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Room-temperature InP/InAsP Quantum Discs-in-Nanowire Infrared Photodetectors

The possibility to engineer nanowire heterostructures with large bandgap variations is particularly interesting for technologically important broadband photodetector applications. Here we report on a combined study of design, fabrication, and optoelectronic properties of infrared photodetectors comprising four million n+–i–n+ InP nanowires periodically ordered in arrays. The nanowires were grown b

Sparse coding with unity range codes and label consistent discriminative dictionary learning

A novel sparse coding framework with unity range codes and the possibility to produce a discriminative dictionary is presented. The framework is, in contrast to many other works, able to handle unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised settings. Furthermore, codes are constrained to be in unity range, which is beneficial in many scenarios. The paper presents the framework and solvers used to pr

Rat retinal ganglion cells upregulate the pro-apoptotic BH3-only protein Bim after optic nerve transection

Increased expression of Bim, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family, has been shown to be critical for neuronal apoptosis. To study the involvement of Bim in injury-induced cell death in retina, Bim expression was studied in normal rat retina and in retina after optic nerve transection using quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. As a complement to this, the apoptotic regulators Bax, Bc

In photosynthesis, oxygen comes from water: from a 1787 book for women by Monsieur De Fourcroy

It is now well established that the source ofoxygen in photosynthesis is water. The earliest suggestionpreviously known to us had come from Rene´ BernardWurmser (1930). Here, we highlight an earlier report byMonsieur De Fourcroy (1787), who had already discussedthe broad outlines of such a hypothesis in a book onChemistry written for women. We present here a freetranslation of a passage from this

Homogenization of lepidopteran communities in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes

Landscape simplification and habitat fragmentation may cause severe declines of less mobile and habitat specialist species and lead to biotic homogenization of species communities, but large-scale empirical evidence on biotic homogenization remains sparse. We sampled butterfly and day-active geometrid moth communities within 134 differently fragmented landscapes in Finland situated in five geograp

Tractor Incidence on Swedish roads

Compared with other industries, agriculture is the most dangerous branch in Sweden. In 2004,at least one injury occurred on 8% of Swedish farms that resulted in body impairments andconstituted obstacle at work. Beside the injuries that occured on the farms farmers also areinvolved in incidents with tractors and other slow-moving vehicles (SMVs) on the roadsoutside the farms.

Quality of Government

The authors argue that the concept of quality of government should be best understood as that of having impartial government institutions. This definition avoids functionalism, ignores the contents of specific policies in favor of the procedures for how they are implemented, and pertain to the output side of the political system. They discuss this concept in relation to several proposed alternativ

Implementation of a Highly-Parallel Soft-Output MIMO Detector with Fast Node Enumeration

This paper presents a high throughput, low latency soft-output signal detector for a 4×4 64-QAM MIMO system. To achieve high data-level parallelism and accurate soft information, the detector adopts a node perturbation technique to generate a list of candidate vectors around Zero Forcing, ZF, result. Additionally a fast and hardware friendly node enumeration scheme is developed to significantly re

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- Racismo en las Americas. Mänskliga rättigheter Buenos Aires Universitet i samarbete med APDHB (Asamblea Permanente por los derechos humanos) Buenos Aires. Argentina. Föredrag i workshop 10-12 juni.

A 28 GHz SiGe QVCO and divider for an 81-86 GHz E-band beam steering transmitter PLL

This paper presents a QVCO and divider for a 28 GHz SiGe PLL. It was designed in a SiGe process with fT= 200 GHz. The PLL is intended to be used for beam steering in an 81-86 GHz E-band transmitter. Phase control is implemented by programmable current injection into the loop filter. The simulations in Spectre use a layout extracted view with parasitics for the QVCO and the frequency divider and an