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Characteristics of adolescents with poor mental health after bariatric surgery

BACKGROUND: About 20% of adolescents experience substantial mental health problems after bariatric surgery.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to explore differences between adolescents with poor mental health (PMH) 2 years after surgery and those with average/good mental health.SETTING: Three university hospitals in Sweden.METHODS: Mental health and health-related quality of life were assessed

High risks of maternal and perinatal complications in singletons born after oocyte donation

INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have shown an increased risk of obstetric complications in pregnancies after oocyte donation (OD). The present study includes all singletons born after OD during 10 years in Sweden.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study that included data from all Swedish in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics between 2003 and 2012 was performed. Data were cross-linked with

Workplace Incivility in a Swedish Context

The present study investigated workplace incivility in a Swedish context. The first aim was to assess how common the phenomenon is and the second was to study which groups (gender, age, ethnicity, and power position) are most targeted by workplace incivility and are more prone to act in an uncivil way. Additionally, the relationships between experienced and witnessed incivility and well-being as wThe present study investigated workplace incivility in a Swedish context. The first aim was to assess how common the phenomenon is and the second was to study which groups (gender, age, ethnicity, and power position) are most targeted by workplace incivility and are more prone to act in an uncivil way. Additionally, the relationships between experienced and witnessed incivility and wellbeing as we

High-pressure properties of TiP2O7, ZrP2O7 and ZrV2O7

High-pressure synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction studies of TiP2O7, ZrP2O7 and ZrV2O7 have been performed. The ZrV2O7 structure undergoes a reversible transition at 1.38-1.58 GPa from cubic α- to pseudo-tetragonal β-ZrV2O7 that displays an orthorhombic 2 × 3 × 3 supercell. At pressures above 4 GPa, ZrV2O7 becomes irreversibly X-ray amorphous. No such transformations are observed for TiP2O7 and Z

Pressure-induced invar effect in Fe-Ni alloys

A study was conducted to quantify the extraordinary feature of materials of becoming easier to squeeze when pressure is applied to them. This feature was verified by measurements of P-V relations for cubic iron-nickel alloys for three different compositions: Fe0.64Ni0.36, Fe0.55Ni0.45, and Fe0.20Ni0.80.

Activities of Daily Living – Outcome During Three Years in Donepezil Treated Alzheimer Patients.

Objectives: To analyse and present the outcome of longitudinal change and possible subgroups with respect to Activities of daily living (ADL) function measured by different scales (PSMS, FAST and IADL) in patients treated with donepezil for three years (n=435). Methods: The Swedish Alzheimer Treatment Study (SATS) is an open, 3-year, multicentre study in a routine clinical setting. The patients we

Antwort Gottes : The Use of Psalms in Deutero-Isaiah

In this article, I ask if Deutero-Isaiah, by adapting earlier forms of psalms, also in some way might have preserved or reshaped the contents of earlier psalms, and suggests that two basic notions of use could be observed. While complaint psalms provided means for a message of hope, royal psalms were collectively reinterpretated, and re-oriented towards the future.

Relationship between functional disability and costs one and two years post stroke

Background and purpose Stroke affects mortality, functional ability, quality of life and incurs costs. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the costs of stroke care in Sweden by level of disability and stroke type (ischemic (IS) or hemorrhagic stroke (ICH)). Method Resource use during first and second year following a stroke was estimated based on a research database containing link