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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Within-person change in patient-reported outcomes and their association with the wish to undergo joint surgery during a digital first-line intervention for osteoarthritis

AIM: To study the association between within-person changes in patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) and wish for joint surgery during participation in a digital first-line intervention comprising exercise and education for knee/hip osteoarthritis (OA).METHODS: Retrospective observational registry study. Participants enrolled between 01/06/2018 and 30/10/2021 with follow-up data at 3 months (n=13,961)

Aktivitetsbalans i vardagen: upplevelser hur betalt arbete påverkar variationen av aktiviteter.

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsbalans syftar till individers upplevelser av variation av aktiviteter i vardagen. Avsaknad av variation på aktiviteter kan leda till minskade upplevelser av aktivitetsbalans. Betalt arbete kan leda till att struktur, rutin och identitet formas i vardagen, samt kan motsatt leda till stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa utifrån negativa faktorer på arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Studiens syfte

Occupational balance among Swedish working academics at the age of 65 and beyond

Backgrund: Academics in retirement age are the longest working professional group in Sweden. The need for a prolonged working life among other professions has been arising due to the aging population and its various implications for society. Occupational balance is associated with subjective health and wellbeing as well as work ability thus potentially, having an impact on an individuals’ decision

Sveriges tillämpning av EU:s dataskyddsförordning är oförenlig med unionsrätten-Handlingsoffentlighet och frivilligt utgivningsbevis i förhållande till unionsrätten

I uppsatsen presenteras en undersökning av de svenska grundlagsbestämmelserna avseende handlingsoffentlighet och frivilligt utgivningsbevis i förhållande till Europeiska unionens (EU) dataskyddsförordning (2016/679). Inom ramen för svensk rätt har var och en rätten att ta del av en allmän handling med tillhörande personuppgifter. Vidare kan hemsidor beviljas ett frivilligt utgivningsbevis innebäraThe essay presents an examination of the Swedish constitutional provisions regarding public documents and voluntary release certificates in relation to the European Union's (EU) data protection regulation (2016/679). Within the framework of Swedish law, everyone has the right to access a public document with associated personal data. Furthermore, websites can be granted a voluntary publication

Freedom in the Digital Age - VAT challenges from data as currency and the platform economy

2000-talet har introducerat nya sätt att bedriva e-handel, med plattformsekonomin som suddar ut gränserna för vilken person som tillhandahåller tjänster från ett mervärdesskatteperspektiv. Bitcoin har blivit pengar för internetåldern. Naturrättsteorin visar överlägsenheten av beslut från den opersonliga marknaden, samtidigt som man inser vikten av lagen och moralen. I både ”public choice”- teorinThe 21st century has introduced new ways of carrying on e-commerce, with the platform economy blurring the lines on the person supplying services for VAT purposes, and with Bitcoin becoming honest money for the internet age. Natural rights theory demonstrates the superiority of decisions by the impersonal market, while recognizing the importance of the law and morality. In both the theory of publ

Integrin α10β1-selected mesenchymal stem cells reduced hypercoagulopathy in a porcine model of acute respiratory distress syndrome

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been studied for their potential benefits in treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and have reported mild effects when trialed within human clinical trials. MSCs have been investigated in preclinical models with efficacy when administered at the time of lung injury. Human integrin α10β1-selected adipose tissue-derived MSCs (integrin α10β1-MSCs) have

How does Monetary Policy Affect the Inflation Rate? A Study of the Riksbank's Monetary Policy from 2000-2019

This thesis examines how the Riksbank’s monetary policy has affected the Swedish CPI inflation rate from 2000 to 2019. This thesis aims to determine if monetary policy is effective at controlling inflation. There is an emphasis on exploring the differences between conventional and unconventional monetary policy. A multiple linear regression model is used to test the relationship between inflation

"They Just Fall Away From The World" - En socialantropologiskt granskning och analys över varför hundratals barn faller bort från världen i uppgivenhetssyndromet

This thesis aims to examine the mechanisms behind the psychiatric diagnosis resignation syndrome and why and/or how it emerged in Sweden in the early 2000s. In addition to this the thesis also aspires to explore the reasons behind why the diagnosis has fallen victim to such a large amount of criticism and suspicion. Through a literature study empirical data, consisting of primarily academic and sc

Ethnology : In Close Contact with Thoughts and Things

This is part one of a two-part series on the role of ethnology as a humanistic discipline, particularly its contribution to understanding the cultural impact of current medical practices and research. Ethnology describes itself as a science that takes the pulse of society. How this is carried out and what questions ethnology asks is the overarching theme throughout the two parts of the series. In

Sorghantering i förhållande till vuxna kvinnors aktivitetsidentitet vid förlust av förälder.

Bakgrund: Att förlora sin förälder i vuxen ålder är vanligt förekommande och har en stor inverkan på de anhörigas vardag och välmående. Sorg och förlust efter att ha förlorat en förälder påverkar individer på olika sätt och beror på sorgens karaktär där dödsförloppet och händelser i anslutning till förlusten är avgörande för individens sorg. Under livets gång förändras individens aktivitet och ideIntroduction: Loss of a parent in adulthood is a common experience which has a great impact on the relatives' everyday life and well being. Grief and loss after losing a parent affects individuals in different ways, which is dependent on the character of grief, where the course of death and occurrences in relation to this is crucial in the outcome of an individual's grief. Through life the

Alveolar epithelial cells are competent producers of interstitial extracellular matrix with disease relevant plasticity in a human in vitro 3D model

Alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) have been implicated in pathological remodelling. We examined the capacity of AEC to produce extracellular matrix (ECM) and thereby directly contribute towards remodelling in chronic lung diseases. Cryopreserved type 2 AEC (AEC2) from healthy lungs and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) afflicted lungs were cultured in decellularized healthy human lung sli

Kartläggning av sensoriska interventioner inom psykiatrisk slutenvård och dess potentiella inverkan på delaktighet i aktivitet för personer med psykisk ohälsa - en litteraturöversikt.

Bakgrund: Personer som vistas inom psykiatrisk slutenvård upplever ofta svårigheter att hantera sensoriska intryck, vilket kan leda till aktivitetsbegränsningar. Slutenvården präglas av metoder såsom tvångsvård och isolering, vilket medför ytterligare begränsningar kring delaktighet i aktivitet. Forskning visar dock att tvångsvården minskar vid användning av sensoriska interventioner och pati

Perinatally acquired HIV-positive status disclosure and associated factors in Dire Dawa and Harar, Eastern Ethiopia: a health facility-based cross-sectional study

Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the level and factors associated with caregivers’ disclosure of perinatally HIV-infected (PHIV+) children’s seropositive status.Design We conducted a cross-sectional study in five public health facilities providing HIV treatment and care in Dire Dawa and Harar, Eastern Ethiopia. The data were collected from 310 caregivers through face-to-face intervie

Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems within the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance Network

Health and demographic surveillance systems (HDSSs) provide a foundation for characterizing and defining priorities and strategies for improving population health. The Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) project aims to inform policy to prevent child deaths through generating causes of death from surveillance data combined with innovative diagnostic and laboratory methods.

Kriget mellan supportrar och Polismyndigheten

This paper examines the relationship between Swedish football supporters and regulating policies from the police authorities. The main aim is to understand the supporters point of view regarding their role within the swedish football’s structure, and determine what makes them feel threatened by policies, as well as to shed light to the consequences from policy-application. This is done from interv

The design of evacuation alarms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing

The ability to hear is essential for receiving auditory signals, which serve as warnings and alerts in many situations, including fire evacuation. However, people with hearing impairments may miss out such signals and can be exposed to dangerous situations. This is particularly relevant in scenarios where audible alarms are the primary form of alert, such as in fire scenarios, natural hazards, or

Språkmodeller inom högre utbildning: En kvalitativ studie av två av LUSEM:s större utbildningsinstitutioners acceptans av språkmodeller

Denna uppsats undersöker hur språkmodeller används och upplevs av lärare och ledning inom högre utbildning. Genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie har empiri samlats in, därefter analyseras den för att ge svar på frågor om användning och acceptans av teknologin inom högre utbildning. Resultaten visar att det finns en tydlig positiv bild från respondenterna på institutionen för informatik, medan respon

Algae’s Resourcification

Algae’s interest in the past decade has grown rapidly, with several actors showing this interest within their plans. Drawing on critical resource geography insights on the social production of resources and a conceptual framework built on top of it, this thesis has as its aim the comprehension of to what extent algae’s transformation into a resource is occurring within Europe and Denmark. This res