived From Epiblast Stem Cells Function Similarly to Primary VM-Derived Progenitors When Transplanted Into a Parkinson’s Disease Model

Neural transplantation in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) offers to replace cells lost during the progression of the disease process. Primary fetal ventral mesencephalon (VM), the origin of bona fide midbrain dopaminergic (DAergic) precursors, is currently the gold standard source of cells for transplantation in PD. However, the use of tissue from this source raises eth

The Role of Grain Boundaries on Ionic Defect Migration in Metal Halide Perovskites

Halide perovskites are emerging as revolutionary materials for optoelectronics. Their ionic nature and the presence of mobile ionic defects within the crystal structure have a dramatic influence on the operation of thin-film devices such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and transistors. Thin films are often polycrystalline and it is still under debate how grain boundaries affect the migratio

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This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for presbyvestibulopathy (PVP) by the Classification Committee of the Bárány Society. PVP is defined as a chronic vestibular syndrome characterized by unsteadiness, gait disturbance, and/or recurrent falls in the presence of mild bilateral vestibular deficits, with findings on laboratory tests that are between normal values and thresholds established fo

Dynamics of fungal and bacterial groups and their carbon sources during the growing season of maize in a long-term experiment

The relative contribution of different microbial groups to soil organic matter (SOM) turnover and utilisation of rhizodeposits during a cropping season has remained largely unknown. We used a long-term field experiment (started in 1956), in which C3 crops were replaced with C4 silage maize in 2000, to investigate dynamics of fungi and bacterial groups and their utilisation of ‘young-C4’ and ‘old-C

What if everyone becomes a sharer? A quantification of the environmental impact of access-based consumption for household laundry activities

In order to meet the EU's climate and resource efficiency targets, changes in our daily-life behaviours, as well as business models, are urgently necessary. More insights are needed to make real changes based on research with a systems perspective. We developed a system dynamics model to analyse the environmental benefits of a transition from ownership-based to access-based household laundry activ

Photoinduced phase segregation and degradation of perovskites revealed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Pb-based perovskite absorbers with organic (i.e., CH3NH3+) and inorganic (i.e., Cs+) cations and a halide composition of 75% Br and 25% I are investigated with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy while submitted to environmental stress factors to study their stability. Changes in chemical properties of the absorbers were monitored in ultra-high vacuum and under simulated solar, as well as, x-ray irra

Effector-driven marker development and cloning of resistance genes against Phytophthora infestans in potato breeding clone SW93-1015

KEY MESSAGE: We show the usefulness of integrating effector screening in a breeding program and in resistance gene cloning, with Phytophthora resistance in the Swedish potato breeding clone SW93-1015 as an example. Phytophthora infestans is one of the most devastating plant pathogens worldwide. We have earlier found that the SW93-1015 potato breeding clone has an efficient resistance against P. in

Arthroscopic meniscectomy versus non-surgical or sham treatment in patients with MRI confirmed degenerative meniscus lesions : A protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis

Introduction: Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM) after degenerative meniscus tears is one of the most frequently performed surgeries in orthopaedics. Although several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have been published that showed no clear benefit compared with sham treatment or non-surgical treatment, the incidence of APM remains high. The common perception by most orthopaedic surgeons i