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Spatial implications of discourses of progress
Initial Characterization of Massive Multi-User MIMO Channels at 2.6 GHz in Indoor and Outdoor Environments
The channel properties have a large influence on user separability in massive multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (massive MIMO) systems. In this paper we present spatio-temporal characteristics obtained from massive MIMO channel measurements at 2.6 GHz. The results are based on data acquired in both indoor and outdoor scenarios where a base station equipped with 64 dual-polarized antenna el
Negative Subsequent Memory Effect in ERP: Modeling and Data.
Estimation of Performance Loss Due to Delay in Channel Feedback in MIMO Systems
Latency of available channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter in time-varying channels greatly affects the performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We have derived a simple algorithm to calculate an approximation of the expected performance loss based on the most recent channel feedback. The proposed algorithm can be used to determine the maximum tolerable channel fe
Global Disequilibrium and the Race for Global Inward FDI
The influence of grain orientation on fatigue growth of a short crack in the vicinity of a grain boundary
Laminated winding with rapid cooling capability for electrical machines
Missbruk av marknadsdominerande ställning och möjligheterna till fusionskontroll enligt svensk rätt
I föregående nummer av samfundets tidskrift behandlades olika aspekter på missbruk av marknadsdominerande ställning inom den europeiska ekonomiska gemenskapen – EEC. I denna artikel diskuteras motsvarande problem från en svensk utgångspunkt med stöd av då gällande konkurrenslagstiftning.
Italienska klichéer lukrativa på film
Review essay about Peter Bondanella, Hollywood Italians: Dagos, Palookas, Romeos, Wise Guys, and Sopranos (Continuum, 352 s)
Antonym canonicity
Smoking and Breast Cancer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kvinnor som har slutat röka löper ökad risk att drabbas av bröstcancer. Denna slutsats baseras på en uppföljning av drygt 10.000 kvinnor som på 70- och 80-talen deltog i en hälsoundersökning på avdelningen för Förebyggande Medicin i Malmö. Genom att samköra denna databas med det svenska cancerregistret har det varit möjligt att spåra hur många av rökarna, ex-rökarna ochEx-smokers are exposed to a higher breast cancer risk than are never smokers. This conclusion is based on a follow-up of the 10 902 women in the Malmö Preventive Project. The 31% higher incidence in ex-smokers remained statistically significant when other risk factors were taken into account in the analysis. In both smokers and ex-smokers there was an increased incidence of oestrogen receptor nega
RS(23,17) decoder for UWB
This paper presents the Reed-Solomon (RS) decoder for multiband OFDM(MB-OFDM) ultra-wideband(UWB). In UWB system, RS (23,17) code is adopted. To achieve high throughput and small area, two iterative Modified Euclidean (ME) blocks are proposed to work by turns in this paper. The architectures of syndrome block, ME block, Chien search block, Forney block are presented later in detail. At last, this
Joint action: Attentional intersubjectivity and theory of mind
Arm Lymphoedema, Shoulder Mobility and Muscle Strength after Breast Cancer Treatment ? A Prospective 2-year Study
Arm lymphoedema and impaired shoulder mobility and muscle strength are well known side-effects to breast cancer treatment. The aim of this prospective study was to follow closely and describe the arm volume, range of motion of the shoulder and muscle strength of the shoulder and hand after breast cancer treatment in order to form a basis for further studies in the area including physiotherapy inte
Digital preshaping of ultrasonic signals: equipment and applications
Studies of various aspects of the proton structure in deep inelastic scattering at HERA and identification of quark and gluon jets
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Progression i progymnasmata
Temat “Retorik och lärande” fångar den pedagogiska dimensionen av retoriken som ett undervisningsämne. Historiskt har utgångspunkten varit de retoriska övningarna, progymnasmata. Min översättning av Afthonios progymnasmata publicerades 2002 under titeln Retoriska övningar. I mina kurser har vi återupptagit dessa övningar så att studenterna gradvis lär sig retorikens grunder. Övningsserien bygger p